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[Trick]Pws na parete ta items sas apo to jail (IL+)

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Loipon proxtes efaga jail me enan char m p itan pragmatika fullatos kai sigoura auta ta items itan anantikatastata..me liga logia an exana ta items 8a paratousa ton server kai sigoura krima ton kopo m gia na ta ftia3w.Opote skeftika ena kolpo p eprepe na leitourgisei!Eprepe na balw kai enan allo m char sto jail gia ligi wra wste na parw ta items k na bgw.Alla oti kai an skeftomouna gia na mpw jail gia ligo (ebriza gms me mikrous xaraktirismous opws MORON) ekana buy kai poulousa kai kala 1 adena dragonic bows (ekana buy alla ebaza message Buy my bows) kai me allon xaraktira ekana report ton char m gia scam ston gm.Loipon gia min ta polilew oti k an ekana etrwga jail gia panta.Opote..skeftika to e3is.


Tha xreiastite

Summoning Crystals

Ta idia items me auta p exete + ston xaraktira p einai jail alla +0 (an dn ginetai trade mesa sto jail)

Enan warlock me 3rd class

Enan xaraktira ftia3te enan kainourgio kalitera gia to "brisimo" (se auton ton xaraktira 8a exete ta idia items me t filakismenou xaraktira sas,alla +0 opws sas eipa)


Twra as arxisei to exploit.Balte panw ston xaraktira p skopeuete na filakisete gia na parete ta items merika summoning crystals,kante ton party me ton warlock.Ok twra breite enan gm h kante t pm ama dn exei refusal kai arxiste na ton brizete.Autos 8a xasei tin ipomoni t k 8a sas kanei jail ama dn sas kanei jail gia panta akoma kalitera!


Twra exete 2 chars mesa sto jail,ton ena me ta kala ta items kai ton allo p einai akoma party me ton warlock.Dokimaste na kanete trade,an dn ginetai dokimaste na ri3ete katw ta items.Alla kai pali an dn ginetai tote no problem!Me ton char p exete ta +0 items kante buy ta +0 kai me ton filakismeno (p exei ta kala items,ta +10 px) pouliste ta se auton p ka8ete k agorazei +0 W NAI GINETAI!!!Kante to etsi gia ola ta items!


Wraia afou metaferate ta items me enan "epido3o" tropo kante to skill Summon Friend p exei o warlock kai akoma kai sto jail na nai 8a doulepsei!O char sas einai e3w apto jail opote prwtou sas piasei o gm dwste ta items se enan e3w char kai eiste etoimoi!


Shmeiwsh:Se pollous servers akoma kai meta to summon friend otan patiseis trade 8a s leei pali "The Player is in Jail" opote esy me enan xaraktira p einai ektos jail perneis pali ta +0 items,kaneis buy kai me ton idio tropo p ta pires apton allo char ta perneis kai twra.Kai to apotelesma einai oti exeis ola s ta items pisw!


Auto to exploit douleuei se ola ta clients meta to interlude,logos?oti ta alla client (c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) dn exoun to Summon Friend ston warlock.Elpizw na sas aresei :P Ta leme ;)


PS:Dokimasmeno se L2JFree Last Rev.


Arketa e3upno xD

Egw mia fora eixa kanei kati allo.

O server itan Interlude kakostimenos.

Ema8a oti mpike jail enas "ex8ros" mou k agorasa apo to shop polla potions, etc mpika jail 15 mins(automata).


Diladi +1 tropos na mpeis jail^^

Alla spania 8a vreis server pou na ginetai..:\


Tried in l2core.SUCCESS.xD swthika bro.alla ston core mporeis na mpeis jail ama agoraseis items pou kwstizoun panw apo 2kkk kai sou deixnei 0 adena katw mpaineis jail gia 10 lepta pantws ayto me to shop einai poly kalo.


Arketa e3upno xD

Egw mia fora eixa kanei kati allo.

O server itan Interlude kakostimenos.

Ema8a oti mpike jail enas "ex8ros" mou k agorasa apo to shop polla potions, etc mpika jail 15 mins(automata).

Diladi +1 tropos na mpeis jail^^

Alla spania 8a vreis server pou na ginetai..:\

TESTED and work 50%

an exete stisei pote server kai to psaxnate ligo 8a vlepate ena setting p leei ti 8eleis na s kanei to game...

perisoteroi exoune kick aloi exoun jail...

@fakoykas poloi server (oxi latest rev)

dn exoun active to summon tou sumoner

kalo trick kai gratz stous perisoterous douleuei...

episis dn to kaneis mono me warlock alla el.master kai sp.master ;)


To dokimasa auto p lete me ta polla potions,m ebgale na dwsw 2 dis kai otan patisa ok efaga kick :/


Fobero Re FakOukA ,OtAn KsanaMpw l2 8a to d0kiMaSw,molis mpikes omws Jail kuriolektika dn "xestikes" mipws xaseis ta items?



Wreo to trick p skeytikes fakoykas, thanks!

Kamia fora vevea to diskolo komati einai na vris ton gm na mn exei refusal k na einai sto gmlist.

Mporeis na kaneis petition kai na tous brizeis ekei :o to eixa kanei k auto mia fora.Bsk t elega oti i8ela na t pw kati,anoigei petition chat o meta3i mas kai arxizw na ton brizw.Apotelesma?Jail Forever :P


But..if items are augment?Oo

Eixa xasei ena bow etsi max enchanted :'(


Alla dn exw brei kapoia lisi se auto distixws..


hmmmmmmmmmm iparxei kati...

8elei pet...

gemiseis full inv esy kai meta dineis to item sto pet meta otan kaneis unsummon to item epeidei eisai full dn paei sto inventory s...


Trade to pet...

Tested and work 70%...

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