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Is Lineageii Dead?


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Hi folks.


I've been member in this forum since late '08. Played L2 since summer of '04 and fell in love with it. 

I'm a mod @ L2Tower forum, since late '11.


Now, I'm a grown up and I'm independed. Money isn't a issue.  So I thought that I could open a L2 server, so people can play and enjoy the game.


Question is: 

1) Which chronicle? Which game-type? ( L2Gold, retail, L2Pride or some new - custom pack?)

2) Will I be able to find the right pack? ( Lots of scammers in here selling crap files. )

3) A decent developer, who'd work for a weekly / monthly payment. Or we could divide earnings.

4) Is L2 even alive?


As I've mentioned, money is not a problem. Finding the right people is the issue.

Having money helps you advertise whatever you want. Even used condoms.



Now. Should I invest money in LineageII, by opening a legit server? 

Thanks for your time.


Spammers, please stay away from this topic.





Edited by DTT
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it's not dead but it's not like old times ofc..

now about the pack for me it's better to find a decent developer/coder to make w/e you want then buy any ready pack.

About the client you have to search what is missing on nowdays from lineage 2 community and then think about rates,features and game type (i mean custom or retail)

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Thanks for your replies.


I believe it'll be hard to find a honest dev who'd actually work and not gonna be greedy.

Most of people are here for the monniez. Reputation doesn't matter anymore in this scene.
This forum has fallen apart.


Been checking other L2 forums as well. It's quiet.



If anyone's up for a new server, drop me a PM. I'd pay everything.




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lineage 2 dead already, you know why? because corrent public of 2014 y. kids. no more proffesional players as before, such a kids, school boys, who`s stole money from parents, for food, but pay for donation. 


who can imagine that, in lineage shout chat kids speaking about love, O my gawwd, lineage shout should be for : looking for party for RB, or loooking for party duel( like old times) 


thats why lineage dead, not lineage its just job to earn money, no ONE will open server for fun, only for money. and who will say that: i have been opened server for fun! i dont need money, belive me he is freakin` liar..

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open a L2 server, so people can play and enjoy the game.


Question is: 


1) Which chronicle? Which game-type? ( L2Gold, retail, L2Pride or some new - custom pack?)

2) Will I be able to find the right pack? ( Lots of scammers in here selling crap files. )

3) A decent developer, who'd work for a weekly / monthly payment. Or we could divide earnings.

4) Is L2 even alive?


As I've mentioned, money is not a problem. Finding the right people is the issue.

Having money helps you advertise whatever you want. Even used condoms.



Now. Should I invest money in LineageII, by opening a legit server? 

Sounds arbitrary - open a server and people will magically "enjoy" the game. No offense, but you sound like a capitalist. As in you have no idea why things work the way they work and simply look for supply -> demand opportunity to cash in to.


1) If you are asking a chronicle just shows that you have no intent on figuring things out, will simply launch a server with config changes in rates and such, and take it for granted.

The L2 pack does not define a gametype. The pack should depend on your intent (what you want to do) and how easy it is to develop the features you want (depends on dev opinion)

2) You could take a safe bet and use L2jserver... why not? Cos it has bugs? Do you know of the personally? You mentioned L2Gold and L2Pride - sounds like you follow the hype train.

3) Earnings from what? Donations? 

4) L2 is not dead in population. But innovation has stopped. I do not understand how people not see the problem with this - L2 retail is FREE. Any other L2 flavour can be largely divided into 3 sub groups - low rate, mid rate, high rate. Thats 3 servers. We have 100+. They are not unique. They are just cash grab servers. Something you will roll into doing automatically whether you want it or not because you have not established wtf you want to do. 


Whether it is worth "investing" (implies you want to get something back, contradicting money not being an issue) depends entirely on how brave you are. 


Understand that by opening a 20x server, you don't just compete with another 20x server. You compete with 10x,15x,25x,30x,40x and so on. Because these marginal difference are bullshit. 


You should also consider how people play. A lot of remaining players are risk-averse. They stay in town and if you engage them out of town by attacking first they will roll over like docile puppies and die. Then call you bad names (noob). A lot of PvP is very explicit (events, oly).


TL;DR Ask yourself what you want your server to be like. If you can't do it - don't open it. Anything less than ideal is a waste of your time, money, waste of everyone elses time and MXCs advert forums space. Avoid thinking that you will make an enjoyable server with simply changing config. And avoid thinking that you can add a bunch of cool features and the server will be magically awesome. 

