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L2Jxtend **customs Made Simple**

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Hello guys, I am back from my trip, and decided to try out the new rev.


I had rev9 so the only changes I made was: replacing new lib (l2jxtend.jar) and add new json config files. So, when I restarted my server there was some errors:




Is something that I made wrong or its a bug? Thank you in advance

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Hello guys, I am back from my trip, and decided to try out the new rev.


I had rev9 so the only changes I made was: replacing new lib (l2jxtend.jar) and add new json config files. So, when I restarted my server there was some errors:




Is something that I made wrong or its a bug? Thank you in advance

i got same error when i activate votereward config everything else works fine.

Edited by aris96
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Sorry for double post but this announcement must be on a separate posts.


If there is any graphic designer which is able to make some fiends and buttons for an android application that this extender will come with please contact me.

If there is someone with the skills of doing something like that and wants to be a part of our project then feel free too contact with us.


What the application will do is much more than you expect it to be. The owner will pretty much have control of the server on the go, like chat, manage donations and everything.


Thanks for your time.

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feature:every class will make optional damage to specific mobs.exaple:titan class will make x2 damge to x mob id warsmith will make x4 and something like this for every class so every class will be more playable

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Guys sorry for any problems you may encounter but i am afraid i have to inform you for something.

My Laptop's power supply system is fault and i sent it for service. By monday i will know if it is something that can be fixed or if its something not worth paying for.

Till then i won't be able to release the new version. Again sorry and i hope you understand.

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Guys sorry for any problems you may encounter but i am afraid i have to inform you for something.

My Laptop's power supply system is fault and i sent it for service. By monday i will know if it is something that can be fixed or if its something not worth paying for.

Till then i won't be able to release the new version. Again sorry and i hope you understand.

You deserve 5 years ban for this.. I request them to ban you

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feature:every class will make optional damage to specific mobs.exaple:titan class will make x2 damge to x mob id warsmith will make x4 and something like this for every class so every class will be more playable

That's a very good idea, simple but good for pvp farming servers.

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about castle sieges to be contol with config so you pick how many and which castles will be activated for siege.exaple: aden siege = true goddard siege = false 


another feature:clan zone in this zone flags will be spawned .clans will have to kill the flags so they get the territory and their clan members can teleport there after they conquer it ...clan zone will be open for x hours per day and every day the clan which conquer most flags will get x reward second clan will get x reward too...clan member's will have to type a command or a double click an item which will opens a panel with all the avaliable teleports for them...to join clan zone their leader will have to participate in a npc or with command.all clan members that die will be teleport on x base will be same for all.i know that i ask much and sorry for my english

Edited by aris96
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We are being a bit behind the schedule cuz we wanna release the android app along with the new revision. The app is almost ready, now we are just adding some first features.

Upon release i would like to have a designer know me how we can improve the gui. Thanks.

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Guys I'm really happy to say that the base of the application is made. What's left is fill it with features like, chat, pm, give items, see inventory see skills and all that stuff.


I will need a GFX designer to make a nice background and some buttons and editTexts please. Thanks.

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