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I did not own any server since L2World 2009-2012. After that some wannabe people thought they can do better, so I stepped back. Thats how "L2World", L2Age, L2WOA, L2blabla were born. Still, the choice to help them was mine. Turns out, all this made me go back to the people I used to work with, who actually know what they are doing.

You can clearly see, with or without me, the scene is the same. Therefore, I am not changing anything with my presence on these servers.

For my own enjoyment, I will make a server where you will beg to be wiped cause you don't want to play in a years old playerbase.

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▶▶▶ We would like to invite you in our Open Beta Test[OBT] Server which started on 15.07.2015 and will run exclusively on our new assemblies. Grand Opening Ceremony 14.08.2015 at 21:00 GMT+2. Join us and let's have some fun testing out everything before going hardcore! 

▶▶▶ Register in our Forums http://lineage-realm.net/forum and be part of our pre-start Games and Events where you can win amaizing rewards for Grand Opening. 

▶▶▶ New website come up soon!


Beta Test Features:


▶ Olympiad 24/7

▶ Level Up, Delevel Menager.

▶ All Top Items, Epics, and Everything you need. 

▶ Write .GMSHOP to open our Free Beta Shop

▶ Max Enchant Set to +6

▶ Full Attributes on Armor&Weapon with single stone / crystal. 

▶ Items auto enchanted +6 Max enchant +6 for Beta.

▶ Augment manager - All active, passive skills to choose from. 

▶ All skills Auto +30 +15 after 1 used book.

▶ Subclases Auto 85, no Quest needed. 

▶ Auto Noblesse, Quest items in our shop. 

▶ Skill land chance percentage, Stats with .whoami, Healing recieved, Damage done/received, De-buffs on screen messages. 

No Olf's shirt and other dis-balancing items. 


▶▶▶ Download our System folder from here: https://mega.nz/#!YlYGRaAK!fOSbk41J-HvpYB6gEXlT_l2bT-kWZCJItTRlekaTaMI

▶▶▶ Download High Five Client from here:


Best regards,

Lineage-Realm Team

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Our servers are in meitenance for the next 3 days, cleaning, re-organise and preparing everything for Live.

Changing machines, protections, ip's, website and hard advertise in eu, america, and asia.

More than 1000 unique registrations at forums. Expected online 2k.

Join our pre-start events and games at our forums!


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uses SysUtils;
function MessageBoxW(hWnd: integer; Text, Caption: PChar; uType: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'user32.dll';
var dialog: string;
procedure listener;
  while true do begin
    if Pos('Captcha', Engine.DlgText) <> 0 then begin       
 //MessageBoxW(0, 'You gotta enter captcha son!', 'Controlling the situation', 0);
 PlaySound(Script.Path + 'PlayerAlarm.wav',false);



Hey, i'm new to this forum so dont hate me if i'm doing something wrong.

I've got a question about this script, it works and everything but it repeats all the time like an endless loop, how can i make it so it repeats like twice?

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Features are looking pretty nice, but tell me why the online counter is showing 400 online all the time? :-X
And tell me if Tower is working there or L2net, because I am too busy to check it and I might get some kind of lame autoban straight away, and I just want to know  :P

Edited by Kukiman
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Features are looking pretty nice, but tell me why the online counter is showing 400 online all the time? :-X

And tell me if Tower is working there or L2net, because I am too busy to check it and I might get some kind of lame autoban straight away, and I just want to know  :P


Counters are showing the last online number we had before we shut down servers for Live preparations updates. Server will be online soon, for few more days beta testing oly and pvps :)


5 days left for Live.

More then 1000 unique registrations at forum and growing.

15 Clans confirmed to join.

Many pre-starts events started.

Gaming Gear Give aways.

No Bots in towns.

Best files. 

Active administration staff.

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Counters are showing the last online number we had before we shut down servers for Live preparations updates. Server will be online soon, for few more days beta testing oly and pvps :)


5 days left for Live.

More then 1000 unique registrations at forum and growing.

15 Clans confirmed to join.

Many pre-starts events started.

Gaming Gear Give aways.

No Bots in towns.

Best files

Active administration staff.


this is everytime funy when u write it. 

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Counters are showing the last online number we had before we shut down servers for Live preparations updates. Server will be online soon, for few more days beta testing oly and pvps :)


5 days left for Live.

More then 1000 unique registrations at forum and growing.

15 Clans confirmed to join.

Many pre-starts events started.

Gaming Gear Give aways.

No Bots in towns.

Best files. 

Active administration staff.

Damn, I was hoping to play on beta and test oly, well then, will wait for Gh0st's project, and check l2realm meanwhile

Btw. I think the server is actually offline, cant log in

Edited by Kukiman
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Hey, i'm new to this forum so dont hate me if i'm doing something wrong.

I've got a question about this script, it works and everything but it repeats all the time like an endless loop, how can i make it so it repeats like twice?

add a for loop before the while loop,from 0 till 1 for 2 repeats.

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That forum bots are OP XD.  over 1k visitors at forum during last 72h, and every one's visit was at:
+-1h and that goes all the way for last 72h :D

Forum is empty,I joined 2 days ago, and just 3 people joined after me since then and server opens in 4 days.
I was hoping that it will hit massive online but well, now I know :(

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That forum bots are OP XD.  over 1k visitors at forum during last 72h, and every one's visit was at:












+-1h and that goes all the way for last 72h :D


Forum is empty,I joined 2 days ago, and just 3 people joined after me since then and server opens in 4 days.

I was hoping that it will hit massive online but well, now I know :(

wait, its something new at bella server?


He never saw more than 200 ppl at his server 

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Damn, I was hoping to play on beta and test oly, well then, will wait for Gh0st's project, and check l2realm meanwhile

Btw. I think the server is actually offline, cant log in


Yes server is offline for Live preparations.



14.08.2015 Grand Opening.

New website is online and fully functional.

1 month of Successful beta tests from 15.07.

Active English, Russian, Greek, Brasil(portuguese) and Bulgarian staff.

Check out our pre-start Events and Games at our forums.

Register today and win various prices.



wait, its something new at bella server?


He never saw more than 200 ppl at his server 


Actualy had 900 unique ips when i started my First server and im doing something good for this monopolized L2 servers full of bots by russians and tales.

Why their sieges empty and towns have 20,000 "players"?

I prefer have 900 real then 20,000 fake. 

People are not stupid like you. Oh wait you are acting like one of the smart ones actualy and i respect that, since you and your friends getting free itemz in stalonka for flaming me :DD

Edited by le memer master
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