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interlude [L2J] L2Mafia


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Basic Rates:
» XP: 100x
» SP: 200x.
» Adena: 200x.
» Drop: *Custom Rates
» PartyXP: 2x.
» PartySP: 2x.
Enchant rates:
» Safe enchant: +3.
» Max Enchant Weapons: +16
» Max Enchant Armor/Jewels: +12
» Simple enchant scrolls chance: 50%.
» Blessed enchant scrolls chance: 65%.
» Mid-grade Lifestone Skill Chance: 1%.
» High-grade Lifestone Skill Chance: 2%.
» Top-grade Lifestone Skill Chance: 4%.
Unique Features:
» Cancelation System 

We all hate cancellation skills the main reason is that you have to leave fight and then re-join the fight as soon as you get your buffs back.
Well thats good but only for low rate servers , we specialized on pvp servers thats why we implemented a new way the cancellation system works.
When you get Canceled, buffs are normally removed from your character BUT after 20 seconds all buffs returned back to your character!!!
* Since we dont want to nagative affect sieges , olympiads etc … our cancellation system works only in rank zones ( where most of pvp happens)

» Dualbox & Bot Protection

You're not allowed to have more than two (2) Lineage II Windows on your computer.
All of our servers are FULLY protected from all known boting/hacking programs. (L2Tower,Adrenaline,PHX, etc.)

» Rank System 

For first time in lineage2 history l2mafia presents you our unique rank pvp system! Rank system is based on the well know game League Of Legends . We have 5 different ranks and 5 different skills.All players can only join Mafia Rank Area for 2 hours per day. You can promote or demote to higher and lower ranks depending your ratio which is calculated by our ratio system. The best ratio you have the higher you climb in the ranksystem and you can take advantage of increased your stats and ur Drop Rate.

» Killing Spree System 

Its a usual killing spree system that works only inside our rank zones-areas but we have a bounty for you if you kill a player with a killing spree!

Example: player X makes 30 kills without to die and you kill the player X , then you will get a reward bonus of 15 kills ( the half kills of his spree).

» Assist System

Our Lineage 2 Interlude server is based on the rank system that means that players have to pvp and take kills in order to increase their ratio and climb to higher ranks! Thats a great idea to provide a non stop pvp experience but we have to think about the support classes (including tanks). So to provide a fair game between all classes and give them all the same chances to play and climb in ranking system we developed a unique assist system for our server.

» Live Zone Status 

Live zone status gives you the ability to watch how many players are inside every rank zone!

» PvP Spectate System

You can use our spectate system to watch what's happening inside the Rank Zone


» Mafia Potion



» Noblesse Items 
» Unique Tattoos 
» Main towns - Giran.
» All castle sieges working perfectly.
» Stackable scrolls, lifestones, book of giants.
» Wedding system.
» Unique farming areas.
» Max count of buffs - 76.
» Max subclasses - 4.
» Free and no quest class change.
» Free and no quest sub class.
» No weight limit.
» Offline trade system.
» Interlude retail skills.
» Server up-time [24/7] [99]%.
.ranksystem - All information about target's rank statistics
.pvpevent - TOP 10 players of the hourly PVP Event
.menu - Opens a window with many helpful options
.buffon / .buffoff - Enable / Disable receiving buffs from other players
.xpon / .xpoff - Enable / Disable Experience gain from killing monsters
.deposit / .withdraw - Deposit / Withdraw an item from your Warehouse
.gooffline - You exit game but your character remains online for Offline Shopping
Event system:
» Team VS Team
» Capture the Flag
» Last Hero
» PVP of the Hour
» Crazy Hours Event (All rank kills count x2)
» WTF Event (Events handlded by L2Mafia.net Team)
» Retail olympiad game.
» Competition period [1] week.
» Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00].
» Olympiad start/end times can be found in olympiad manager.
» Gatekeeper
» Buffer
» GM Shop
» Special Trader
» Augmenter / Skill Enchanter
» Castle Manager
» Rank Points Exchanger
» Hall of Fame
» Donation Manager
» Raidboss Manager
» Server Informer
Official Site : https://www.l2mafia.net/
Edited by Dimis4
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Why in the hell all pvp servers have more than 30 buffslots ? I might be wrong but the fact that stacking together all elemental resists+guards+protections renders all mages useless.

Jesus, can't someone open  apvp  server FOR ONCE just like off do (24-28 buffslots) but with easy equipment and gameplay ?

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