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Well, the L2Dreams is running for a nice couple of years actually, it has very good files, custom antibot (which actually works pretty nice), it's very balanced, and it has custom market and equipment acquiring system. Well, I think it is a very original project, with great administrator, let's just hope that the online will hit the sky, which I doubt a little, but still - will give it a try :P

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We're introducing the Shortcut Presets starting from the next update. That, combined to the temporary deleveling feature along the gears presets, makes it possible for us to introduce a feature that will adjust your level whenever it is necessary.


More information on Gear & Shortcut Presets (this is a copy paste of a post from our Guides section):

Creating Gears and Shortcuts Presets allows you to save an incredible amount of time when switching classes and/or level ranges, by automatically adjusting things the way you want them.
And that's not all! it also enables the auto level adjustement feature, which, adjusts your level to an appropriate one when you attempt to attack a target that's outleveled. Let's get that done.
I'm going to do that on my Elf. A level 99 Feoh Mystic Muse. I will be creating both, Gear and Shortcut Presets for pretty much all level ranges.
Level Ranges:
- 1 to 19 (No Grade, Elf Mage)
- 20 to 39 (D Grade, Elf Wizard)
- 40 to 51 (C Grade, Spellsinger)
- 52 to 60 (B Grade, Spellsinger)
- 61 to 75 (A Grade, Spellsinger)
- 76 to 79 (S Grade, Mystic Muse)
- 80 to 84 (S80 Grade, Mystic Muse)
- 85 to 94 (R Grade, Feoh Mystic Muse)
- 95 to 98. (R95 Grade, Feoh Mystic Muse)
- 99 (R99 Grade Feoh Mystic Muse)
Gear Presets must be saved through the Magic Gem. This is how it's done:
- Get on the level for which you'd like to create the preset. Pick the highest level for that level range. (19 for No Grade, for example)
- Equip the gears for that level.
- Open the Magic Gem -Manage your Configurations" -> "Gear Presets / Save equipment..."
We're done with the Gear Preset for the choosen level range. Let's do the shortcuts presets while we're at it - to do so, we simply drag and drop skills, items, macros, into the shortcut bars, as usual. The changes performed are automatically saved for future use on the current level range / class.
Let's see how it looks like, now, when deleveling with the help of a Gatekeeper:


As you can see, I've done presets for all ranges except R and R95, but make sure to do presets for all possible level ranges on all of the classes you actively play so that your level can be adjusted automatically whenever necessary.

Edited by Ghost*
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  • 3 weeks later...

How many online u got on that new dimension, i may give it a try i never played anything above hellbound, but ur server seems good project but then again online players matters also, so how much aprox ?

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How many online u got on that new dimension, i may give it a try i never played anything above hellbound, but ur server seems good project but then again online players matters also, so how much aprox ?

definitely not many  it doesnt even worth playin on new dimension since you can get a clan and even some powerlvl on the main server. i would call  it a fail attempt

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This server is great, very organized and has many unique features that you have never seen before, such as "gear presents" where your gear will automatically equip when you switch that certain levels(you can choose what is equipped) and custom currency shop where you can sell items for whatever currency you want not only adena. Mini raid bosses is my favorite part of this server because it utilizes the entire map and your not just farming in one spot mindlessly all day, I love the diversity on this server, you will NEVER be bored and the administrator is always adding new content and fixing problems fairly quick! Join this server and you won't look back.


My favorite features:

- Gear presents - automatically equips gear when you switch levels( switch to level 61-75 and equips your A-grade gear that you setup) very usefull since we are deleveling a lot to kill bosses.

- Mini bosses - they appear all over the map and all different level ranges which makes it fun to farm and makes all gear ingame useful not just R99 gear. inventory space is the only annoying part but we get 250 slots here so its manageable.

- Skill shortcut presents!!!! - Another very convienent feature because like I said we are deleveling a lot for mini bosses and making a new skill bar everytime can be time consuming any annoying NOW your skill bars are saved for each level range you switch too<3.

-Custom buy/sell shops - Love it because is adena not the only important currency so I can sell items for the price of event medals or raid items or anything I want if needed and the economy is pretty good here(inflated prices but thats because adena is so easy to get)

- Constant updates and bug fixes and new features - always good to see active administrators.



My wish list:

- Crafting is useful here since we use low level gear to and we only get common low level gear( you can buy S grade+ items, but C-A grade we need to drop or craft). I only wish basic materials dropped/spoiled a bit more amount. The drop RATE on materials are good but would like to see the AMOUNT that drops increased at least x3 or x4 more and maybe x2 more spoil amount..

- GM hosted events - I always loved this because connecting the player base to the staff is a healthy thing to do even though Ghost logs ingame a lot to check on us. I think it would be cool to recruit a event GM that has some really unique events ideas, PvP and PvE based..

- PvE events, I think the only PVE events is trease chest hunting, I would like to see more PvE events. Yeah its a high rate but plenty of people like the PvE part of this game too. Like the old events they used on retail, if we can implement those and rotate them every month or so it would be cool.




Good job Ghost, keep it up and don't ever stop.

Edited by Sinnocent
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One love Sinnocent!


We are in the process of updating our base to Infinite Odyssey. This is mainly going to change stuff on the awakened content. A test server will be brought up tonight and will remain around for a week or so, giving us enough time to polish it as much as possible before Phoenix updates.


Instant level up, free currencies and anything you may need to test stuff will be available on the test server. A good opportunity to check how Phoenix is!


Learn more.

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Nope. The only thing the transition from Ertheia to IO will change is, mostly, the awakened skills, and, it'll give us the possibility to add even more content in the future.


For instance, with the IO client, it is now possible to enchant skills no matter their level. They gain an increase, depending on the base power of the skill at its actual level and the enchant level. That's just great for the temporary deleveling feature and the non-awakened skills, giving us the possibility to make it possible to have enchanted skills all the way from ~40 to 85.

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