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Raidboss Shout When Killed



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If you're using Pride's shared pack, its already up and working. (because of the screen you linked)

Otherwise, just get to your L2RaidBossInstance, create in a variable your custom messages, then create a method which will start making the announces.

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If you're using Pride's shared pack, its already up and working. (because of the screen you linked)


Otherwise, just get to your L2RaidBossInstance, create in a variable your custom messages, then create a method which will start making the announces.

i use pride shared pack...you can help me more? in tv or skype,etc?

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public boolean doDie(L2Character killer)
RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(player, getNpcId(), (getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5));
+int npcId = getNpcId();
+switch (npcId)
+case 244248:
+broadcastPacket(new CreatureSay(25286, 1, "Tiat: Argghhh!", null));
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onAttack script with a Rnd.get(100) == 1 check to avoid to spam. You can also limit it once, or based on current HPs.


Avoid to touch to the core for such thing notably if it's limited to one or few npc ids.

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onAttack script with a Rnd.get(100) == 1 check to avoid to spam. You can also limit it once, or based on current HPs.


Avoid to touch to the core for such thing notably if it's limited to one or few npc ids.

I dont understand you...:/

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Check Gordon Ai if you want onattack ondie or w/e.. I told you.. Else this crappy pride like pack is so shitty and doesnt support those methods.


Your title and first post say "on kill". So why everyone say "on attack"!?

Edited by SweeTs
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package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance;

import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.Announcements;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.RaidBossPointsManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.RaidBossSpawnManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Effect;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Skill;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Spawn;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Playable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Summon;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate.AIType;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.Broadcast;
import net.sf.l2j.util.Rnd;

public class L2RaidBossInstance extends L2MonsterInstance
private static final int RAIDBOSS_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL = 15000; // 15 sec

/*private static List<L2RaidBossInstance> _alive85Raids = new ArrayList<L2RaidBossInstance>();
	private static List<L2RaidBossInstance> _alive91Raids = new ArrayList<L2RaidBossInstance>();
	public static int _rbCounter = 0;*/
private boolean _dead = true;

/*private ScheduledFuture<?> _announceRBSpawnTask = null;
	private class announceRBSpawnTask implements Runnable
		L2RaidBossInstance _boss;
		public announceRBSpawnTask(L2RaidBossInstance boss)
			_boss = boss;
		public void run()
			if (_boss != null && !_boss.isDead() && !_boss.isInCombat() && _boss.getCurrentHp() > _boss.getMaxHp() * 0.92 && _boss.isLevelOneRaidboss())
					SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.A_RAIDBOSS_SPAWNED_IN_S1_REGION);
					sm.addZoneName(_boss.getX(), _boss.getY(), _boss.getZ()); // Region Name
				catch (Throwable t)
	private ScheduledFuture<?> _announceRBSpawnTaskClan = null;
	private class announceRBSpawnTaskClan implements Runnable
		L2RaidBossInstance _boss;
		public announceRBSpawnTaskClan(L2RaidBossInstance boss)
			_boss = boss;
		public void run()
			if (_boss != null && !_boss.isDead() && !_boss.isInCombat()
			        && _boss.getCurrentHp() > _boss.getMaxHp() * 0.92)
					final Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(MapRegionTable.getInstance().getAreaCastle(_boss));
					if (castle == null)
					final L2Clan clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(castle.getOwnerId());
					if (clan == null)
					CreatureSay say = new CreatureSay(0, Say2.PARTYROOM_ALL, castle.getName()
					        + " Castle", _boss.getName()
					        + " has appeared in a region controlled by your castle.");
				catch (Throwable t)

private RaidBossSpawnManager.StatusEnum _raidStatus;

 * Constructor of L2RaidBossInstance (use L2Character and L2NpcInstance constructor).<BR>
 * <BR>
 * <B><U> Actions</U> :</B><BR>
 * <BR>
 * <li>Call the L2Character constructor to set the _template of the L2RaidBossInstance (copy
 * skills from template to object and link _calculators to NPC_STD_CALCULATOR)</li> <li>Set the
 * name of the L2RaidBossInstance</li> <li>Create a RandomAnimation Task that will be launched
 * after the calculated delay if the server allow it</li><BR>
 * <BR>
 * @param objectId
 *            Identifier of the object to initialized
 * @param L2NpcTemplate
 *            Template to apply to the NPC
public L2RaidBossInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template)
	super(objectId, template);

