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interlude [L2J] L2 Elite


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First of all i want to say hi to everyone here, I am new on this forum and i planned to open an l2 server interlud since 2007, I've been working on l2 projects since 2004 , I am 31 years old and i would like to present all of you my work and my skills. I finished my project called l2elite running on java platform.This project is made from 0 (zero) ,all quests working 100%,all skills working 100%,and i can assure you is better then frozen , acis and all other servers you played.


Generally everything was made like L2OFF in proportion of 95%


Website:  www.l2elite-pvp.com

P.S. website will be upgraded to www.l2elite-pvp.com in 3 days (need wait for upgrade...)


Grand opening:

15 November 2014[saturday]


-=[Advertise Event]=-

-=[Event Rules]=-


1. You must advertise our server Start Date however you want in forums, social networks, skype, lineage 2 facebook pages, be creative and win.

2. Advertising must contain:

- server name

- grand opening date and time

- server website link: www.l2elite-pvp.com

- server features(optional)

3. After you will finish advertising, you have to make screenshots to prove that you did your job great. Send screenshots to us in ''CONTACT US'' page, or you can make a topic on your forum and post all screenshots/proves there and we will make a classament and post here.

P.S. Topic must contain your skype or facebook or email adress.

4. The more you advertise server = more chances to win 1st place.


Event Prizes:


1st place - 150 Glittering Medals

2nd place - 125 Glittering Medals

3rd place - 100 Glittering Medals

4th place - 75 Glittering Medals

5th place - 65 Glittering Medals

6 th place - 55 Glittering Medals

7 th place  - 45 Glittering Medals




Now i will tell all of you what await you on L2elite





- Experience (XP): x30

- Skill Points (SP): x30

- Drop (Adena): x50

- Drop (Items): x3

- Spoil: x2

(increased spoil drop chance rates on materials ,scrolls and recipes)

- Seal Stones: x10

- Drop (Raidboss): x5

- Drop (GrandBoss): x1

- Drop (Grandboss Jewelry): x1





- Safe Enchant amount: +3

- Max. Enchant amount: +16

- Real Chance (for Regular Scrolls): 66%

- Real Chance (for Blessed Scrolls): 66%



-=[Raid Boss]=-


85 Level - Valakas: 264 hours / Random + - 1 hour

85 Level - Frintezza: 48 hours / Random + - 1 hour

79 Level - Antharas: 192 hours / Random + - 1 hour

80 Level - Baium: 120 hours / Random + - 1 hour

80 Level - Zaken: 60 hours / Random + - 1 hour

80 Level - Core: 60 hours / Random + - 1 hour

80 Level - Orfen: 48 hours / Random + - 1 hour

80 Level - Queen Ant: 20 hours / Random + - 1 hour





- 100% Working all Interlude features

- Olympiad Period - 7 Days (End of Week)

- Full working skills, classes (Balanced)

- All Quests full working (Retail)

- All zones full working (MOS, Pagan, Stakato, PI)

- Working Fortresses, Clan Halls and Castles

- Full working Raid / Grand Bosses

-  Buffer 1 hour buff time

- Buff slots 24 + 4 (Learn with Divine Inspiration)

- First class reward: 500.000 adena

- Second class reward: 1.000.000 adena

- Third class reward: 3 BOGs and 1.000.000 adena

- 3 free retail Sub-class 

- Nobless questable / buyable

- 100% Protection Against 3rd softwares

- Offline Shops Working (make shop buy/sell and type .offline_shop  or  /offline_shop)

- Autoloot system, Autolearn skills

- Agumentations System

- Life stone Skill chance: LS-3%, Mid-5%, High-7%, Top-10%

- Mammon NPCs added to Giran Castle Town

- GM Shop up to Top B-grade 

- Materials recipes added to GM Shop

- Full Working Geodata


Server have all protections neededI except to see 2000+ players on start for party,levelup,help each other, make clans etc...I hope i will have a good start for a server which i planned to keep alive a long period of time


