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Good code and good host, but incompetent staff is the main drawback. We can barely accept GM giving away some random stuff or Moderator playing ingame, but in end game, there is nothing to do besides going bullying some newbies or waiting a week for Grand boss (that nobody bothers to pvp for because everyone just need to wait and pick). 


In short, if you wanna test out god features, then I'd recommend it. But to pvp or to install for long, better save your time.


Agree with everything except the "incompetent staff" :/ care to elaborate? And well, the usual shit of corruption I'll just ignore it, you have no way to proof your bullshit but I also don't have any way to proof you're wrong, so w/e

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  • 3 weeks later...
General Changes:

  • The stupid chat filter has been removed
  • Tenkai Patrols (guard NPCs with godlike strength who attack aggressive monsters and PKs at sight) introduced
  • Three Tenkai Patrols have been spawned in front of Atelia Fortress
  • Yul Archers’ PvP damage has been slightly decreased
  • Eviscerators’ PvP damage has been slightly decreased
  • Vote Manager’s name and title have been updated
  • Skills and items increasing magical crit dmg have been fixed (they were not stacking correctly, now when they stack the damage will be higher)

Skill Changes:

  • Threatening Wind Mind enchant route has been fixed
  • Pull skills now immobilize their target for a second
  • Blade Slasher’s extra damage on stunned targets has been implemented

Item Changes:

  • A bug that allowed players to stack jewel augment passives has been fixed
  • Aria’s Life Stone implemented
  • Talisman - Battle: Attack implemented
  • Talisman - Battle: Speed implemented
  • Talisman - Battle: Support implemented

Economy/Farm Changes:

  • Aria’s Life Stones are now sold at the Events Shop
  • Talismans - Battle (1 day) have been added to the vote rewards list
  • Talismans - Battle (30 days) are now sold at the Premium Shop
  • The Gold Einhasad conversion rate has been updated

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  • 2 months later...
Greetings cuties,
It's been 2 weeks since I posted about the new server project in the L2Tenkai forum, and since then we've been working so hard to move it forward. This week and the next one I've been given vacations from my job, which means that I'm able to deliver 10 daily hours to the project instead of 2, so the expected dates of late December / January are no longer valid.
The new server's First Open Beta will start this coming Friday 4th of December at 5:00 PM CET
There will be more than one Open Beta, one every weekend until the Grand Opening. They will start every Friday at 5:00 PM and end every Monday at 1:00 PM.
In that first open beta I will ask you to focus on the initial gearing up and NPCs of the game. Please notice that there may be incomplete/bugged features, but as long as they don't belong to that category they shall not be reported.
We don't have a date for the Grand Opening yet, as it depends on how much we're able to advance during that time, but I really hope it's ready before Christmas.
Now let's see what's being cooked. A provisional list of what's coming in Esthus (everything is open to changes):
  • All the server's economy is based on Adena. The only extra currencies will be the donation coins (Coin of Luck/Gold Einhasad), and the rest will be completely removed (Silver Shilen, Bloody Pa'agrio, Blue Eva, Shiny Coin, Golden Apiga...)
  • There will be ways to get Gold Einhasads by just playing.
  • The new Soul Crystals system has been implemented.
  • Characters are born at level 99.
  • Subclasses are created at level 80.
  • When a subclass is made dual class it automatically goes up to level 99.
  • There's no level cap, but after level 105 every new level will need much more experience than the previous one.
  • Complete shop redesign! Now it's much more newbie-friendly.
  • Practically all the gear can be bought with a little amount of Adena.
  • Safe and Max enchant with scrolls is +16, and enchant scrolls are cheap.
  • You will be able to enchant over +16 through a custom shop without other boundaries than your adena budget (every +1 will cost much more adena than the previous one).
  • Basic boss jewels will be purchasable with Adena, and bosses will drop the blessed ones (~20 jewels per boss).
  • Epic Dragons will drop ~15 Fragment Dragon Weapons and ~750 Dragon Claws.
  • The Magic Gem will only spawn Dahlia (teleporter) and Genius (buffer). The others will be in the main town.
  • The damage dealer "event" and its NPC have been removed.
  • Dimensional Door NPC has been removed. Its instances may be released during the server's life, with a maximum effort on leaving the economy untouched.
  • World Altars system has been removed. But!:
  • The good old Raid Bosses' strength and drops have been completely revamped.
  • The Community Board has been cleaned up.
  • Clans will be level 10 and full skills upon creation.
  • There will be 9 possible main towns, one for each castle.
  • SoE/Unstuck/To Village will always bring to the current main town.
  • Custom NPCs will spawn only in the current main town.
  • New characters will appear at the current main town.
  • The current main town will randomly change every certain time.
  • During the main town change, all the players from the current main town will be teleported to the new one (shops included).
  • Castle taxes (dark tendency) will affect all the shops' adena prices.
  • Clans will be able to give up their castle to the NPCs clan so that they can register to attack another one.
  • Siege times will be limited to Sundays 6~10PM.
  • Olympiads will run during the workweek. On Mondays and Tuesdays matches will be class-based, and on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays they will be non-class-based. There will be new heroes every Saturday at 6:00 AM.
  • A massive boss will spawn every Saturday at 6~10PM in a random place which will become an open PvP area while the boss is alive.

