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Posted (edited)

Guys, if someone wants the original updater - not shity 3 pixels - go to my profile.

Take care lame fuqer  O0  Get some skills with design and try to do something by Yourself. Oh wait...You can't  :happyforever:Another lame try to copy my updater ^^ Gaara tried it as well and failed just like You. Pixeladed as fuq. It looks like from 1995  :poker face: 

Edited by aVVe

умничать будете в своих темах

я делаю апдейтеры из того что мне даёт заказчик(PSD)  (RUS)


will be smart in their topics
I do updater from the fact that I give the customer (PSD)  (ENG)
Posted (edited)


will be smart in their topics

I do updater from the fact that I give the customer (PSD)  (ENG)

You didn't do the background. You didn't design it - it is from my updater design. You leeched it and You playing smartass. The "psd" You have containts my background design and Your crapy re-creation for buttons and loading bar.

If You call it Your design, then You are just stupid ^^ Everyone knows that You leeched the design from my updater and now try to call it Yours  :poker face:  You can design shit thats why You leeched my design and now sell it as Yours.

I will report Your post with that video to be removed as You don't have rights to re use it.


Take care shitbag  :dat:

Edited by aVVe

Вы настолько увидели во мне конкурента, что распустили слюни?

Удачи Вам в своих роботах тогда!!!


Я могу удалить хоть все свои видео, но это не решит вашей проблемы))

Удачного вам дня)))))  (RUS)


You saw me as a competitor, that drooling disbanded?
Good luck to you in your robot then !!!
I can even remove all your videos, but it does not solve your problem))
Have a nice day to you))))) (RUS)
Posted (edited)


You saw me as a competitor, that drooling disbanded?

Good luck to you in your robot then !!!
I can even remove all your videos, but it does not solve your problem))
Have a nice day to you))))) (RUS)

Competitor? What competitor are You if You are using my stuff?  :you serious?:  You are no competitor to me. I just don't like scumbags to re-sell things (especialy mine) - same thing with "Your" Unreal. It's not Yours but You try to sell it anyway  :happyforever: 

Anyway, video removed, I don't care about Your shits anymore. 

Take care shitbag  :poker face:

Edited by aVVe

Competitor? What competitor are You if You are using my stuff?  :you serious?:  You are no competitor to me. I just don't like scumbags to re-sell things (especialy mine) - same thing with "Your" Unreal. It's not Yours but You try to sell it anyway  :happyforever: 

Anyway, video removed, I don't care about Your shits anymore. 

Take care shitbag  :poker face:

я гляжу у вас бомбит?

пойдите прогуляйтесь по улице, думаю должно попустить))


по поводу Unreal, что же вы все такие завистливые?

на данный момент собран не Unreal, а Postal 2, со всеми функциями.

свободно им компилирую любой(.u) файл в клиенте



interface.u и так далее, а вы дальше пишите о том что я продаю не свою работу - многого добьётесь....  


и сразу попрошу модераторов, очистить тему продажи,
от неуместных высказываниях завистликов..
всем удачного дня.



I look you bombing?
Go take a walk down the street, I think should be in vain))
about Unreal, what are you all so envious?
currently collected are not Unreal, but Postal 2, with all the features.
free to compile them all (.u) file to the client
interface.u and so on, and you continue to write about what I sell is not my job - many will achieve ....
and immediately ask moderators, clear theme sales
by inappropriate statements zavistlikov ..
all a successful day.
Posted (edited)

If You want to take a part in such conversation, please...just please...learn the fucking eng. If You want to sell anything, You will need it. Your eng is at lvl "google translator" just like "Your" sales.
You are trying to sell not Yours updater graphic and not Yours UE patch (You didn't unlock it). What else do You sell? Gildors tool? :-beep- yeah:

Well, at least You are a true Russian  :happyforever: Mom should be proud  :dat:

Edited by aVVe

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