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How I Imagine A Non Custom Server As A Player


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I just read so many threads about Non custom/custom features and that admins got no motivation, or player dont want to play something different. 


Well today i will be a "player" and express an opinion about a imagination for a non custom server.





Max level 80 and prefering instant level up (since it is a pvp , actually fully pvp)


Safe enchants: 3

Max enchants : Unlimited


Now, i dont want to pew pew so fast so...Lets think about something


Begin with full a grades (Free on your back , sell price 0 ) (A grades will be with money on shop) 

Now , S grades should be sealed. <- here is the fun part (You can unseal it with (Armor Key and ancient adenas) Oh let me guess, usefull catacombs and much of pvp there


Ok, got the S grades, lets have some pew pew NOT! 

Actually you can add a PvP Merchant and for example on 10PvP tokens/tickets/Points i dont care and some Ancient Adenas + a rare material through a daily boss (1 or even more) you can enchance your armor to a PvP armor that gives +2% physicalDmg or mPhysicDmg depends...


Ok, so i got the PvP Armor lets have some pew pew NOTTTTT!

S grade weapons can be free but.... lets enchant them too , PvP Weapons (current abiities + some debuffing with not overpowered chances) for example Duel Weakness or something


Ok, so i got the PvP Weapons lets go for some pew pew? Yes , but please .. No more RB jewls through votes or free.... Just raid killing 


And i prefer to kill custom bosses and got them instead of the retail ones...


Ok, so i got the PvP weapons,armor and basicly shits... go for some pew pew? Yeaaa 



Now 1 pvp = 1 cp pot, dont make nobless useless and delete summon cp pots, only way from pvp kills :D


Events... Automatic Korean Style PvP events and just a LMS


No TvTs,Deathmatch and so on..


Final feature that i would like to see?



APC zone


2 guardians and 1 boss

2 guardians are really aggressive when you get near them they will just jump to fuck you up, when you kill them boss appears these boss drops Lifestones and SUPERPOWER potion , for 30 mins you got +5% hp/cp/mp and so on. Respawn (you decide)


Killstreak system, yeaaa getting only hero aura till restart its boring so change that effect with something else.


Buff slots, prefering 24 or 26

Buffers? I prefer not but people will just cry...


Augments? Delete  them or 1/1


thats my pov....




Edited by Ayami-
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So as you are preparing for PvP someone who sat for 24/7 keep interfering and wrecking you.

Then by the time you get to a state where you can compete the enemy is bored and quits. 


The typical trend of those servers is prepare for pvp 3-7days then PvP 2 nights then quit. Server dies faster than 1 month.


1CP pot for a 1 kill is peasantry. Why pew pew? Just cos? If there is no reason then why have farm? You already start at lvl 80 why spend hours/days trying to get competitive gear. Doesn't make sense. 



This is less POV and more preference/opinion that is built on a cliche routine that all the "PvP server" admins have spouted throughout the years.


Point of view implies critical evaluation of choices/decisions. There is non of that.


Cute fantasy.  

Edited by Epiquin
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So as you are preparing for PvP someone who sat for 24/7 keep interfering and wrecking you.

Then by the time you get to a state where you can compete the enemy is bored and quits. 


The typical trend of those servers is prepare for pvp 3-7days then PvP 2 nights then quit. Server dies faster than 1 month.


1CP pot for a 1 kill is peasantry. Why pew pew? Just cos? If there is no reason then why have farm? You already start at lvl 80 why spend hours/days trying to get competitive gear. Doesn't make sense. 



This is less POV and more preference/opinion that is built on a cliche routine that all the "PvP server" admins have spouted throughout the years.


Point of view implies critical evaluation of choices/decisions. There is non of that.


Cute fantasy.  

who said farm is hard

who said it must be only 1 cp on each kill, it might be 30

PvP servers are for pew pew 

Farm will take about 30 mins and you can pvp with or without pvp enchance 



i ve played something similar in the past and had population, i dont see something good these days

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Yes PvP server for pew pew but what is the mechanism by which players want to fight each other?


In my experience the reason why it doesn't work these days is because everyone is risk averse, and outside of olympiad and events wont risk engaging. I can't understand why (pride, cowardice, dumb standards and honor codes, whatever) but if someone goes PK outside of town everyone just calls him a noob. Honestly, remaining pop is pretty carebear.

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Yes PvP server for pew pew but what is the mechanism by which players want to fight each other?


In my experience the reason why it doesn't work these days is because everyone is risk averse, and outside of olympiad and events wont risk engaging. I can't understand why (pride, cowardice, dumb standards and honor codes, whatever) but if someone goes PK outside of town everyone just calls him a noob. Honestly, remaining pop is pretty carebear.

well basicly, pks are now forbitten haha if you own a server you will see that they cry when they get pked.. and they ask to punish pkers through ban... Awkward community

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well basicly, pks are now forbitten haha if you own a server you will see that they cry when they get pked.. and they ask to punish pkers through ban... Awkward community

well when u are playing 5 min in a server and a full gear player come and pks you when u will start to kill the first mob xD i would cry too hahaha

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I have to play Lineage five years..

