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This is adjustments that needs to be made in order to match the buff slots and all other requierments we are trying to reach :) For Live everything will be perfect thats why we have such long beta phase in order to test and fix every single problem! ;) You can read changelog's in our forum.

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This is adjustments that needs to be made in order to match the buff slots and all other requierments we are trying to reach :) For Live everything will be perfect thats why we have such long beta phase in order to test and fix every single problem! ;) You can read changelog's in our forum.

everyone know that u will fix something, but after u made 100 more bugs,


that "400" bug report at world what u had in 1month, was rly funny))) 

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Hey achylek notagain, none of you played our servers or know our developer or our files ;)

its not nik its not l0l3d and Age have nothing to do with World anymore we worked with Their pack in Woa project not with Age pack

like usual you guys will DDOS us, flame our threads, join our forums and ingame, try steal ideas, SCAM (using the players who quited your fail server accs/pass)

Even if you guys add 99999 bots in game and announce 25,000 online nobody care for you failerz

but you will never be like us don't you get it? we are way too different, way better, and way more dedicated.


so today is 2 february, when is going to be live this damn server?

any date? or sth

2 weeks i might say  ~ 

we will announce it hard don't worry

i already speak with few big clans leaders all are waiting us and gathering their clan members ;)

everyone is sick of Mouse, Stalone and their dogs gms and fail donation bug land servers and want server that actualy care for THE PLAYERS not for MONEY like those lowbies 

truth have been spoken. flames are coming!

Edited by AgeServers
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Hey achylek notagain, none of you played our servers or know our developer or our files ;)

its not nik its not l0l3d and Age have nothing to do with World anymore we worked with Their pack in Woa project not with Age pack

like usual you guys will DDOS us, flame our threads, join our forums and ingame, try steal ideas, SCAM (using the players who quited your fail server accs/pass)

Even if you guys add 99999 bots in game and announce 25,000 online nobody care for you failerz

but you will never be like us don't you get it? we are way too different, way better, and way more dedicated.


y cool story bella 

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gonna rock ur ass


Chat banned for a day!

Also your posts deleted. You are not allowed to advertise other servers in competitor's topic.

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2 weeks?.... apf this is a long time waiting for opening. at least add a countdown code.


btw server have no auction system , buy-sell like other famous server, that u search ites that are in off sops and u buy them from any town. can u add this?

also +4 safe enchant would be great, make a poll for it

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2 weeks?.... apf this is a long time waiting for opening. at least add a countdown code.


btw server have no auction system , buy-sell like other famous server, that u search ites that are in off sops and u buy them from any town. can u add this?

also +4 safe enchant would be great, make a poll for it


Hello sir, yes we have auction system and it's enabled now, safe enchant will be +4 on next restart we added pool and majority voted +4.

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