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New Antibot!

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Hello community! I'm goin to present you STAB - antibot created for java servers.

I am experienced game reverse engineer, mostly known from Lineage2 and MU Online games. I know how bots work because i've been creating them for years, i've also analyzed and defeated numerous anticheats. My antibot is the only one defeating the latest cheats and bots, armed in many interesting tools (like admin can see processes running on user's computer if he suspects something), HWID bans, HWID lock and many many other.


Visit my site http://stabguard.com for more info, do not hesitate to ask!



I realised i still need to work on some details. The biggest problem right now is that literally every project s different and client side is okay but java is very messy, the class names etc... so it prolly will take few weeks more




Edited by Szakalaka
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The version on ayami server is beta right, but it will block most of the bots anyways :)


When next update is finished i will make video with features, im sure devs will love it!

Edited by Szakalaka
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If all good, i will buy it for interlude.


Gl with sales :)

u know better than any1 that pvp community's nowadays hate anti-bots!

except u wanna create a mid style server

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u know better than any1 that pvp community's nowadays hate anti-bots!

except u wanna create a mid style server

it blocks cp clickers so why they hate it? Because they cant spam cps ? and rest ppl that actually farm in real time are idiots? why a botter to got a pros... so your statement is invalid

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it blocks cp clickers so why they hate it? Because they cant spam cps ? and rest ppl that actually farm in real time are idiots? why a botter to got a pros... so your statement is invalid


relax ayami

hes talking about pvp community


pvp community is full of kids that cant handle the game if they cant use bots/cheats/pvpsuite


I once opened my server with lame guard and failed in 2 days because they were crying about antibot. Nevermore was witness for sure.


The guard is meant to be used for lower rates of course. That's logical!


But from some reason i see that russian community has no problem playing pvp with antibot.


So i start to wonder my self, why this hi5 community who play high-rates is so f&&& up. Where did hardcore players went, why they play only instant servers? why they play only servers with cheats. I personally hate my own servers, i simply give them what they want

Edited by Karasu
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Without to be offensive, still nevermores and yours (kind off) is still invalid. Go on any instant server, greeks. As you said for example ru servers are fine.. Greeks like instant servers, bcause low skilled pll open and close in 4 days (l2oasis for example) my previus project was on for 2 months with 30 on, failed cause botters had everything and they were killing newbies

Edited by Ayami-
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