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Well Lets start a new Tradition .. This will be about MxC User Awards In Diferent Categorys that i will name :P


So It will be Simple , i will give categorys and U people will Vote. For Evry Person u vote He will have 1 >I< next to his name the one whit more >I< at the end of November Win The Award




The Categorys Will Be:



Most Popular User:


K4rMaArr0ws I I I I I I I I I

Maxtor I I I I I I I I I I

Mafia_007 I

A-Style I I


Most Funny User:


Skaros I I I I I I I I I I I I

GrisoM I I I I I

HaCkz0r I

K4rMaArr0ws I I

Topa I


Most Professiona User:


Mafia_007 I I

A-Style I I I I I I I I I I I

Blane I

NobLe I I I

Koyfo I


Most Missed User:


Maxtor I I I I I I I I I

Koyfo I I I I I I I

MewMew I

Zunix I



Most Weird User:


HaCkz0r I I

Skaros I I I I I I I I


Zunix I

mpj123 I I I

GrisoM I I I



Best Shares User:


A-Style I I I I I

GrisoM I I I I

K4rMaArr0ws I I I I

PyroMaker I


DeMev I

Blitztrager I I


Best New User [From 2008]:


pankostrelos I I I

GrisoM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Skaros I


Biggest Spammer User:


HaCkz0r I I I I I I

Strike I



GrisoM I


The Best G Mod


Noble I I I I I I I I I I I I I I


A-Style I I I

Koyfo I


The Best L2 Mod


K4rMaArr0ws I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

fakoykas I I I I I


The Best Cs Mod


NotABastarD I I I I

Blane I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Hax0r I I I I



The Votation Will end The First Day Of November So U have Time To vote I will Edit Day to day the votes


U can Vote only Once But u can vote the same member for a lot of categorys if u think he diserv it


[u cant vote for yourself]


Well Start Voting =) And take your time to vote


Nice =D

My opnions:


most popular user: K4rMaArr0ws (His signatures are awesome)


most funny user:  Skaros


most professiona User:  A-Style (He does well his job as MOD imho)


Most Missed User:  Koyfo (I don't know where's he, but when I was noob(spammer mostly) he always warmed me, b4 taking any providence)


Most Weird User:  ALLIG4T0R (I really can't understand a single phrase what he writes :D )


Best Shares User:  Anubis (Should Be more than a uploader imo)


Best New User [From 2008]:  Anubis


Biggest Spammer User: ALLIG4T0R (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36184.msg247500#msg247500 -lol :D)


The Best G Mod: Noble


The Best L2 Mod: K4rMaArr0ws


The Best Cs Mod: Blane


Thats my opinion  :D


Most Popular User:

MAXTOR ...lmao :P


Most Funny User:


Anubis I Skaros I


Most Professiona User:




Most Missed User:

MewMew...lmao :P


Most Weird User:


Skaros I


Best Shares User:



Best New User [From 2008]:


Anubis I I


Biggest Spammer User:


anyone over 10 posts per day :P


The Best G Mod


Noble for sho.


The Best L2 Mod


K4rMaArr0ws I I


The Best Cs Mod





Most Popular User : Mafia_007


Most Funny User : Skaros


Most Professional User : A-Style


Most Missed User : Maxtor


Most Wierd User : Zunix ( xD )


Best Shares User : Pyromaker


Best New User [From 2008] : Anubis


Biggest Spammer User : Dunno :S


The Best G.Mod : NobLe


The Best L2 Mod : K4rMaArr0ws


The Best CS Mod : Blane


The Best Gold Member : XxRxX




P.S: I Made The Best Gold Member.. Cause There Is Not Any :S



Most Popular User : Maxtoras


Most Funny User : :@


Most Professional User : Mafia_007 :P


Most Missed User : Zunix


Most Wierd User : :@


Best Shares User : :@


Best New User [From 2008] : Anubis


Biggest Spammer User : HaCkz0r


The Best G.Mod : NobLe


The Best L2 Mod : K4rMaArr0ws/fakoykas


The Best CS Mod : hax0r


The Best Gold Member : XxRxX/Mafia_007 :P



funny :P


1 i didnt put The Best Uploader - Gold Member beacuse there is few of us and Well beacuse i dont want lol :/


2 Those that dont vote according to the rules Their vote will not count


Remember 1 vote In each category and u cant vote for yourself


:@ <-- Your Vote Dont Count


Vote for 2 people <-- Your Vote Dont Count


Stick to The rules and keep voting  =)


Most popular User K4rMaArr0ws (RuleZ^^)


Most Funny User Skaros


Most Professiona User A-Style


Most Missed User Maxtor (Where Is He..?)


