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Java Buffer Problem


Does someone has a preconfigured or a basic buffer with java?
I got some problems with YANBuffer, the new H5 stable is not adapted to it,
can someone help me to fix it,cause those method names are still based on the newer H5 builds.
1. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 51)
        public final class YANBuffer
The public type YANBuffer must be defined in its own file
2. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 96)
        return YANBufferData.GET_INSTANCE().getBufferNpc(npc.getNpcId());
The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type L2Npc
3. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 125)
The method clearBypass() is undefined for the type L2PcInstance
4. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 149)
        activeChar.addBypass2(html.substring(start, finish2).trim());
The method addBypass2(String) is undefined for the type L2PcInstance
5. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 153)
        activeChar.addBypass(html.substring(start, finish).trim());
The method addBypass(String) is undefined for the type L2PcInstance
6. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 197)
        Long amount = items.get(item.getValue().item.getItemId());
The method getItemId() is undefined for the type L2Item
7. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 202)
        items.put(item.getValue().item.getItemId(), amount + item.getValue().amo
The method getItemId() is undefined for the type L2Item
8. ERROR in \YANModPack\YANBuffer\Yanbuffer.java (at line 208)
        buff.skill.getEffects(playable, playable);
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
9. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANBu
ffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 43)
        import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable;
The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable cannot be resolved
10. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 44)
        import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable;
The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable cannot be resolved
11. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 47)
        import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill;
The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill cannot be resolved
12. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 57)
        protected final L2Skill skill;
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
13. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 62)
        protected Buff(String ident, L2Skill skill, Element elem)
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
14. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 65)
        this.skill = skill;
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
15. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 388)
        L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, skillLevel);
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
16. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 388)
        L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, skillLevel);
SkillTable cannot be resolved
17. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 432)
        L2NpcTemplate npc = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcId);
NpcTable cannot be resolved
18. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\YANBufferData.java (at line 439)
        _bufferNpcs.put(npc.getNpcId(), new BufferNpc(npc, curElem));
The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type L2NpcTemplate
19. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\util
\ItemRequirement.java (at line 38)
        this.placeholder.addChild("id", String.valueOf(item.getItemId())).addChi
ld("icon", item.getIcon()).addChild("name", item.getName()).addChild("amount", S
The method getItemId() is undefined for the type L2Item
20. ERROR in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\L2\game\data\scripts\YANModPack\YANB
uffer\NpcAI.java (at line 49)
        String specificNpcHtml = npc.getNpcId() + ".html";
The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type L2Npc
20 problems (20 errors)
The public type YANBuffer must be defined in its own file
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.NpcTable cannot be resolved
The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable cannot be resolved
The import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.skills.L2Skill cannot be resolved
The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.a
The method clearBypass() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.mode
The method addBypass2(java.lang.String) is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.
The method addBypass(java.lang.String) is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.g
The method getItemId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.
The method getItemId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
L2Skill cannot be resolved to a type
SkillTable cannot be resolved
NpcTable cannot be resolved
The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.a
The method getItemId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.
The method getNpcId() is undefined for the type com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.a


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