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[L2J] L2Elcardia


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Edited 2 posts already? Butthurt much cause so far on Media you bought every single script line from L2Scripts while Tenkai did their own and it's still better than any IO server out there?

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You should just stop those flame war to know who got the biggest e-penis  :-[

He keeps spamming other people's servers and threads with bullshit while his server is the biggest shit ever existed. But yeah...this needs to stop.

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  • 4 weeks later...

myiumi....  server [Tenkai] is dead because you change (almost) every day classes power. Today one class have some stats and tomorrow they have a different stats. You are a good dev but to emo to be admin [my opinion].


I don't recomand to anyone to play there [elcardia]


Money talks!

Edited by angelshero
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  • 4 weeks later...

Edited 2 posts already? Butthurt much cause so far on Media you bought every single script line from L2Scripts while Tenkai did their own and it's still better than any IO server out there?

nop, i just respect pere's work in terms of code dev he is rly great, by far in private servers one of the greatest, in fact he could do much more then an l2 private server in my oppinion, and i m sad to see him get stolen from his life's work, he s players betraying him,, since he is doing this since way before most of u here, 2007,8.... even i played on his server, as many many others, for the better or worse, it s a sad story. between us was never a straight competition, but ofc it s still a competition so we are on 2 opposites sides, like it or not, nothing personal tho.


most of u dont know what it means to have ur own work, make ur own development, not just copy l2j and change some shit rates, 12 hrs to spend after u got home from 8 hr work at the office to afford not to relay on some 1-2 bucks of donation, affect ur family life, ur wife complaining u never have time, always to be on the run and still make time to spend as a gm after u work , because it s ur life s work, not just a hobby. SUre , u have tens of thousands of shitty garbage servers ran by some kids who have no obligations, so they run it as is for few months wipe it close it, u dont even play l2 but some shit custom game, wasteing ur time, but for something to go on for years without a single wipe, demanded hard sacrifices.


So sorry if i m not "nice" with people who insult the server i built with my own sweat and my own work, u insult the server u get banned the f out. No, i m not nice, yes i m a jerk when i come to that, respect me and i ll be ur best friend, always straight , always sincere. IN my oppinion that s better then beeing "nice" like a snake to get this or that, GM licking ass like on elcardia just disgusts me, but hey, it works to get naive players, so i guess it s worth it for some. Not for me tho, media and l2ertheia were made out of passion towards the game and the players who play it, we ll never wipe and go on as far as possible, we had some bad times some good times, i ve made great friends and as u can see, great enemies, who hate my guts cuz i didn t lick their boots and i didn t cave in when they asked this or that, i come from a corrupt country, so the NO CORRUPTION policy is taken to the core, i never had 100 gms, it s been 1 gm since the start to avoid ANY corruption, and i stick to that as i could give u countless exemple, i was lucky to find a good friend who helps me, and i m thankfull for that, but that s 1 ppl in 6 years, well now 7, so think about that also.


trust is earned, not given. U have much to learn pere, as do i and as do all of us, i m a bit older then u, so i stick to my no bullshit policy, even if that means not nice, or jerk in ur oppinion. For me sincerity and dignity is worth more then beeing "nice".


and no pere, here u are wrong, last travel never loses sleep over steeling ur work/players (wich it did, cuz all ur players went to elcardia), wich is 99% everything there - ur work, ur passion , ur countless hours, not his, makeing some skill enchants is NOTHING compared to that. so , sry, u are nice for defending him, but no excuses. He could never do alone what u did with ur core for years since god, even if it s based on hi5. 




ur problem  problem is that u are too too nice, and that s why u got all this trouble, now he s server is low pop, etc. it s sad. even after getting robbed he defends the robber. if i d get stolen my life s work, i d fucking buy a plane ticket and solve it. as i ve said, trust is earned, not given. 


and for pere my last words: wake up, the world doesen t care of you beeing nice or a jerk, i rather be a jerk and not let a thief sleep in my bed, then get screwed by one. 

Edited by rockk
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I have no idea why you are talking well about me and addressing to me so nicely with heart touching messages, but I'll take it.


Thank you media, your site was also my reference as it came to many GoD features when I started developing them ^^


It's so hard to have server+job+wife, not to say impossible. At least one of them must be done wrong, and "wife"'s what I've been doing wrong for too many years already (well, server wasn't done quite right either). That's why I decided to leave the server, at least for now :p

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  • 4 weeks later...


