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[My Story] About Ovh And Very Bad Services

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Hi everyone

I will relate you a little story about how i lost my money and my lineage2 work


{ first of all sorry for my english, maybe i will make some gramatical mystakes )


I will begin with the begining,

I've been working on java paltform for a lineage 2 interlude server

After i fixed everything i had to fix and i balanced classes in proportion of 90%-95%

I decided to create a website and let the world know about my work

I wanted to keep this server online more then one year

I called OVH company andi ordered a dedicated machine ( the best avabile they had...)


After all this i tryed to register my server in topzone and hopzone

Here is the "boom"

"server already exist in our database" i got this message form both websites 

Ok fine,, i called OVH and they told me that the IP address they give to costumers are random ( they never said this before paying it )

Ok fine,,, all good... I ordered a failover IP and i tryed again, good, worked.

After 3 days of waiting servers ware deactivated on both websites..


Admins think that i am the old owner of the dedicated machine that OVH provided me.

Server will never be registred in this websites and because of this people will never hear about it.


This is my story how i failed, and how i lost all my work and my money

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Ha ha.. Let me guess, you registered the server using dedicated server, no?


They clearly say in their rules to DO NOT use dedicated/vps servers to register server. So, it's not ovh fault, only your.

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what you mean?





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lol come on  stop with this shi.... hopzone and topzone the world is not that small look around there are  another ranking list with good population too
as i know the best advertising is the word from one person to another
If u have so good server and register in low population ranking list ppl who like your job will tell they friend and and and ... yes maybe will take little bit more time but you want lose anything if u have something good

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I talkw with him and he changed from server deactivated to awaing approval is good?


probably yes, also xzone was watching ur servers topic so i guess he saw u didnt tried to trick him or whatever

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