public synchronized void onSpawn()
	if (!_dead)
	_dead = false;
	/*		if (isLevelOneRaidboss())
			if (_announceRBSpawnTask != null)
			_announceRBSpawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new announceRBSpawnTask(this), 3800000); // 1hrs
			if (_announceRBSpawnTaskClan != null)
			_announceRBSpawnTaskClan = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new announceRBSpawnTaskClan(this), 3480000); // 2hrs
		else if (isLevelTwoRaidboss())
			if (_announceRBSpawnTaskClan != null)
			_announceRBSpawnTaskClan = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new announceRBSpawnTaskClan(this), 3480000); // 1.36hrs

protected int getMaintenanceInterval()

public synchronized boolean doDie(L2Character killer)
	if (!super.doDie(killer))
		return false;
	if (_dead)
		return true;
	_dead = true;
	L2PcInstance player = null;
	if (killer instanceof L2PcInstance)
		player = (L2PcInstance) killer;
	else if (killer instanceof L2Summon)
		player = ((L2Summon) killer).getOwner();
	if (player != null)
		broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL));
		if (player.getParty() != null)
			for (L2PcInstance member : player.getParty().getPartyMembers())
				RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(member, getNpcId(), (getLevel() / 2)
						+ Rnd.get(-5, 5));
			RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(player, getNpcId(), (getLevel() / 2)
					+ Rnd.get(-5, 5));
	if (getInstanceId() < 1000)
		if (getLevel() >= 87)
			String clan = "";
			if (player.getClan() != null)
				clan = " of clan "+player.getClan().getName();
			Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(getName() + " has been defeated by " + player.getDisplayName() + clan);
		if (!isTempSpawn())
			RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().updateStatus(this, true);
	/*if (isLevelOneRaidboss())
			if (_announceRBSpawnTask != null)
			if (_announceRBSpawnTaskClan != null)
			if (!player.isGM())
				FastList<Integer> clans = new FastList<Integer>();
				if (player.getClan() != null)
				if (player.getParty() != null)
					for (L2PcInstance noob : player.getParty().getPartyMembers())
						if (noob != null && !noob.isGM() && noob.getClan() != null && !clans.contains(noob.getClanId()) && Util.checkIfInRange(1800, player, noob, true))
		else if (isLevelTwoRaidboss())
			if (_announceRBSpawnTaskClan != null)
			if (!player.isGM())
				FastList<Integer> clans = new FastList<Integer>();
				if (player.getClan() != null)
				if (player.getParty() != null)
					for (L2PcInstance noob : player.getParty().getPartyMembers())
						if (noob != null && !noob.isGM() && noob.getClan() != null && !clans.contains(noob.getClanId()) && Util.checkIfInRange(1800, player, noob, true))
	return true;

 * Spawn all minions at a regular interval Also if boss is too far from home location at the
 * time of this check, teleport it home
protected void manageMinions()
	if (_minionList != null)
	_minionMaintainTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new Runnable()
		public void run()
			// teleport raid boss home if it's too far from home location
			final L2Spawn bossSpawn = getSpawn();
			int radius = 3500;
			if (L2RaidBossInstance.this.isAPC())
				radius = 5000;
			if (L2RaidBossInstance.this.getTemplate().AI == AIType.MAGE || L2RaidBossInstance.this.getTemplate().AI == AIType.ARCHER)
				radius += 5000;
			if (L2RaidBossInstance.this.getInstanceId() > 0)
				radius *= 4;
			if (!isInsideRadius(bossSpawn.getCurX(), bossSpawn.getCurY(), bossSpawn.getCurZ(), radius, true, false))
				teleToLocation(bossSpawn.getCurX(), bossSpawn.getCurY(), bossSpawn.getCurZ(), false);
				healFull(); // prevents minor exploiting with it
			for (L2PcInstance player : getKnownList().getKnownPlayers().values())
				if (player == null || player.isGM())
				for (L2Effect e : player.getAllEffects())
					if (e == null)
					int id = e.getSkill().getId();
					if (id == 176 || id == 292 || id == 538 || id == 929 || id == 930 || id == 931) // frenzy, bison, final form, summoner transforms
			int val = 5;
			if (getLevel() > 85)
				val = 3;
			if (getNpcId() != 25325)
				if (getTarget() instanceof L2Playable && getTarget().getActingPlayer() != null)
					if (getTarget().getActingPlayer().getClan() != null)
						if (getTarget().getActingPlayer().getClan().getLevel() < 6)
							val -= 1;
						val -= 1;
				if (Rnd.get(98) < val && (getAI().getAttackTarget() != null || getAI().getFollowTarget() != null) && L2RaidBossInstance.this.getInstanceId() == 0)
	}, 60000, getMaintenanceInterval() + Rnd.get(5000));