I'm sick of seeing all the time the same features..


Pvp server, is not mean always:

Starting lvl 80

x item every pvp

enchant max 20 or 25

get crystal scrolls 100% chance with f*cking vote items

Enchant rate 85% with normal

10 farm zones (In 2 towns with 8 different locations)

25 pvp zones (the same and here).

lol... kids!


Where is the AA? Where is the catacombs? Where is all zones? Where is all Items Grade?

all the time players is in Giran/Aden. the rest areas/towns is useless.


Pvp server is not what you have in your mind.. This is just a bored game with 10% preview of what should be there.


Go ask now a 15 old year kid, Where is the ruins of despair? Where is the Silent Valley? or wrong...

Better ask him, how i can to go from Giran Town to Dragon Valley with walk? And where is the way for Antharas portal?

Ask him, what armor is better for C grade fighter or mage. For D-B Grade? How i can to give SA on weapon?

What Soul Crystal i need for this? Hahaha....
Answer: What is the Soul Crystal?


Anyway... i'll not give ideas here for lazy people to read...

When you want opinions about Lineage 2, send a PM. Here is useless.


by a player who started from C1... :)

Edited by 'Baggos'
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I have to play Lineage five years..

I'm sick of seeing all the time the same features..


Pvp server, is not mean always:

Starting lvl 80

x item every pvp

enchant max 20 or 25

get crystal scrolls 100% change with f*cking vote items

Enchant rate 85% with normal

10 farm zones (In 2 towns with 8 different locations)

25 pvp zones (the same and here).

lol... kids!


Where is the AA? Where is the catacombs? Where is all zones? Where is all Items Grade?

all the time players is in Giran/Aden. the rest areas/towns is useless.


Pvp server is not what you have in your mind.. This is just a bored game with 10% preview of what should be there.


Go ask now a 15 old year kid, Where is the ruins of despair? Where is the Silent Valley? or wrong...

Better ask him, how i can to go from Giran Town to Dragon Valley with walk? And where is the way for Antharas portal?

Ask him, what armor is better for C grade fighter or mage. For D-B Grade? How i can to give SA on weapon?

What Soul Crystal i need for this? Hahaha....

Answer: What is the Soul Crystal?


Anyway... i'll not give ideas here for lazy people to read...

When you want opinions about Lineage 2, send a PM. Here is useless.


by a player who started from C1... :)


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I have to play Lineage five years..

I'm sick of seeing all the time the same features..


Pvp server, is not mean always:

Starting lvl 80

x item every pvp

enchant max 20 or 25

get crystal scrolls 100% change with f*cking vote items

Enchant rate 85% with normal

10 farm zones (In 2 towns with 8 different locations)

25 pvp zones (the same and here).

lol... kids!


Where is the AA? Where is the catacombs? Where is all zones? Where is all Items Grade?

all the time players is in Giran/Aden. the rest areas/towns is useless.


Pvp server is not what you have in your mind.. This is just a bored game with 10% preview of what should be there.


Go ask now a 15 old year kid, Where is the ruins of despair? Where is the Silent Valley? or wrong...

Better ask him, how i can to go from Giran Town to Dragon Valley with walk? And where is the way for Antharas portal?

Ask him, what armor is better for C grade fighter or mage. For D-B Grade? How i can to give SA on weapon?

What Soul Crystal i need for this? Hahaha....

Answer: What is the Soul Crystal?


Anyway... i'll not give ideas here for lazy people to read...

When you want opinions about Lineage 2, send a PM. Here is useless.


by a player who started from C1... :)

Yeah but L2 isn't a history lesson. 


Why know where ruins of despair is if we effectively cut it out of the game. There is no content there past lvl 20. Same for anything pre lvl 80. Having all that is useless.


This is a well known phenomenon in game design - developers put large amount of time making content pre end game. And all the time it ends up being neglected, because you go through it once and never again.


You say you play from C1, how many times you went to ruins of despair after you reached lvl 80? Probably never unless you started from scratch.


Thats the trouble with linear progression. If you only go forward something must stay behind. In L2 everything before lvl 80 stays behind.

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I have to play Lineage five years..

I'm sick of seeing all the time the same features..


Pvp server, is not mean always:

Starting lvl 80

x item every pvp

enchant max 20 or 25

get crystal scrolls 100% change with f*cking vote items

Enchant rate 85% with normal

10 farm zones (In 2 towns with 8 different locations)

25 pvp zones (the same and here).

lol... kids!


