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Camera Effect On Die


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Hello guys!

Maybe you have seen the effect of RedSky on some servers, when you die?

This code works the same way, on die... but instead of the RedSky, I've used the SpecialCamera which captures for some seconds the player that killed you.

I had to do something before I kill my self because of this boring day :lol:

It's for Interlude, I've tested it on l2jfrozen


So ugly patch, but it's written manually...

Index: config/functions/pvp.properties
AntiFarmPdefDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff.
AntiFarmPatkDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300
# If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm)
AntiFarmSummon = False
+# Camera effect on die
+# Effect enabled?
+CameraEnabled = True
+# Distance Camera <-> Killer
+CameraDistance = 10
+# Point of view to the killer
+# North = 90, South = 270, East = 0, West = 180
+CameraPOV = 0
+# Angle of view to the killer
+# angle > 0: looks up, angle < 0: looks down
+CameraAngle = 5
+# Animation speed (milliseconds)
+CameraSpeed = 3000
+# Animation delay
+CameraDuration = 3000

Index: head-src/com/l2jfrozen/Config.java
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_PDEF_DIFF_ENABLED;
	public static int ANTI_FARM_MAX_PDEF_DIFF;
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_PATK_DIFF_ENABLED;
	public static int ANTI_FARM_MAX_PATK_DIFF;
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_PARTY_ENABLED;
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_IP_ENABLED;
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_SUMMON;

+    // Camera Effect
+    public static boolean CAMERA_ENABLED;
+    public static int CAMERA_DISTANCE;
+    public static int CAMERA_POV;
+    public static int CAMERA_ANGLE;
+    public static int CAMERA_SPEED;
+    public static int CAMERA_DELAY;
	// ============================================================
	public static void loadPvpConfig()
		final String PVP = FService.PVP_CONFIG_FILE;
			final Properties pvpSettings = new Properties();
			final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(PVP));
			KARMA_MIN_KARMA = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("MinKarma", "240"));
FEW LINES BELOW >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
			ANTI_FARM_PATK_DIFF_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmPatkDiff", "False"));
			ANTI_FARM_MAX_PATK_DIFF = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff", "300"));
			ANTI_FARM_PARTY_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmParty", "False"));
			ANTI_FARM_IP_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmIP", "False"));
			ANTI_FARM_SUMMON = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmSummon", "False"));
+            CAMERA_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraEnabled", "false"));
+            CAMERA_DISTANCE = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraDistance", "10"));
+            CAMERA_POV = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraPOV", "0"));
+            CAMERA_ANGLE = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraAngle", "5"));
+            CAMERA_SPEED = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraSpeed", "3000"));
+            CAMERA_DELAY = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraDuration", "3000"));
		catch (final Exception e)
			throw new Error("Failed to Load " + PVP + " File.");
	// ============================================================

Index: head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ShortCutInit;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SkillCoolTime;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SkillList;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.Snoop;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;
+import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SpecialCamera;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.StatusUpdate;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.StopMove;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.TargetSelected;

FEW LINES BELOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

							onDieUpdateKarma(); // Update karma if delevel is not allowed
+               if (Config.CAMERA_ENABLED && !isPhoenixBlessed())
+	    	{
+	    	    sendPacket(new SpecialCamera(killer.getObjectId(), Config.CAMERA_DISTANCE, Config.CAMERA_POV, Config.CAMERA_ANGLE, Config.CAMERA_SPEED, Config.CAMERA_DELAY));
+	    	}
		// Unsummon Cubics
		if (_forceBuff != null)
		for (final L2Character character : getKnownList().getKnownCharacters())
			if (character.getTarget() == this)
				if (character.isCastingNow())
		if (isInParty() && getParty().isInDimensionalRift())
Edited by Tessa
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Sort of interesting stuff, but such feature will "interrupt" mass pvp - you got instant res and guess what.. nothing, cuz you are watching your slayer :D

Edited by SweeTs
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Sort of interesting stuff, but such feature will "interrupt" mass pvp - you got instant res and guess what.. nothing, cuz you are watching your slayer :D

That is why the animation delay is 3 seconds, and it's also configurable :lol:


Although, it is a nice idea. ;)

I've never seen that on any server :)

Edited by Tessa
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Hello guys!

Maybe you have seen the effect of RedSky on some servers, when you die?

This code works the same way, on die... but instead of the RedSky, I've used the SpecialCamera which captures for some seconds the player that killed you.

I had to do something before I kill my self because of this boring day :lol:

It's for Interlude, I've tested it on l2jfrozen


So ugly patch, but it's written manually...