I expect to be done with everything in the list before this Friday, and there are more new thingies to be done/announced. But as I said, this is just a provisional list ^^

See you this Friday!
Edited by Pere
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Everything is custom. Adena will be 3x, exp 1x but you'll reach level 105 in a matter of minutes :P

I'd rather try it to see how it feels, but if you don't want to spend your time on a beta it will be better if you wait until we do the final launch, since anything can happen until then ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last adjustments before the Grand Opening! From now on the server's economy is sealed, which means that all already existing items' value will not change in any possible way. Events are still to be added in, but before that we prefer you to gear up and kill some bosses, create clans, etc.


We're opening in just 8 hours and 20 minutes! Are you ready?



  • Now overenchant adena prices are affected by the current castle's tax rate.
  • All boss' levels, stats and drops have been reviewed, instances included.
  • An Information NPC has been added. He will be helping newbies among other roles.


  • Balance Heal Power and Recovery enchant routes implemented.
  • Dissolve Shield and Magic Shield enchant routes implemented.
  • Quick Escape Shield, Magic Shield, Wind Walk enchant routes implemented.
  • Disperse Shield, Magic Shield enchant routes implemented.
  • Servitor Balance Life Shield and Magic Shield enchant routes implemented.
  • Polymorph Major, Meditation and Penalty enchant routes implemented.
  • Sustain Power and Recovery enchant routes implemented.
  • Paladin's Aura Adjust Op.1 and Adjust Op.2 enchant routes implemented.
  • Avenger's Aura Adjust Op.1 and Adjust Op.2 enchant routes implemented.
  • Sentinel's Aura Adjust Op.1 and Adjust Op.2 enchant routes implemented.
  • Templar's Aura Adjust Op.1 and Adjust Op.2 enchant routes implemented.
  • Final Ultimate Evasion Wind Walk enchant route fixed.


By the way, thanks to Pau again for implementing all the missing Underground skill enchant routes. Now all skill enchants have been implemented! We're just missing the damage shield skills, which are to come very soon.

Edited by Pere
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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you want an official number or the real one? If you're used to servers with 1000+ in their website online counters you better ask for an official number :d


Whatever, we're almost 300 atm ^^ not counting shops!

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  • 3 months later...

Server has improved a lot i really suggest people trying it again, a lot of things that were consider bad have been completely revamped and are amazing, the difference between a donator and a normal player has basically been removed thanks to the vote system allowing you to obtain the donation currency. but to top it off the balance my god is the best for any GOD server, every class is playable long as you as a player can play it 

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