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Quest Bug



Hi guys.


I have some problems whit a quest, when finish the mission the items dont dissapers from inventory. :mellow:


No mistake in GameServer. :-\


L2JServer High Five.


sorry my bad ingles.

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Add items ids on registerQuestItems().


If you mean on the last condition, some items don't dissapear, fix your script around exitQuest( method uses (care about if there are multiple ways to end the quest).

Edited by Tryskell
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I was checking everything what you have said to me and I don't find anything bad.


Check the quest.java and it has his lines well to my seem.
	 * Registers all items that have to be destroyed in case player abort the quest or finish it.
	 * @param items
	public void registerQuestItems(int... items)
		questItemIds = items;


I leave the whole complete code for if someone vee something that I ignore. :-\




sorry my bad ingles.


Edited by Sabrent
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Check the code Quest.java again and I found this.

	 * @return the registered quest items Ids.
	public int[] getRegisteredItemIds()
		return questItemIds;

	 * Registers all items that have to be destroyed in case player abort the quest or finish it.
	 * @param items
	public void RegisteredItemIds(int... items)
		questItemIds = items;

Equally I did what you said to me and it gave to me mistakes in the GameServer with all the quest.


I found this chunk of code also in the quest.java and he is the manager also of eliminating the things of the inventory but nothing.

	 * Remove all quest items associated with this quest from the specified player's inventory.
	 * @param player the player whose quest items to remove
	public void removeRegisteredQuestItems(L2PcInstance player)
		takeItems(player, -1, questItemIds);

sorry my bad ingles.

Edited by Sabrent
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Here I leave the quest.java that I use.



The method 




  1. public boolean takeItems(L2PcInstance player, int itemId, long amount)
  2.         {
  3.                 // Get object item from player's inventory list
  4.                 L2ItemInstance item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(itemId);
  5.                 if (item == null)
  6.                 {
  7.                         return false;
  8.                 }
  10.                 // Tests on count value in order not to have negative value
  11.                 if ((amount < 0) || (amount > item.getCount()))
  12.                 {
  13.                         amount = item.getCount();
  14.                 }
  16.                 // Destroy the quantity of items wanted
  17.                 if (item.isEquipped())
  18.                 {
  19.                         L2ItemInstance[] unequiped = player.getInventory().unEquipItemInBodySlotAndRecord(item.getItem().getBodyPart());
  20.                         InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
  21.                         for (L2ItemInstance itm : unequiped)
  22.                         {
  23.                                 iu.addModifiedItem(itm);
  24.                         }
  25.                         player.sendPacket(iu);
  26.                         player.broadcastUserInfo();
  27.                 }
  28.                 return player.destroyItemByItemId("Quest", itemId, amount, player, true);
  29.         }


Looks fine to me no mistakes.


Maybe is visual bug? Maybe updateInventory..

After you finish quest try log out and then login again and check if you still have the items.

maybe the destroyItemByItemId miss a updateInventory or idk.

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For example I'm in a Pailaka and I have my scroll weapon updater , I talk with the NPC and look to replace the weapon it does is give me the next leaving the previous there too, at the end of the quest I get all the weapons all of the quest items you use.


As in all the server quest , check the Quest.java and compare it to other projects but I see no difference in corresponding to the themes of the quest line items .


 Also try to restart the server and PJ when completing the quest to discard a hypothesis that had but remain in the inventory.

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For example I'm in a Pailaka and I have my scroll weapon updater , I talk with the NPC and look to replace the weapon it does is give me the next leaving the previous there too, at the end of the quest I get all the weapons all of the quest items you use.
As in all the server quest , check the Quest.java and compare it to other projects but I see no difference in corresponding to the themes of the quest line items .
 Also try to restart the server and PJ when completing the quest to discard a hypothesis that had but remain in the inventory.


Well i cant know if every method of your source is perfect

maybe the destroyItemById no work properly... post the method here (control + left click on it) to open the method

because so far the takeItems() is correct..


or you can also check if the RegisterItem is the problem..

make a handler or usercommand or add a line in the quest somewhere

that return the id that registerQuestItems int[] hold.. like


for (int number=0 : registerQuestItems)


activeChar.sendMessage("Holds:" + number);



that way you will see after you get the quest if the registerQuestItems contains the quest id's or is empty.. 

if is empty we need check register if not we check the 1st part i said... 

Edited by AccessDenied
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public Inventory getInventory()
		return null;
	public boolean destroyItemByItemId(String process, int itemId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
		// Default: NPCs consume virtual items for their skills
		// TODO: should be logged if even happens.. should be false
		return true;
	public boolean destroyItem(String process, int objectId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage)
		// Default: NPCs consume virtual items for their skills
		// TODO: should be logged if even happens.. should be false
		return true;

 testing other method 

Edited by Sabrent
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