Where is the AA? Where is the catacombs? Where is all zones? Where is all Items Grade?

all the time players is in Giran/Aden. the rest areas/towns is useless.


Pvp server is not what you have in your mind.. This is just a bored game with 10% preview of what should be there.


Go ask now a 15 old year kid, Where is the ruins of despair? Where is the Silent Valley? or wrong...

Better ask him, how i can to go from Giran Town to Dragon Valley with walk? And where is the way for Antharas portal?

Ask him, what armor is better for C grade fighter or mage. For D-B Grade? How i can to give SA on weapon?

What Soul Crystal i need for this? Hahaha....

Answer: What is the Soul Crystal?


Anyway... i'll not give ideas here for lazy people to read...

When you want opinions about Lineage 2, send a PM. Here is useless.


by a player who started from C1... :)

good days really but...

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Yeah but L2 isn't a history lesson. 


Why know where ruins of despair is if we effectively cut it out of the game. There is no content there past lvl 20. Same for anything pre lvl 80. Having all that is useless.


This is a well known phenomenon in game design - developers put large amount of time making content pre end game. And all the time it ends up being neglected, because you go through it once and never again.


You say you play from C1, how many times you went to ruins of despair after you reached lvl 80? Probably never unless you started from scratch.


Thats the trouble with linear progression. If you only go forward something must stay behind. In L2 everything before lvl 80 stays behind.

When playing a game, you have to learn everything about it. Otherwise you can not say "I'm the best." Since there is not the "best".

Not matter how many times are you going somewhere, but that would go for one reason ... to do what you must.

Not like now, everything is in gm shop.

You go forward, and as you climb level will go to in other locations...

How not to get bored if you play only with Giran /Olympiad games/pvp zones?

There is and another way to make a pvp server... Put imagination, and even with the same features, you will have something very different.


PS. I have never seen my level to get "80" in C1. when closed the server, i was somewhere in the 67 as i remember. (I was13 old year).



Dante44®, on 16 Feb 2015 - 2:00 PM, said:

    good days really but...

Now just play the same shits..  :/

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You say you play from C1, how many times you went to ruins of despair after you reached lvl 80? Probably never unless you started from scratch.

I dont know how much time he back to Ruins of Despair after he reached 80, but I can tell you how many times he reached 80 level at C1 :D. I guess thats what he wanted to tell us.

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I dont know how much time he back to Ruins of Despair after he reached 80, but I can tell you how many times he reached 80 level at C1  :D. I guess thats what he wanted to tell us.

It was to put into context the fact that the only reason why anything pre max level exist is because its a relic.


The only reason you have B grade gear is because you cannot use S grade at lvl 52. But you don't see many applications of B grade at lvl 76+, unless BW light on a kamael and maybe avadon robe on a mage.



There is and another way to make a pvp server... Put imagination, and even with the same features, you will have something very different.


I am willing to accept this.


But few other players are.

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I have to play Lineage five years..

I'm sick of seeing all the time the same features..


Pvp server, is not mean always:

Starting lvl 80

x item every pvp

enchant max 20 or 25

get crystal scrolls 100% chance with f*cking vote items

Enchant rate 85% with normal

10 farm zones (In 2 towns with 8 different locations)

25 pvp zones (the same and here).

lol... kids!


Where is the AA? Where is the catacombs? Where is all zones? Where is all Items Grade?

all the time players is in Giran/Aden. the rest areas/towns is useless.


Pvp server is not what you have in your mind.. This is just a bored game with 10% preview of what should be there.


Go ask now a 15 old year kid, Where is the ruins of despair? Where is the Silent Valley? or wrong...

Better ask him, how i can to go from Giran Town to Dragon Valley with walk? And where is the way for Antharas portal?

Ask him, what armor is better for C grade fighter or mage. For D-B Grade? How i can to give SA on weapon?

What Soul Crystal i need for this? Hahaha....

Answer: What is the Soul Crystal?


Anyway... i'll not give ideas here for lazy people to read...

When you want opinions about Lineage 2, send a PM. Here is useless.


by a player who started from C1... :)

Well said. For the last 4 years (I'm sure more) we see new "unique" pvp servers. Really? What's the unique part in them? Same old story over n over again. Servers are so same nowadays that you don't even have to check the features anymore, cause most of them have the exact same features as previous/older servers. And as Baggos said above, a big part of the game is neglected. Which leads to the biggest problem of servers nowadays, same servers, same features, same zones, same events, the list can go on without ending... People have tried to make servers out of the ordinary , but failed cause of the community playing l2 today. Anyway, my point is, that even though there's a minority(or maybe a majority) that dislikes these servers, they'll keep on coming. Why? Cause they attract todays community, same clans join these servers and then the next server and so on.


My opinion as a player.

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