Most Weird User HaCkz0r


Best Shares User A-Style


Best New User Anubis


Biggest Spammer User HaCkz0r


The Best G Mod Noble


The Best L2 Mod K4rMaArr0ws


The Best Cs Mod Blane



lol i see my name in there :P . what the winner of a category gets?i ll post my votes soon ;)



Most popular User -


Most Funny User Anubis(i rly laugh some times with his avatars and his way of thinking)


Most Professional User Blane


Most Missed User -


Most Weird User mpj123(he surely is so mystical and close)


Best Shares User xxrxx / k4rmaarr0ws


Best New User -


Biggest Spammer User -




The Best L2 Mod K4rMaArr0ws


The Best Cs Mod NAB(aka NotABastard)


Most popular User -


Most Funny User Anubis


Most Professional User -



Most Missed User -


Most Weird User Skaros(he thinks too much bout life) lmao :P


Best Shares User -


Best New User - Anubis(quite new :D)


Biggest Spammer User -


The Best G Mod Noble and NS (can't choose :D)


The Best L2 Mod fakoykas, K4rMaArr0ws


The Best Cs Mod NAB


Most Weird User:


HaCkz0r I I


Also im the biggest spammer :X cmon dude i have awesome shares too ;( emos vote for the gmods >.>



Most Popular User : Maxtor


Most Funny User : You are all lame


Most Professional User : Bah wtf is this everyone is special.


Most Missed User : Maxtor i miss you too :X


Most Wierd User : Anubis [big friend of mine take care biatch]


Best Shares User : many people have awesome share so noone can't tell a tleast no one with

true opinion many vote so they can say smth like "adena please" to the one they post >.>


Best New User [From 2008] : skaros [luv ya nubcake]


Biggest Spammer User : I am the biggest spammer you all know that >.>


The Best G.Mod : DemonicSoul when he was G.Mod now no one...


The Best L2 Mod : Anubis if he ever becomes one xD


The Best CS Mod : All of you guys are awesome but i vote for Hax0r .


The Best Gold Member : OfC me... -.-'


My best friends of the forum : Skaros / Gropcas [well not so big but i like his style] / DemoNiCSouL / Anubis [ don't worry you are nubcake but cool friend too =] ] Stefoulis15 [well dunno about you mate its like you have forgotten me we used to be big friends on UW but :S....] HaX0r / Nab [both of you guys are very awesome and very chatable friends...] Mafia_007 [yes tard you are here too like it or not :D] A-Style [ What we will do without you, if it wasn't for you maybe i wouldn't know the forum :X] And last but not least FightToTheDeath one of the first guys that i met that is awesome and we have much things in common great friend great mate , Fight To The Death for the good and for the bad.



Sorry if i not listed some friend of mine but it you are angry of me just say %*(^$#&% You at MSN and that's that. That's my opinion cya all :X.




Most Popular User:






Most Funny User:





Most Professiona User:




Most Missed User:




Most Weird User:





Best Shares User:







Best New User [From 2008]:






Biggest Spammer User:





The Best G Mod





The Best L2 Mod


K4rMaArr0ws I I I I I



The Best Cs Mod





My opnions:


most popular user: A-Style (teh Best XD)


most funny user:  Anubis


most professiona User:  A-Style


Most Missed User:  Koyfo


Most Weird User:  ALLIG4T0R


Best Shares User:  Anubis


Best New User [From 2008]:  Anubis


Biggest Spammer User: ALLIG4T0R


The Best G Mod: Noble


The Best L2 Mod: Fakoykas


The Best Cs Mod: Blane


Thats All from me Bitches :D


at the beggining the topic was saying : "you can vote for yourself"


Now, Not..


But, I already putted my votes, so...Peace :D


Most Popular User : K4rMaArr0ws (Best known archer xD ^_^  0ax0x )


Most Funny User :  :@


Most Professional User : Blane


Most Missed User : Koyfo


Most Wierd User : mpj123


Best Shares User : Me again. oO wtF :P


Best New User [From 2008] : Anubis


Biggest Spammer User : Strike



The Best G.Mod : NobLe


The Best L2 Mod : :@


The Best CS Mod : :@


The Best Gold Member : Mafia_007

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