Enchanter Mana Potion


In game you will have a special mana potion called:

Enchanter Mana Potion with the following effects:


Duration: 20 seconds

Reuse Time: 20 seconds

Effect Power: this is a magic potion, and by activeing it you will gain 35 ManaPoints per second durring 20 seconds, you can use the potion again in 20 seconds


Special Box


Everywhere is nothing special on a low rate server, and we decided to improve gameplay to make players do not get bored of exping, spoiling, farming quests, crafting... So we added some custom drops to monsters:

Monsters level 50 - 75 drop: 3 Event-Medals

Monsters level 76 - 90 drop: 6 Event-Medals

You can exchange Event-Medals in shop for Special A grade Box 70% - by openning it you will have 70% chance to recive A grade item or 30% chance to earn 10.000.000 Adena from the Special Box


Spectral Dancer


Everybody know in all servers BladeDancer is used as buffer and nothing more...

Here is different, BladeDancer can fight against other classes in the game, when a BladeDancer reach level 76 he advence to Spectral Dancer, when he reach level 80 he will learn a new skill called Demon Dance [ 2% of the power of all dances combined in one self-buff Dance ]


Sword Muse


Everybody know in all servers SwordSInger is used as buffer and nothing more...

Here is different, SwordSInger can fight against other classes in the game, when a SwordSInger reach level 76 he advence to Sword Muse, when he reach level 80 he will learn a new skill called Demon Song [ 2% of the power of all songs combined in one self-buff Song ]


Special Glittering Event-Medals


You can get Glittering Event-Medals if you vote our server

In the following websites:

l2.hopzone.net  and  l2topzone.com searching: L2elite  server

You will be rewarded in game with 5 Glittering Event-Medals every 24h for your vote. Remember you have to use Vote Manager from GAME

All raid Boss level 75 - 90 drop: 5 Glittering Medals [ 100% chance ]

All monsters level 75 - 90 drop: 3 Glittering Medals [ 0,5% chance ]

You can use Glittering Event-Medals in our Speacial Merchant



New Custom Tattoos


16 Custom tattoos designed to improve gameplay awaits you on L2elite-pvp

Witch Tattoo - upgradable 4 levels [ improve casting speed ]

Magic Tattoo - upgradable 4 levels [ improve magic attack ]

Monk Tattoo - upgradable 4 levels [ improve attack speed ]

Ogre Tattoo - upgradable 4 levels [ improve power attack ]


Remeber... This items are not added to disballance gameplay, everything and every class was tested before edit tattoos stats and attributes. Have fun and a nice stay!

Edited by ^Moon^
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7 Euro - recive 24h premium status
12 euro - recive 48h premium status
30 euro - recive 7 day premium status
70 euro - recive 30 day premium status
5 euro - recive 5 Donator Coin (use them in donator shop)
50 euro - AIO buffer (a buffer that include all buffs from game)
15 euro - recive 1 special enchant scroll with
50% chance to success or 50% chance to remain same enchant level
unban perma banned character - 50 euro
unban character that was banned 1 to 7 days - 15 euro



I see u are not greedy :D

Edited by TommyVersace
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7 Euro - recive 24h premium status
12 euro - recive 48h premium status
30 euro - recive 7 day premium status
70 euro - recive 30 day premium status
5 euro - recive 5 Donator Coin (use them in donator shop)
50 euro - AIO buffer (a buffer that include all buffs from game)
15 euro - recive 1 special enchant scroll with
50% chance to success or 50% chance to remain same enchant level
unban perma banned character - 50 euro
unban character that was banned 1 to 7 days - 15 euro



I see u are not greedy :D


Fu*k the trailer, but this donation list lol...


Why everybody tries to open L2 server nowadays.. ?

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server is live, topic locked since the server's topic exist in the proper section.  

Edited by Stacy Doll
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