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The Best of Chronicle LineAge 2 Classic With L2OFF Files!




GRAND OPENING 20 AUGUST 2016 - 18.00 (UTC +3)




The progressive Chronicle: 1.0  1.3  1.5, update per 2 months.
In the future update to the 2.0!
In our team have a experienced developers, our team is specialized on the platform L2OFF. So we can guarantee high quality when we upgrade to new versions.
Basic Server Rates*
*Will be changed
EXP/SP: х3
Adena: x2 (quantity)
Drop: chance х2, quantity х1
Spoil: chance х2, quantity:
 RB exp/sp: x3
 RB drop: chance x2; quantity x1
 Epic: x2
Quest rewards (adena/exp/sp): х3
We are offering you to evaluate the classic game in a comfortable environment. Without Custom (Armors,Weapons and etc) - Only original gameplay! Minimum donate, Correct work Premium Account (bonus to base rates x1.5) and responsive administration will help you enjoy a quality game.
Anyone can participate in testing!
Get access to Closed Beta Test: You need send a request Here. If you are experienced to help test, then you will be given access to the Closed Beta Test server. When is finish Closed Beta Test  all testers will receive a bonus from Administration at Opening Server.
Request Form;

1.Experience of Chronicle Lineage 2 Classic. (E.x 1 Year\Month\Week)
2.General Experience of Lineage 2. (E.x 1 Year\Month\Week)
3.Your Login on project L2Realm.Com

Get access to Open Beta Test Can all players. Open Beta Test server will open in early August. We annoucen correct date later. Files OBT will published a few days before the start of open testing. Stay tuned for news!



Our last server Interlude ISA x20, opened conjunction with Valhalla Age project collected 7000 online.







Edited by L2realmClassic
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Dear friends and guests!


Last week was a time of the hottest debate in our team. We finally came to an agreement. Today we're glad to anounce the long-awaited OBT!


Yes-yes! Already 06 august at 20:00 (utc + 03:00) our server will open its doors to all comers.


At this period all parameters, rates and quests will match to the stated settings. Also, you will be able to get rune with x50 exp for faster exping and testing. (This rune is active ONLY for OBT!)


We look forward to your help and active participation. All of us have a common goal to make quality, comfortable and enjoyable for playing server.


OBT will last until 18 August. Then we will need some time to make fixes after your tests. So from 18 till 20 August server will be unavailable.

Edited by L2realmClassic
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Seems nice but i do not understand why do people lie :/

Your classic project is based on Java files, what do you think you will gain if you lie you have a OFF server ?

Do you think you can bullshit everyone around here ? Maybe just some little kids.

That won't mean anything.

Good luck with your project.

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This server is not based on Java. This server is based on the official file, it is not just about the same as an Interlude OFF Like based on C4 PTS core.

Edited by L2realmClassic
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This server is based on Java. This server is based on the official file, it is not just about the same as an Interlude OFF Like based on C4 PTS core.

Newbie. Clearly no.

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how many boxes i can log on 1 PC ?

From what I heard it's 6 .


Though I think they were discussing the final number.


If someone knows for sure the number please correct me on this .

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Another L2Classic club Server with L2J Files full of bugs, with fake online 25 Forum Members and 2k online?  :alone:

More Donation Coins please, the same auction system and everything L2Classic club copy


Better call it L2Classic.ru


Error: Can't find 'intAActorexecGetBoneCoordsCount' in 'Engine.dll'
History: UPackage::GetDllExport <- UFunction::Bind <- UField::PostLoad <- UStruct::PostLoad <- UFunction::PostLoad <- UObject::ConditionalPostLoad <- (Function Engine.Actor.GetBoneCoordsCount) <- PostLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Core.Class Engine.eport NULL) <- UObject::StaticLoadClass <- InitEngine
Learn to setup a proper system
Edited by DreamStage
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Another L2Classic club Server with L2J Files full of bugs, with fake online 25 Forum Members and 2k online?  :alone:

More Donation Coins please, the same auction system and everything L2Classic club copy


Better call it L2Classic.ru


Error: Can't find 'intAActorexecGetBoneCoordsCount' in 'Engine.dll'
History: UPackage::GetDllExport <- UFunction::Bind <- UField::PostLoad <- UStruct::PostLoad <- UFunction::PostLoad <- UObject::ConditionalPostLoad <- (Function Engine.Actor.GetBoneCoordsCount) <- PostLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Core.Class Engine.eport NULL) <- UObject::StaticLoadClass <- InitEngine
Learn to setup a proper system


good morning )

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