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Chest Script Working Only After Reaload




I spawned chests, but when I first time run server I can't open them with keys, for tests I've modified opening chance to 100% in chests.java script, but when I make reload scripts from admin panel they are working like should, when I restart server I can't open chest (they ust start attacking) until I make reload scripts, where is problem? I'm using latest free Acis source.

Edited by Meikis
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Only the chests?


I didin't checked other scripts for same problems, I mean chests are working, but chance to open them with keys is - 0, even if set 100% in script, when I reload script chance is working like is set in the script.

Edited by Meikis
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On rev 339 chests can be opened right after server start without a problem (tested it by myself). I checked the logs and seems like chests are not changed since rev 305 so there should be no difference between rev 339 and rev 320 (latest free rev) on that matter. If you use customs they may cause the problem which is my only guess so far.

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On rev 339 chests can be opened right after server start without a problem (tested it by myself). I checked the logs and seems like chests are not changed since rev 305 so there should be no difference between rev 339 and rev 320 (latest free rev) on that matter. If you use customs they may cause the problem which is my only guess so far.


Do you tested them on their base spawns or you spawned them? I'm spawning 18286 chest. For now I just added script reload method to gameserver.java, but it's not fix at all. Here is my chests.java : http://pastebin.com/02abU73c , all lines which I've modified was marked - meikis. 

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Tryskell answered to your topic and here is the problem, change the 101 to 100.


What's the problem with "if (Rnd.get(100) < 101)"? It's like "if (true)" or no if at all (because Rnd.get(100) returns value between 0 and 99 which is always less than 101). It's just inefficient way to say "do it" that's all :)


Do you tested them on their base spawns or you spawned them? I'm spawning 18286 chest. For now I just added script reload method to gameserver.java, but it's not fix at all. Here is my chests.java : http://pastebin.com/02abU73c , all lines which I've modified was marked - meikis. 


I tested with their base spawns but I don't believe that matters as the script just requires NPC with registered npcId. So I got no idea what's wrong :(

Edited by roko91
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I don't know how you make your edits, but if you edit the script INSIDE data/scripts, directly, you obviously have to reload scripts or reload server in order to relaunch a compile and see your changes.


At least, I never experienced issues and I coded 320+ scripts, with numerous edits "on the fly" (simply reloading //reload quest xxx).


I should recall you got a button in the shift + left click admin panel while clicking on a NPC to see current scripts this NPC is attached to. If he isn't registered here, then your script didn't compile at all :

  • possible coding issue you did, leading to compile error and so the script is skipped
  • you used a # to comment the script loading
  • you deleted physically the script .java file
  • you dropped the npcid from the event listeners

RooT told me in few rare cases, the script couldn't reload correctly. But personnally I never experienced this issue.

Edited by Tryskell
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