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Balancing Faction Teams If Statement



	public Collection<L2PcInstance> getAllgoodPlayers()
		return _allgoodPlayers.values();
	public Collection<L2PcInstance> getAllevilPlayers()
		return _allevilPlayers.values();

How can I turn this into an IF statement that checks how many players are on each faction? This is what I have now:


if ((goods - evils) >= 2)
player.sendMessage("There are too many players fighting for Blue. Try joining Red.");

This means that if for example there are 10 people on Good and 5 people on Evil:

10 - 5 = 5, which is greater than 2, so force the player to join Evil instead.


Obviously this IF statement is not working because 'goods' and 'evils' aren't integers. Any idea how I can make this work?


Thanks in advance!



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public Collection<L2PcInstance> getAllgoodPlayers()
		return _allgoodPlayers.values();
	public Collection<L2PcInstance> getAllevilPlayers()
		return _allevilPlayers.values();
How can I turn this into an IF statement that checks how many players are on each faction? This is what I have now:



if ((goods - evils) >= 2)
player.sendMessage("There are too many players fighting for Blue. Try joining Red.");
This means that if for example there are 10 people on Good and 5 people on Evil:

10 - 5 = 5, which is greater than 2, so force the player to join Evil instead.


Obviously this IF statement is not working because 'goods' and 'evils' aren't integers. Any idea how I can make this work?


Thanks in advance!


That mean good - evils is more than 2

You have to make check somethink like this

Like if good is more than evils || evils is more than goods





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That mean good - evils is more than 2

You have to make check somethink like this

Like if good is more than evils || evils is more than goods





So something like this?

if (goods > evils || evils > goods) {

But i can't use goods & evils like that right? Because they're not int's? This is what they look like in L2World.java

public Collection<L2PcInstance> getAllgoodPlayers()
return _allgoodPlayers.values();

public Collection<L2PcInstance> getAllevilPlayers()
return _allevilPlayers.values();
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So something like this?


if (goods > evils || evils > goods) {
But i can't use goods & evils like that right? Because they're not int's? This is what they look like in L2World.java


public Collection<L2PcInstance> getAllgoodPlayers()
return _allgoodPlayers.values();

public Collection<L2PcInstance> getAllevilPlayers()
return _allevilPlayers.values();
>= and i dont know what system you use so try to make the right check with your methods check the good and evil

And test them

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Most likely those good / evils stands for / represent those two methods which returns a number. You don't need any if statement as it already exists, no?

Edited by SweeTs
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you can do it in npc with like one check and if evil is 10 and good 3 hide button from evil 


if(good.size() > evil.size())


     html = html.replace("two match in good team");




    html = html.replace("use button here");



if(evil.size() > good.size())


    html = html.replace("two match in evil team");




   html = html.replace("use evil button here");


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