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Wake Up L2 Axel


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Hi all

Me play l2 axel , its pvp server java , we hv donation coin named " battlefield coin " this u usually get it when u kill people in pvp zone .. soo after killing people u get ur items all plus 16

But in axel if u donate u will get items plus 20 ... I see their is people make tha battlefield coin 50k or 100k and buy weapon plus 20 and armor I don't know how they make this but I hope if some1 helps me cuz I want to get this hack

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How you can play that trash?

i would be ashmed of my self if i would play on a java sh1t like axel

Aeron is gonna be back don't waste time on trashness (omg i just sayed a words like aeron was a good l2j i have to kill my self also ._.)

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Last time I remember he was banned from L2Euro cause they thought he exploited oly or something...

i got banned because i findend the gm char with olf shirt ._.

(Char: Thor (olf shirt can't be taken in anyway even wih secret donation)

he used it by mistaked i stealed it (hero slh) i try to spoke with admin and badabum BANNED

ofc why ask to admin why he is corrupted?

so dumb! i lose my char in l2 off server QQ

i kinda agree on skirmish however

no donations

not how l2 is since once you try off every server java seems full buggy but 10 times better of any other java around

skirmish for life!

expect that skirmish lack of a thing

a currency for exchange that is basically stop people for playng

let's face it, even if is a pvp server you need something to farm and something to trade

like emerald when you can buy weird weapon apparence and armor and so on, there is a currecency and adena worth a lot

Just for that i was looking in aeron rummors about re-opening

stable with a currency and so on

ofc hoping will be not like last time when db was hitting 500 with skills and pole guy 1k ;)

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i got banned because i findend the gm char with olf shirt ._.

(Char: Thor (olf shirt can't be taken in anyway even wih secret donation)

he used it by mistaked i stealed it (hero slh) i try to spoke with admin and badabum BANNED

ofc why ask to admin why he is corrupted?

so dumb! i lose my char in l2 off server QQ

i kinda agree on skirmish however

no donations

not how l2 is since once you try off every server java seems full buggy but 10 times better of any other java around

skirmish for life!

expect that skirmish lack of a thing

a currency for exchange that is basically stop people for playng

let's face it, even if is a pvp server you need something to farm and something to trade

like emerald when you can buy weird weapon apparence and armor and so on, there is a currecency and adena worth a lot

Just for that i was looking in aeron rummors about re-opening

stable with a currency and so on

ofc hoping will be not like last time when db was hitting 500 with skills and pole guy 1k ;)

why so good

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yea skimrish best servidor, with 5 ppl online.

If ppl liked such server, they would play there, but as you see they dont.

because they cant play there since its close to retail ;)

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Skirmish is full russian now, 2 weeks ago skirmish had 120 players online in a oly server... just sayng

120 people doing oly at same time is something you didin't see even on your tallesky with 20k onlinesky

however achylesky now sell his ass to l2 mid, wtf is wrong with you man...

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Skirmish is full russian now, 2 weeks ago skirmish had 120 players online in a oly server... just sayng

120 people doing oly at same time is something you didin't see even on your tallesky with 20k onlinesky

however achylesky now sell his ass to l2 mid, wtf is wrong with you man...

wake up please 

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wake up please 

Instead of go after every next admin that open a new server for earn 20 euro

find a real job after 2 years you are beyond every livel of trashness

sorry to say that but you are too much lol atm

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Instead of go after every next admin that open a new server for earn 20 euro

find a real job after 2 years you are beyond every livel of trashness

sorry to say that but you are too much lol atm

since you dont know about my life nothing, i will not speak about you


you speak everytime about same, and you are only one who still playing l2 like retard 

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since you dont know about my life nothing, i will not speak about you


you speak everytime about same, and you are only one who still playing l2 like retard 

I'm not the one that start every week on a new server, you are confusing my self with you

bring your bullsh1t somewhere else with me that bla bla don't work

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