protected void taunt()
	L2PcInstance target = getAI().getAttackTarget().getActingPlayer();
	if (target == null)
		target = getAI().getFollowTarget().getActingPlayer();
	if (target == null)
		target = getTarget().getActingPlayer();
	if (target == null)
	if (target.isGM())
	final String name = target.getDisplayName();
	final String[] msgs = {
			name + "! You think you can defeat me?",
			"Enjoy the hells " + name + "!",
			+ "! I will show you my power, and then you can tremble before my might as I crush your puny bones to bits!",
			"You are really stupid to have challenged me... " + name + "!" + " Get ready!",
			"I really have no items, I swear!",
			name + "! I will destroy you!",
			name + "! I will make you realize what true power is!",
			name + ", You are on the way to destruction.",
			name + "! You have no chance to survive make your time.",
			"So we meet again, " + name + "! This time you die!",
			"Vegeta! What does the scouter say about " + name + "'s powerlevel?",
			"How brave of you to walk straight into death, " + name,
			+ "! I've braved the fires of hell, stood against the attrition of time, and single-handedly unified this region, you think a little scrub like you can defeat me?",
			name + "! How inconsiderate of you, won't your friends miss you after you die?",
			"Start the clock! " + name + ", you will die in 5 minutes!",
			"It's time to sharpen my blade with human flesh!",
			name + "! You will not win! Get out of here while you can!",
			name + "! Even with all this zerg here I will still kill you all by myself!",
			"This one here named " + name + " will be no more soon...",
			name + "! You will die here like the rest before you!",
			name + "! I will show you the punishment that follows folly!",
			"Why do you attempt the futile, " + name + "?"
					+ " Throwing your life away carelessly like this...",
					"Today is a sad day for you! " + name + "!",
					"Today is a good day to die!... for " + name + "!",
					"Haha! The ant is trying to fight the lion!",
					name + " is a fool! Fools die!",
					"Death looms near for " + name,
					"I **** YOUR MOTHER " + name.toUpperCase() +"!",
					name + "! You should be proud that you will die by my hands!",
					name + "! What is the meaning of death? well, I'll show it to you!",
					name + ", I think you need more healers!",
					name + ", You sure the loot is set on finders keepers?",
					name + "! I will kill you with my left hand and your friends with my right! Muhahaha!",
					"Brethren prior to WENCHES!",
					"I hath ninety-nine difficulties, nary a wench among them!",
					"HALT! The hour of the hammer has begun!",
					"Compelling tale, male sibling.",
					"Bare thy bosoms or make hasty egress!",
					"Relocate yourself, hound of the female gender. Be certain not to block the direction of which I am travelling.",
					"Fornicate this excrement!",
					"Cease all activities thou art engaged in - The hour of the hammer is upon us.",
					"Female canine I beg of you!",
					"Allow the carcasses to make contact with the ground!",
					"Advance towards me in an aggressive manner, male sibling!",
					"I so happen to be attracted to large posteriors, and I am inclined to be completely factual on the matter.",
					"Make thy brethren a priority before enjoying the company of loose women.",
					"Fecal matter tends to occur...",
					"Insert thy reproductive organ into thine own self!"
	if (target.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("smalls"))
		if (Rnd.get(100) < 100)
			Broadcast.shoutChat("I'll take care of you Smalls", getName(), this);
			Broadcast.shoutChat(msgs[Rnd.get(msgs.length)], getName(), this);
		Broadcast.shoutChat(msgs[Rnd.get(msgs.length)], getName(), this);

public void setRaidStatus(RaidBossSpawnManager.StatusEnum status)
	_raidStatus = status;

public RaidBossSpawnManager.StatusEnum getRaidStatus()
	return _raidStatus;

