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Hey, im using a file skillgrp.dat that i had for a long time and using it on every server ive played BUT now im playing a server that has 3 custom skills, i see them black and if i press on em i get error, is there any chance i can search them ?

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Open the skillgrp from the server you are playing on, copy lines for those new skills and paste them into your file. Profit.

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Open the skillgrp from the server you are playing on, copy lines for those new skills and paste them into your file. Profit.

i would do that if i could find the lines missing...if u ve ever opened the skillgrp file you d see that there are like 50k lines...i cant search them one by one...

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And who said that you have to look "one by one"  :okey:   Be smart.


1. Most likely then are at the very bottom.

2. While you know the skill name (using the original system - skillname-e.dat) you can open the file and check it's ID.

3. While you got the ID, you can rip the skillgrp.



Edited by SweeTs
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And who said that you have to look "one by one"  :okey:   Be smart.


1. Most likely then are at the very bottom.

2. While you know the skill name (using the original system - skillname-e.dat) you can open the file and check it's ID.

3. While you got the ID, you can rip the skillgrp.





hey..i feel kinda dumb for not thinking of that lol, i found the 3 buffs and pasted on the file that i want, but i dont know which version should i use while saving....http://prntscr.com/7t26dv



EDIT: i found this ^ i saved it with 413, but now i got an other issue, chant of victory looks the same as the previous buff, i found the id on a pure skillgrp and on mine and its the same so...if you know what is casing that please tell me.



Edited by DjNanos
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Probably you messed the cov line. I don't remember what was causing it :P



@le memer

Screen is not needed. When he take the cov, the icon is like previous buff. For example, you have Shield and Might, now you cast cov -> cov icon = might.

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Probably you messed the cov line. I don't remember what was causing it :P



@le memer

Screen is not needed. When he take the cov, the icon is like previous buff. For example, you have Shield and Might, now you cast cov -> cov icon = might.


o i didnt get it

i dont remember what caused it too but i think it had something to do with a invalid skill id

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i double checked all the buffs IDs and all of them are fine, both the buffs and the icons of them O.o

so whats wrong with it? why is cov takign the icon of its previous buff?


k lock, i found it

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