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Lf L2 Off Developer



13 answers to this question

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I don't think there are more than 5 true developers in the world (counting all of advext as one, mac and james as another).


You will probably only find people who can't really extend anything but edit a few scripts/AI - quite simple, you could learn it fast.


Take care of your money.

Edited by ericvini
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So, gateway obviously a hater. I use Vangant's pack ( latest rev ) and i got more than 15 satisfied customers so far. If you do not know something then do not Post bullshit. A mod requesting to ban this user since the only thing he does , cause he is offtopic and is saying shit for me without even knowing me ...

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Who knows that i am a java guy? for fuck sake , i am an OFF developer mostly....if you even check my topics , 70% are in the l2 off section , the 25% in client section , and the rest 5% in java , and maybe less there..... prove that i am a java guy man you are just a hater...Ban Request for one more time since a day passed and he did not give any proofs

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@IcarusDev. Are you saying that you can extend Vanganths dll?


Did you fully unpack it then or?



Unless modifying scripts is being a developer. If it is, I m a dev too! yay me! lol


edit: I m not saying that you cant help the guy. Setting up/modifying scripts/geodata is hard for total beginners. I just don't think this counts as being a developer.

Edited by ericvini
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Cleaned a bit.


You don't have to be a true / certificated developer to handle some things, so stop saying bullshits.


Author will contact him, if he can't handle the task it's simple, he won't pay.

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I do not think he has such knowledge to extend, probably he just is a notepad++ and nasc user like the rest of the so called "developers"

For once i agree with you.

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aleksei vasiliev , mcbigmac , smelij , miroslav golthman , silentzor . and other hispanic guy but its a pork you dont want talk to a pork called gronkas here and evas disciple outside here


People i know can extend l2off all of them busy people ... :)




To know edit l2off needs have at least university grade or similar to know object oriented programming language


and nertworking knowledge plus spend many time to analyse server procedures protocols objects functions opcodes ...

Edited by madocter
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