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I started this server 3 weeks ago and i have to say:


1) Anti-bot system is a trash. Every day i killed 10 - 15 bot players camping in certain spots and farming all night.

2) Total unbalance in classes .. you can only see around ppl with following classes: Archer, Dagger, Duelist and slightly few of the other classes.

3) Some weapons are totally op .. if you dont have them .. you can't kill a fly. Sooner or later players understand this fact and play with only those weapons.

4) Farming is eternal .. players dont join olympiad or pvp at all. They just farm day and night to get a new tier weapon, which is not the point of a pvp server.

5) Those forum events dressed up some players that totally ruin the server, and all that just because admin wanted to bring some ppl to the server.

6) Too much lag not only in events but also everyday while you are farming.


PS: Admin don't try to contradict what i've written above its my opinion and many other players also. Just stop creating such unbalanced servers. You are unskilled and just copied a premade styled server.


Good Luck anyway ...but i think wipe is on the way!


1.) I agree .

2.) You must open your eyes then because I see many more than Archer , Dagger , and Duelist .. There is Tank , SWS , Tyrant , Doombringer , Maestro ..

3.) Dont know what you mean by this

4.) Dont join oly or pvp at all ? Tell me how there are so many heroes .. And I am making 200-300 pvps per day just sitting in Gludin .

5.) This events actually helped the server , gave the new players a chance to join and be able to farm / pvp .

6.) 0 lag here and I live in America .


I disgaree with you opinion soz man . Only agree about the bots


I appreciate the bump. @vkolorizos I respect your opinion and hope you find the server you have been dreaming about. For the rest, stay tuned a new forum event will be starting and soon epic bosses, antharas, valakas and baium will be available for raiding on a consistent schedule.


Donation refunds are now taking place. Check the forums and follow the instructions to receive your refund for the previous Hayze server and continue playing now.


The event specifically says to post it in the appropriate place and not to break the rules of the venue of where they are posting. I can't really control how much of what players read or don't read. 

  • 2 months later...

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