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Ranking Npc For Acis

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Hello ppl!


I wtb a ranking npc for acis, to show top pvp/pk/clan/online etc


Also i would love to have and a raid boss info npc to show which rb is online and which not


Also i need help to put them on pack and make them work properly


pm me with offers


Thanks in advance!

Edited by L2jaddict
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Hello ppl!


I wtb a ranking npc for acis, to show top pvp/pk/clan/online etc


Also i would love to have and a raid boss info npc to show which rb is online and which not


Also i need help to put them on pack and make them work properly


pm me with offers


Thanks in advance!

 npc instance for rbinfo  https://app.assembla.com/spaces/l2hellas/subversion/source/HEAD/trunk/L2JHellasC/java/com/l2jhellas/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2BossSpawnInstance.java



file config: 

#===========================##  Raid Info Npc            #
# Boss Info Npc
# Bosses IDS
BossList = 29028,29019,29020,29022,29001,29014,29006
# Show in Npc TIME info
InfoShowTime = Trueand 

config.java for rbinfo:  

public static int[] BOSS_RESPAWN_INFO;
public static boolean RAID_INFO_SHOW_TIME;

String[] notenchantable = CustomNpcSettings.getProperty("BossList", "29028,29019,29020,29022,29001,29014,29006").split(",");
BOSS_RESPAWN_INFO = new int[notenchantable.length];
for (int info = 0; info < notenchantable.length; info++)
BOSS_RESPAWN_INFO[info] = Integer.parseInt(notenchantable[info]);
RAID_INFO_SHOW_TIME = Boolean.parseBoolean(CustomNpcSettings.getProperty("InfoShowTime", "False"));

now you have to addapt them for your pack :) no need to buy it.
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 npc instance for rbinfo  https://app.assembla.com/spaces/l2hellas/subversion/source/HEAD/trunk/L2JHellasC/java/com/l2jhellas/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2BossSpawnInstance.java



file config: 

#===========================##  Raid Info Npc            #
# Boss Info Npc
# Bosses IDS
BossList = 29028,29019,29020,29022,29001,29014,29006
# Show in Npc TIME info
InfoShowTime = Trueand 

config.java for rbinfo:  

public static int[] BOSS_RESPAWN_INFO;
public static boolean RAID_INFO_SHOW_TIME;

String[] notenchantable = CustomNpcSettings.getProperty("BossList", "29028,29019,29020,29022,29001,29014,29006").split(",");
BOSS_RESPAWN_INFO = new int[notenchantable.length];
for (int info = 0; info < notenchantable.length; info++)
BOSS_RESPAWN_INFO[info] = Integer.parseInt(notenchantable[info]);
RAID_INFO_SHOW_TIME = Boolean.parseBoolean(CustomNpcSettings.getProperty("InfoShowTime", "False"));

now you have to addapt them for your pack :) no need to buy it.


You are so kind and thank you very much, but i have try to adapt codes in my pack and i failed :(

If you can do it for me i will pay you ofc

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This topic can be locked this is done from me like 3 weeks before..

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