Post by Lastravel » Sun Nov 15, 2015 12:06 pm
Can you enumerate such strange things? Of Course no, just what their own people are spreading.
All of you are "promoting" such "strange things", with stupid rumors and random blabla and I'm getting tired to be the "imaginary" responsible of everything.
I will enumerate with date/hour/minutes, forum links, in a word ->[proofs]
Since I come back to L2elcardia you have some hate against Angels clan in general and against me [Preludia] in particular even if me and we bring ppls here and advertise your server trough many ways: youtube videos, live broadcasting, maxcheaters forum, facebook, or even if we help to test your server: http://www.l2elcardia.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=111
1. 27 september 2015. we create 3 alt clans and reg to goddard, innadrill, dion. first siege Goddard castle [TSC holder]. We attack and took that castle and you [LasTravel] pm me in game: "Why you want Goddard castle?" and you tell us to leave Goddard castel and let TSC to have it and we do it. In the same day after Goddard, start Aden siege. hueeBR, alt clan of hueBR with 1 clan member [keeepa], took Aden castle with other clans contribution and we loose the castle. SAME situation Goddard/Aden but diferent rules for castles
-1 Angels [LasTravel intervention]
2. after this siege, you create a rule to prevent us to reg to many castles like other clans just did: http://www.l2elcardia.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=6


Attack, defend, conquer or participate in a castle siege with an alt clan is not allowed.
A castle that belongs to a clan that not play anymore can't be defended.
A castle that belongs to NPCs can't be defended.
even if before this siege you say: http://www.l2elcardia.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=606&p=3714


Re: Castle register
Post by Lastravel » Sun Sep 20, 2015 1:48 pm
Right now there isn't any restriction to register in sieges, everyone can.
By the way an "alt clan" with 2 members should not be a problem since the current "Castle Owner" wont allow em to take the castle.
From your point of view why is this a problem?
-2 Angels [LasTravel intervention]
3. War thing. Following CareBears and TSC whispers [ally at that time], you implement a rule


Postby Lastravel » Fri Oct 09, 2015 5:01 pm
Clan Wars:
- The fee to cancel a war has been increased to: 10.000 Blue Eva and 100.000.000 Silver Shilen.. 
Pretty obvious thar rule was just against angels because we constantly close the war against TSC+CB zerg.
-3 Angels [LasTravel intervention]
4. Zerg thing. LasTravel create another rule:


Clan Behavior:
This set of rules have been followed by all the clan leaders till now (by themselves) in order to have a healthy community:
A clan shouldn't grow more than the other clans with the intention to zerg.
A clan shouldn't make permanent ingame aliances.
A clan shouldn't attack the newcomers, and even should help them.
A clan should fight all the other equal clans.
Conflictive clans are not welcome.
*Zerg is the action of dominate intentionally and continuously the server features such as sieges, epics, open pvp or whatever, with a huge difference in the amount of players.
*Permanent alliances is the alliance (implicit or not) that lasts for a long time and that is made in purpose to dominate the server intentionally and continuously, causing troubles at the rest of clans.
but...  even if I show you the zerg: TSC+CB+HUE in: http://www.l2elcardia.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=781 you say: 


Post by Lastravel » Sat Oct 10, 2015 3:54 pm
There ain't nothing wrong on "hold hands" to kill someone since they fight each other as well.
-4 Angels [LasTravel indifference against his rules]
5.Clan Hall thing. Since CB and TSC disapear a new strong clan appear with many players from both clans Hellbound. You took our clan hall [Devastated castle] and gift them and you let us without clan hall more than 1 week. Why our clan hall? 
-5 Angels [Lastravel action]
6. Castle thing. Recently LasTravel suddenly implement a new castle option: "Leave Castle". Did anyone know about this option? Was announce in forum? I was looking in last changelog and nothing... I know about this option from castiel after 3 days since HellBound leave from Oren castle and regged to Aden because is easy to take a castle with 2 iss [just because here iss is a tank-buffer]:


Post by Castiel » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:35 am
An option "Leave Castle" has been added ...so you cant leave your current castle and can register to another!
-6 Angels [LasTravel secret implement]
If Angels Clan are not welcome in your server, just tell me [us]
and you already ban me..
This is how it work on L2Elcardia.
PS: Sorry PERE because I was blind but now I see
Edited by angelshero
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  • 1 month later...


So only was mine when I was working there giving to Pere many €K's each month?

Cool story, keep trash talking and the next I'll do is send the last 5 years donations database to the $panish Monetary Authority, lets see who have more to lose.


This extends also to the Ghost DDoS attacks, since both are the same thing the result for me will be the same.


Have a nice day.



so it s all about the money... i guess that s why you 2 made 2 servers, trying to convince people you split, and made 2 wipes, now tenkai "relaunches" but has same content as you, sale l2j freya core, same game mechanics just different client as always, it s obvious you 2 work together as before, just try to get more cash from 2 servers, wich are identical 99%.


i`m curious, what about people that donated before, will they get their old donated things? i bet not.

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This smells like rockk so hard, your intentions the words you use and what you're pissed at. As I told you at my forum when you made yet another random account to throw random senseless shit... why don't you go and do something more productive, like learning how to program?

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so it s all about the money... i guess that s why you 2 made 2 servers, trying to convince people you split, and made 2 wipes, now tenkai "relaunches" but has same content as you, sale l2j freya core, same game mechanics just different client as always, it s obvious you 2 work together as before, just try to get more cash from 2 servers, wich are identical 99%.


i`m curious, what about people that donated before, will they get their old donated things? i bet not.


Joined Today, 08:19 AM
Posted Today, 08:22 AM
"now tenkai "relaunches" but has same content as you, same l2j freya core"
... lol.

Try to get the role for the next james bond movie imo... you've got that fucking 007 in the blood, rocky.

Edited by Ghost
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