Index: config/functions/pvp.properties
AntiFarmPdefDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff.
AntiFarmPatkDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300
# If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm)
AntiFarmSummon = False
+# Camera effect on die
+# Effect enabled?
+CameraEnabled = True
+# Distance Camera <-> Killer
+CameraDistance = 10
+# Point of view to the killer
+# North = 90, South = 270, East = 0, West = 180
+CameraPOV = 0
+# Angle of view to the killer
+# angle > 0: looks up, angle < 0: looks down
+CameraAngle = 5
+# Animation speed (milliseconds)
+CameraSpeed = 3000
+# Animation delay
+CameraDuration = 3000

Index: head-src/com/l2jfrozen/Config.java
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_PDEF_DIFF_ENABLED;
	public static int ANTI_FARM_MAX_PDEF_DIFF;
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_PATK_DIFF_ENABLED;
	public static int ANTI_FARM_MAX_PATK_DIFF;
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_PARTY_ENABLED;
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_IP_ENABLED;
	public static boolean ANTI_FARM_SUMMON;

+    // Camera Effect
+    public static boolean CAMERA_ENABLED;
+    public static int CAMERA_DISTANCE;
+    public static int CAMERA_POV;
+    public static int CAMERA_ANGLE;
+    public static int CAMERA_SPEED;
+    public static int CAMERA_DELAY;
	// ============================================================
	public static void loadPvpConfig()
		final String PVP = FService.PVP_CONFIG_FILE;
			final Properties pvpSettings = new Properties();
			final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(PVP));
			KARMA_MIN_KARMA = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("MinKarma", "240"));
FEW LINES BELOW >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
			ANTI_FARM_PATK_DIFF_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmPatkDiff", "False"));
			ANTI_FARM_MAX_PATK_DIFF = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff", "300"));
			ANTI_FARM_PARTY_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmParty", "False"));
			ANTI_FARM_IP_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmIP", "False"));
			ANTI_FARM_SUMMON = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("AntiFarmSummon", "False"));
+            CAMERA_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraEnabled", "false"));
+            CAMERA_DISTANCE = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraDistance", "10"));
+            CAMERA_POV = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraPOV", "0"));
+            CAMERA_ANGLE = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraAngle", "5"));
+            CAMERA_SPEED = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraSpeed", "3000"));
+            CAMERA_DELAY = Integer.parseInt(pvpSettings.getProperty("CameraDuration", "3000"));
		catch (final Exception e)
			throw new Error("Failed to Load " + PVP + " File.");
	// ============================================================

Index: head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ShortCutInit;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SkillCoolTime;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SkillList;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.Snoop;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction;
+import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SpecialCamera;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.StatusUpdate;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.StopMove;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.TargetSelected;

FEW LINES BELOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

							onDieUpdateKarma(); // Update karma if delevel is not allowed
+           if (Config.CAMERA_ENABLED)
+	    	{
+	    	    sendPacket(new SpecialCamera(killer.getObjectId(), Config.CAMERA_DISTANCE, Config.CAMERA_POV, Config.CAMERA_ANGLE, Config.CAMERA_SPEED, Config.CAMERA_DELAY));
+	    	}
		// Unsummon Cubics
		if (_forceBuff != null)
		for (final L2Character character : getKnownList().getKnownCharacters())
			if (character.getTarget() == this)
				if (character.isCastingNow())
		if (isInParty() && getParty().isInDimensionalRift())

but how about this http://youtu.be/Gj-UFsAwoZw?t=3m36sis it possible to attach camera on attack for the arrow.

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That is why the animation delay is 3 seconds, and it's also configurable :lol:

Yup, less than that is useles, but for mass pvp even 1 sec in much and means a lot :D


But they have "an idea". They can use the code for some other action, like for a custom quest, event or w/e :)

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Yup, less than that is useles, but for mass pvp even 1 sec in much and means a lot :D


But they have "an idea". They can use the code for some other action, like for a custom quest, event or w/e :)

I was about do to something like this, but I'm too lazy today.. :lol:


but how about this http://youtu.be/Gj-UFsAwoZw?t=3m36sis it possible to attach camera on attack for the arrow.


I don't think so, the camera targets an objects..

Edited by Tessa
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I was about do to something like this, but I'm too lazy today.. :lol:


I don't think so, the camera targets an objects..

So its more Client side then server - to be able to target object ?

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Maybe it's not rly following the object aka arrow, just the camera speed, rotation is made like that, it's matched so well to the arrow speed. Who knows. :D

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Maybe it's not rly following the object aka arrow, just the camera speed, rotation is made like that, it's matched so well to the arrow speed. Who knows. :D

Nope its not,  i have couple of ideas how to release it on client side but it should also work on server - like a skill or something!

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I can't upload a video cuz I'm browsing with 3G usb :lol:


EDIT: I've updated the code.. seems the camera doesn't like so much the Phoenix Blessing :lol:

Edited by Tessa
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Sort of interesting stuff, but such feature will "interrupt" mass pvp - you got instant res and guess what.. nothing, cuz you are watching your slayer :D

how about sieges :P ?

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Well, it wasn't the best idea but at least it's an example of how to use this packet :lol:

Anyway, I'm currently using it to extend the quest engine of my own server pack and it becomes very interesting :)

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