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Respawn Point Inside Core



Hello, I have a custom zone inside goddar area, so I want to make it have its own respawn points, because if I change Goddard town spawns in zone.xml all areas of goddar teritory will have the same respawn inside this custom zone, which wont work obviously.


So i tought of a better way that worked out for my zone without messing with zone.xml.


I added these lines inside MapRegionTable.java:

if (player.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_MULTIFUNCTION))
return new Location(178932 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -84424 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -7246); 

 And now when a player dies and press tovillage or use return inside my zone they are located to my respawn. BUT I managed to add only 1 location as u can see. I need 3 and all my attempts failed to add 2 more =)


Can you give me any directions how to add +2 respawn points and make all 3 random using that same code?


Thank you in advance!

Edited by tiguz
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3 answers to this question

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Generate a random number and make a switch case or if else if statement (the main idea at least dunno how you wish to implement it) and have one object of Location and at the end return that..



if (player.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_MULTIFUNCTION))
   int rnd = Rnd.get(0,2); (make it as you wish)
   Location loc;

     loc= new Location(178932 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -84424 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -7246); //location 1
   else if (rnd==1)
     loc= new Location(178932 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -84424 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -7246); //location 2
     loc= new Location(178932 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -84424 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -7246); //location 3

   return loc;
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Generate a random number and make a switch case or if else if statement (the main idea at least dunno how you wish to implement it) and have one object of Location and at the end return that..



if (player.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_MULTIFUNCTION))
   int rnd = Rnd.get(0,2); (make it as you wish)
   Location loc;

     loc= new Location(178932 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -84424 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -7246); //location 1
   else if (rnd==1)
     loc= new Location(178932 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -84424 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -7246); //location 2
     loc= new Location(178932 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -84424 + Rnd.get( -100,100), -7246); //location 3

   return loc;

Thank you very much sir! I added my locations, plus 2 extra and now its working correctly without messing with The territory spawns in zone.xml!  =D

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