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Μετα απο 2.5 ωρες που εκανα να συνελθω σας παρουσιαζω ΤΟΝ "most the fixed bug server" EVARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR








"We fixed" cause we all know that ALEXTOTI is great company :3

Edited by AccessDenied
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If I log into that server, I will make the few players richer than GMs

wait wait, it has players online :O ? though only admin and gm and 1-2 friends with +5000 a

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this is kids like 15 - 16 years old with the shared pack from L2Pride...Free Sites Free Server..For Some Money To Buy Some Ladopites Or Some Souvlakia.... :P

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this is kids like 15 - 16 years old with the shared pack from L2Pride...Free Sites Free Server..For Some Money To Buy Some Ladopites Or Some Souvlakia.... :P

Alextoti is officialy the most idiot kid, i feel sorry about him even if he is 14-15 yo. He has mental problems for sure, no "normal" person try for 3rd time with shared pack to lie everyone by saying "WE FIX EVERYTHING etc" ..


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GM server, don't you get it. It's server for fun, for few friends  :y u no?:


You are jelly cuz they rejected your gm application.


alex > access

Edited by SweeTs
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GM server, don't you get it. It's server for fun, for few friends  :y u no?:


You are jelly cuz they rejected your gm application.


alex > access



Lick me

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GM server, don't you get it. It's server for fun, for few friends  :y u no?:


You are jelly cuz they rejected your gm application.


alex > access



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Sweets is trying to lick alex saying bad things about access cause he want's his position on gm team

Poor sweets.


The last position is mine

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Sweets is trying to lick alex saying bad things about access cause he want's his position on gm team

Poor sweets.

Shhh.. Be quiet!

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Sweets is trying to lick alex saying bad things about access cause he want's his position on gm team

Poor sweets.


The last position is mine

NO BITCH you aint win this time, ill be gm in alextoti's server.. CRAWL BACK TO YOUR HOLE

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isnt this kinda old


Edited by Lucy Cat
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Sweets is trying to lick alex saying bad things about access cause he want's his position on gm team

Poor sweets.


The last position is mine

No dude!

It's mine!!!!


Alex please accept my application!

Let SweeTs, Nevermore & access out..

Edited by 'Baggos'
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