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What makes you play Lineage 2 ?


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What makes you play the game i mean you play it cuz you like skills monsters the way it was create everything just say why do you play it and why do you like it so much...


I play it because i meet new people.

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I like L2 cause it has many things to do ingame (you can farm,pvp,pk ;D ,chat,go to raid war and much more).

Also L2 is something like a meeting place for friends from school,job(maybe :P ) etc...

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The lineage like any other game is atractive to people by several reasons , even if u dont want this is a psycological game. After playing it for 3 years i realase that this is an adictive game, beacuse this game in any kind of feature forces u to be the best (in pvp servers to be the one whit more pvp) (in low rate to be higer than others). Far as now this is by far the best game , why? in all my life i play games where u only interact whit the machine , but here HERE!! u can speak whit other persons and establish a rol game where u can become anything u want (ofc this game is adictive and some times its no so good..)



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I like it beacuse it's the best mmorpg :P

i play it because i like it :D


Totally pointless answers, posthunters aka spammers, i want a real description on WHY do you like it yes ofc you like it cuz you like it but why do you like it? Why you play it so much what is special for you?


Anyone that posts a post like that will get -1 karma from me and i dont give a damn who you are, i want a clean topic.





i play cause i i bored... 



OMG dude read what i said above, and please do not spam give me a CLEAR answer otherwise dont fuken post.

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Well , I Personally Play For Fun. (Many People Play To Prove That They Are Somebody.. Idiots.. )


Anyway , Races , Classes , Skills , Weapons + Armors Make This Game AWESOME. It's Something Unique For a Game. And That Makes it Special. That's WHy i play.

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i'm playing lineage 2 becouse on low rate server u can make a lot of friends and meet whit them after work (in my case) in one big word lineage 2 beats wow and all of the other s....

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These are the reasons i play.


If you are smart you win.

If you are friendly you win.

If you are cheater you win.

If you are sympatisch you win.


If you are an asshole you will never be respected.

If you dont know english play pacman.

If you you think you must always win and not loose and if you loose you offence your enemy Q_Q. You are not for online games. Try online flash games.


If you are smart you win.
If you are friendly you win.
If you are cheater you win.
If you are sympatisch you win.


If you are just like this you will love this game and earn more experience day by day and i am sure you will enjoy it! ;)



If you are an asshole you will never be respected.
If you dont know english play pacman.
If you you think you must always win and not loose and if you loose you offence your enemy Q_Q. You are not for online games. Try online flash games.


If you are like this .....


[move]GF GAME OVER[/move]

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hmm... i agree with Anubis...


although i never rly liked it with my heart, i joined cause of friends, and then i played cause of addiction and then i felt like shit (emofied)


and now i have stopped and i am glad


i hope a great server never comes out cause i'll get addicted...

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i play lineage2 coz I like to pvp/pk, and sometimes to cheat :) if its possible in server, but playing l2 half day make me sick of this game and pc, so then i take few days break from it for some days.

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I play l2 to kill so by killing i can confrim my own existance.


PS1:Did that sounded weird?

PS2:Should i stop watching animes making me tell those crappy lines?

PS3:Yes i should... but Hentai will always be with me!

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