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lol just tell me the program and ill do it...

MY God you such a tool ..... stupid fu**ng 13 year old kid..... GTFO!

Edited by LightFusion
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- you are not able to do it

- it's not that easy

- none will guide you how to make it



You have to pay someone to make it for you, sadly :)

Edited by SweeTs
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I just need 1 program, what I mean is to tell me the program to edit animations the rest are easy

:troll: :troll: :troll:


It's not only one program, anyway.

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I just need 1 program, what I mean is to tell me the program to edit animations the rest are easy


this post proves that you are going nowhere with this and you should just drop the idea

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i tink you need to learn how to compile those .u files and how to use the scripts plus you mabe need to work with 3ds max and mabe other stuff

so basicaly why bother soo much and lose the time, and yes i tink this reqires much time to learn !

Edited by puredemonsss
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