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ur way to make money


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It's funny how everybody always ignores and forgets about a sorcerer. If you're talking about how they have aura flash and aoe skills, a sorcerer is five times better than a sh and a sps at aoeing.

u right but depends on server ofc on my server a sorcerer is only a pvp point xD anyway speaking only about money why he is better than sps if a sps can cast faster aura flash?

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The easiest way for me is :

           Method 1

1) Make a spoiler

2) Spoil (Bot)

3) Craft with what u have spoiled

4) Sell what u have crafted


         Method  2

1) While botting use L2w for auto seeding.

2) Sell the seeds at Manor

3) Sell the mats you get.


           Method 3 (PVP server)

1) Make a warlord, get a good pole, good buffs & go farming.. Aggro mobs like a maniac.


          Method 4

1) Bot quests for recipes & sell the recipes, Top A Armor recipes. You can also trade this for other recipes.


          Method 5


1) Bot for EAB's in Frozen Labrynith ( The antelopes) ..When u have some, over enchant B equip, about +6

   and sell it to noobs for lots of money..


         Method 6

1) Farm AA, & sell it a little cheaper than what others sell it for.. u will be sold out quickly..



         Method 7

1) If you have a good high lvl char u know to power exp with, then all u need is some rich guy who has a sub

   within 20 lvls of ur char. Offer him that u 'll exp him for some cash.


          Method 8

1) If you wanna follow rulez then then go do the hatchling quest & sell those babies or sell them as striders ...

   IMO the best way is botting, I 'm bad at scam ^^


          Method 9 For New Players

1) Make a spoiler, at lvl 20 u can spoil steel at the best chance in the game, even high lvl spoilers cant spoil steel faster than u, spoil steel & sell steel, botting for steel is like icing on the cake.

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logically depend from server to server but on last server where i played (35/55x) i used a lot train tactic with titan...


for example in Hall of flames you can get a lot of adena by doing mob train..

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On a high rate anything after interlude, they gimped polearms so u get a reduced VR effect for every mobs it decreases by percentage. So the first mob is 90 second 80 third 70 etc etc etc.

So this makes even a fully buffed warlord or titan useless, unless the servers been modified beyond the basic l2jfree or l2jserver latest revisions.


With full buffs the best Money maker is SH simply because u can Aura flare > claw > corpse life drain > You auto target the next mob that hits u because your corpse disapeared > Aura flare > claw > corple life drain ... Rinse and repeat. This will work with full buffs wearing DC+0 and using a +0 AM acumen in most areas, except resist dark areas such as Lower IG. You can take 8 - 10 mob groups in PI using this method as you earn and enchant with a +10 DC set you will take the full island :P



On a low rate That is populated, best money making is on low level matt recs, such as steel etc, ppl always need these and u can get 500k a piece easily, most people are lazy and would rather just buy them, than go to the trouble of searching them out.

On a low rate unpopulated server, It has to be the DE quests initially, Then spoil like crazy from 35 - 40 in cruma or in Field of whispers and u get a pile of crap key matts to sell to the NPC.

Dont bother crafting to sell, It will take u forever and u can earn much more by selling moonstone shards. these are easy to farm but everyone hates doing it, minimum ive seen them sell for on any server is 4 million a piece.

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