 * Reduce the current HP of the L2Attackable, update its _aggroList and launch the doDie Task if
 * necessary.<BR>
 * <BR>
public void reduceCurrentHp(double damage, L2Character attacker, boolean awake, boolean isDOT,
		L2Skill skill)
	super.reduceCurrentHp(damage, attacker, awake, isDOT, skill);

public void healFull()

public static void showRaidsThatAreUp(final L2PcInstance activeChar)
	/*		int count = 0;
		for (L2RaidBossInstance boss : _alive85Raids)
			if (boss == null)
			activeChar.sendMessage(count + ": " + boss.getName() + " (" + boss.getLevel() + ")");
		for (L2RaidBossInstance boss : _alive91Raids)
			if (boss == null)
			activeChar.sendMessage(count + ": " + boss.getName() + " (" + boss.getLevel() + ")");

public static void goToRaid(final L2PcInstance activeChar, final int number)
	/*		int count = 0;
		for (L2RaidBossInstance boss : _alive85Raids)
			if (boss == null)
			if (count == number)
				activeChar.teleToLocation(boss.getX(), boss.getY(), boss.getZ());
		for (L2RaidBossInstance boss : _alive91Raids)
			if (boss == null)
			if (count == number)
				activeChar.teleToLocation(boss.getX(), boss.getY(), boss.getZ());

public float getVitalityPoints(int damage)
	return -super.getVitalityPoints(damage) / 100;

public boolean useVitalityRate()
	return false;

I find shout's but is not 100%....some rb's dont make shout...how i make it 100% ???

Edited by GastOne
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What's the part you added...? Such a messy file with many useless, commented code..

Edited by SweeTs
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What's the part you added...? Such a messy file with many useless, commented code..

I Find...soz

final String[] msgs = {
            name + "! You think you can defeat me?",
            "Enjoy the hells " + name + "!",
            + "! I will show you my power, and then you can tremble before my might as I crush your puny bones to bits!",
            "You are really stupid to have challenged me... " + name + "!" + " Get ready!",
            "I really have no items, I swear!",
            name + "! I will destroy you!",
            name + "! I will make you realize what true power is!",
            name + ", You are on the way to destruction.",
            name + "! You have no chance to survive make your time.",
            "So we meet again, " + name + "! This time you die!",
            "Vegeta! What does the scouter say about " + name + "'s powerlevel?",
            "How brave of you to walk straight into death, " + name,
            + "! I've braved the fires of hell, stood against the attrition of time, and single-handedly unified this region, you think a little scrub like you can defeat me?",
            name + "! How inconsiderate of you, won't your friends miss you after you die?",
            "Start the clock! " + name + ", you will die in 5 minutes!",
            "It's time to sharpen my blade with human flesh!",
            name + "! You will not win! Get out of here while you can!",
            name + "! Even with all this zerg here I will still kill you all by myself!",
            "This one here named " + name + " will be no more soon...",
            name + "! You will die here like the rest before you!",
            name + "! I will show you the punishment that follows folly!",
            "Why do you attempt the futile, " + name + "?"
                    + " Throwing your life away carelessly like this...",
                    "Today is a sad day for you! " + name + "!",
                    "Today is a good day to die!... for " + name + "!",
                    "Haha! The ant is trying to fight the lion!",
                    name + " is a fool! Fools die!",
                    "Death looms near for " + name,
                    "I **** YOUR MOTHER " + name.toUpperCase() +"!",
                    name + "! You should be proud that you will die by my hands!",
                    name + "! What is the meaning of death? well, I'll show it to you!",
                    name + ", I think you need more healers!",
                    name + ", You sure the loot is set on finders keepers?",
                    name + "! I will kill you with my left hand and your friends with my right! Muhahaha!",
                    "Brethren prior to WENCHES!",
                    "I hath ninety-nine difficulties, nary a wench among them!",
                    "HALT! The hour of the hammer has begun!",
                    "Compelling tale, male sibling.",
                    "Bare thy bosoms or make hasty egress!",
                    "Relocate yourself, hound of the female gender. Be certain not to block the direction of which I am travelling.",
                    "Fornicate this excrement!",
                    "Cease all activities thou art engaged in - The hour of the hammer is upon us.",
                    "Female canine I beg of you!",
                    "Allow the carcasses to make contact with the ground!",
                    "Advance towards me in an aggressive manner, male sibling!",
                    "I so happen to be attracted to large posteriors, and I am inclined to be completely factual on the matter.",
                    "Make thy brethren a priority before enjoying the company of loose women.",
                    "Fecal matter tends to occur...",
                    "Insert thy reproductive organ into thine own self!"

thats is the shout's

Edited by GastOne
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There is no hope for you. Where to fack did you added it.. Full page of replies where you have to add it and still.. :rage:


I'm out.

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