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interlude [L2J] L2 Kgx


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Suomi dont cry cuz you broke your items ffs ! Good server , still need more people and more advertising at topzone/hopzone for sure! Still fun to play.


lol broke my items? i didnt even have any items to realize that the server is total fail :D

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Server makes fun after xxxxx years a Server with no Star wars things. Just needs ppl online is around 100-150. Server is not added on topzone and hopezone yet.

Go Guys join!

Greetz ElatedMonster

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This right here is as close as you get too official setups on a java server. It needs some details here and there but overall it is one of the rare servers worth spending time on. Skill required to play KGX, so all the whiners sooner you face the fact you just don't belong on a playground like this, better for everyone. Cya ingame / JDR7

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Thank you for the good words guys.

To make it more clear, we wanted to open a server where you could enjoy L2, not just simple pvp. But because my expectations were too big for the current L2 community, we obviously failed.

Most of the ppl that joined our server didn't even know where to farm at lvl 20, or how to buff themselves.


Since this is what L2 is now, this is what we will give then. Our server will get wiped and changed to your requests.

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You're blaming the low skilled gamers, and you should.. BUT then again you've put so little effort into the economy & farming system. You expected people to grind hours and hours in PI? That was your master plan? If you spent 15 minutes playing as a player on your own server, you'd delete the books drop from PI, you'd disable the weight limit, remove the clan penalty, added some extra ports to farming spots (MoS Library - FoG lower ect.), disabled grade penalty, added some LS mobs or currency.. details matter alot! So before you start looking for excuses you should know that most of the failure falls on the staff and not the community. Learn from your mistake, try to remember how c4 OFF servers ran back in the days and make a replica of that. Since you're clearly trying to remake that kind of a playground. If you want a slow progress server, changed the PVP rate too MID rate without crafting. Good luck and I hope your rerun will be more successful.

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Thank you for the good words guys.

To make it more clear, we wanted to open a server where you could enjoy L2, not just simple pvp. But because my expectations were too big for the current L2 community, we obviously failed.

Most of the ppl that joined our server didn't even know where to farm at lvl 20, or how to buff themselves.


Since this is what L2 is now, this is what we will give then. Our server will get wiped and changed to your requests.

Blame the newbies is acceptable but the most part of the fault is yours. 1 admin and 2 event GM that you found them last day ?? Seriously? Adena drop was stupid according to armor/weapon prices as well. Crappy items droppin by each mob and invetory goes full by books it was newbie fault as well?No , it was your fault.

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