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How to populate a server?


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make server unique like:

no old weapons, only custom weapons from No-Grade to S grade.

no old armors, only custom armors from No-Grade to S grade.

make that accesories give some stats, like +500hp or cp or others stats.

make safe +7, max 30, normal 80%, blessed 87%.

make server no lagg, get a good protection [anti cheating]

get a nice developers.

make donations, but not make donars OP, give them items same reward as normal player can get.

make lots of auto events, like TVT, CFT, and others.

make event hold by GM, like LMS, 1x1-9x9, tournaments, trivia, HnS, and more.

make a nice website.

register your server at hopzone, gamesite, extremetop etc etc.

make a nice lvling zone, where u cant get pked by another player.

make a good farming zone [not too booring].


the problem with that is that it will take ages tog et custom stuff balanced. 99% of the servers outthere with cusotm weapons got them either overpowered or useless...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

make a normal l2off server, not a damn l2j... cuz noone will join it... javas are fucking laggy. and only for pvp, and not many people like overpowered pvp, where win one who has more ++++ on weapon, or +++ armor, or boss juwe.

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go at a voting site..and rr your router..you will take other ip.then go vote..after that the same..100 votes 4 you :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Advertise,vote for it,be nice to everyone who enters the server(don't pk everybody) ,help them farm until they like the server

then start the war>they will call for help and after that you call you friends


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One word -> Advertisement :D

Make a solid Advertise system and dont abuse on customs because +Customs = +problems in security!

Recruit honest GMs and dont let none of them play with normal chars.. Gm/Admin cant be player at same time! They gotta to choose what they wanna be! Be fair and Nice with everyone and do solid and heavy punishments to those who didnt respect server rules and dont let server grow up and got better ;)

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about the outgame things in my opinion

-dont use use free hosted web like ucoz or else use only country domain

-make your server international

-dont rent a gameserver run it on a dedicated pc

-dont use cms systems like e107 or joomla

-dont make your server with 2345 gm 345423 developer and 432523 admin only with some qualified people

-make your website to multilanguage site is nice too

-advertise it on forums,vote sites(only in the good ones)

-dont open a server without any programming knowledge because you cant make good server without it


about the ingame things

-never use shitty custom stuff(armors weapons skills or else)

-make it special with some java modification

-make good anti hacking system(in the website and in the game too)

-good ingame support

-make balanced classes

-use always the newest l2j because you have better support for it everybody use interlude but its sucks in support so if you have a bug you dont have support to correct it

-make regular maintance and changelog in your website(the players can see what you are doing what bugs are corrected etc etc...)

-dont use a 99 buff maximum

-dont try to make all class good for pvp(dont give other skills for a class)

-play a little on retail because if you see how a class needs to work you can make something similiar in your server

-before open your server make a 2-3 week beta test period and in that period make photos and videos of your server and advertise it(on youtube on forums or else)


thats all i think

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