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My Cpa Earnings 1-31 July (Who Can Beat It ?)


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I don't give a sh1t about what looser like AccessDenied says.


And now the real purpose of this topic


The point of this topic was not to brag about how awesome i am and how much i am earning comparing to you (because i dont care about anyone in mxc ,neither in real life) but to see how people would react when they face something "impossible to them in real life". I see that you people simply deny logic when you are not capable of such feats. 


So this is the true nature of human being, When you are faced with crisis and poverty you stop to believe in any miracle or feats that you may be capable of, you might as well giving up without even starting. And i will post this on more forums to see if people reactions are the same (and they will probably be the same reactions)


This is why so many people fail in real life. They have gave up on their own thinking and dreams, they rely only on society logic and thinks they can have a safe life by having a stable job


BUT WE KNOW THATS NOTHING BUT BULLSHIT. EVEN jobs are unstable, you might earn 500$ a month and the next month you will lose your job and maybe you will need months to find a new job. You have been manipulated by Society and lost all your natural thoughts. That's your punishments for believing all the mass media bullshit ,you have no immagination it seems.


So guys, i guess im smarter than all of you in the end. That's just proved this


That's all i have to say now , enjoy your statements and useless arguments  :happyforever:


Oh oh ,and one more thing:


This is just like Atheists vs Religious people:

If you say a fact, the religious guy will simply deny it but if you say something about a man invisible on the sky ,he will 100% agree with you.

Edited by Karasu_
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Are all romanians that dumb and liars and low IQ or karasu is the exception? idk.. i mean i went at Romania once,, i didn't really face smart people but this guy..

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Fuck it im out. Don't wanna make the kid cry.


Drag all you want. I'm sure there are some kids around to thrill you. 

Oh,, you need to relax and enjoy the chat for once...

Laugh a bit, write some fail kappa comment.. 


Don't be that serious in topics like this.

Edited by AccessDenied
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I've build web sites for many wannabes... well, 2 of my customers are now millionaires, but this is a chance of 0,37%. None of them used third-party services like this. :D

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I've build web sites for many wannabes... well, 2 of my customers are now millionaires, but this is a chance of 0,37%. None of them used third-party services like this. :D


Step 1: Scroll until find Tessa's comment.

Step 2: Click Report Button




Edited by AccessDenied
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Step 1: Scroll until find Tessa's comment.

Step 2: Click Report Button




I don't have to scroll down, because I'm sure there is a comment by you in every topic... :D

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Mate you are delusional. Wake up.

If someone gets fired he still has a skill and experience. What do you have?


This is not someone new. Anyone can go to http://www.cpagrip.com/ and do it. And you are not the first one to brag. There is a section dedicated to that.


And nobody earns 500$ a month. You are lowering the minimum wage to the ground just to make your shitty story sound like a feat.

There is no actual reason for making the topic. It just backfired cuz people are not stupid.


Do you have health insurance? Do you have pension? Do you have a degree? Do you have experience to something.


Mate you have NOTHING. You are NOTHING in this world other than a kid behind a monitor having delusions about how successful he is.


And after all, guess who might blow up one day and become a millionaire. You and your shitty sites that rely on others or people like all the developers that ever passed from l2 at some point and made this their career because they love it?

Mate you are the worst role model I've ever encountered.

No one earn 500$ montly? Mate.. For the last 5 months I have worked as Operator and my salary was 250 BGN from which after taxes and shitty insurances my clean salary was 197.85 BGN which is 112.81$...... Currently I am working as Software engineer for 900 BGN from which after taxes and insurance's is 700 BGN or 399.14$ ..

Also I will be very happy if minimum wage here is 500$ since my salary is ,,good'' 399$ for the standarts in this fucked up country :(


I will appreciate any suggestions for bonus income since I am poor :D

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