L2RvB closed up after 2 hours of launch because of geodata issues, patch problems, event spawn coords, event spawn task not rotating spawns, no streamlining (30mins to get into action).

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if you want custom things for your server and best coding

you should try to contact xdem aka drake2wow he's one of the best...

Edited by ’Insider
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its dead for me ... its fully of kids who like F1 classes , archers :y u no?:


but if u want to make server , make it for archers and u will get many ppl , noobs but alot  :happyforever:



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it's not dead but it's not like old times ofc..

now about the pack for me it's better to find a decent developer/coder to make w/e you want then buy any ready pack.

About the client you have to search what is missing on nowdays from lineage 2 community and then think about rates,features and game type (i mean custom or retail)

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L2 as a game is still one of the best and far from dead, no matter what version it is. Its just that the new players suck. Plus retail going free 2 play made a huge impact to the private servers population. Also there was a perdiod between late 2010 and 2012 that ddos attacks were very common between servers and many people felt discouraged to continue playing.


These days the main problem is that theres a couple of servers buying all the votes in the famous topsites, meaning if your server is small you stand no chance on making it into the top 10 unless you are willing to pay for votes or whatever else comes with this.


Russian servers are booming right now. The use fake online most of the time but that doesnt mean they have any less than 1000 players wich is a very good number of players to have, hell even 400 players is good enough for imo.


Lastly theres a couple of servers probably owned by the same people that buy all the votes and no matter how shitty their servers might be they seem to get all the EU players. (Check the top 2 hopzone servers).


In the end i think these are strange times for Lineage 2. Good luck with your project.

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lineage 2 dead already, you know why? because corrent public of 2014 y. kids. no more proffesional players as before, such a kids, school boys, who`s stole money from parents, for food, but pay for donation. 


who can imagine that, in lineage shout chat kids speaking about love, O my gawwd, lineage shout should be for : looking for party for RB, or loooking for party duel( like old times) 


thats why lineage dead, not lineage its just job to earn money, no ONE will open server for fun, only for money. and who will say that: i have been opened server for fun! i dont need money, belive me he is freakin` liar..

Democracy is dead as well. It's all different POV. Love? wtf dude.



L2 as a game is still one of the best and far from dead, no matter what version it is. Its just that the new players suck. Plus retail going free 2 play made a huge impact to the private servers population. Also there was a perdiod between late 2010 and 2012 that ddos attacks were very common between servers and many people felt discouraged to continue playing.


These days the main problem is that theres a couple of servers buying all the votes in the famous topsites, meaning if your server is small you stand no chance on making it into the top 10 unless you are willing to pay for votes or whatever else comes with this.


Russian servers are booming right now. The use fake online most of the time but that doesnt mean they have any less than 1000 players wich is a very good number of players to have, hell even 400 players is good enough for imo.


Lastly theres a couple of servers probably owned by the same people that buy all the votes and no matter how shitty their servers might be they seem to get all the EU players. (Check the top 2 hopzone servers).


In the end i think these are strange times for Lineage 2. Good luck with your project.

Well, I could play with 300 euro per mo. That's what I'm willing to invest. Hosting, DDoS protection, ads across the web.


Tbh, fake online counters are okay. If it's worth to play the specific servers. ( I support RU ones. They know their shit. )





it's not dead but it's not like old times ofc..

now about the pack for me it's better to find a decent developer/coder to make w/e you want then buy any ready pack.

About the client you have to search what is missing on nowdays from lineage 2 community and then think about rates,features and game type (i mean custom or retail)


You, as a "moderator" should know what spam is. Avoid it.



if you want custom things for your server and best coding

you should try to contact xdem aka drake2wow he's one of the best...

Contacting a scammer for a serious project, nah.


Regarding that drake guy, not sure. I'll have to do some research first.



Sounds arbitrary - open a server and people will magically "enjoy" the game. No offense, but you sound like a capitalist. As in you have no idea why things work the way they work and simply look for supply -> demand opportunity to cash in to.


1) If you are asking a chronicle just shows that you have no intent on figuring things out, will simply launch a server with config changes in rates and such, and take it for granted.

The L2 pack does not define a gametype. The pack should depend on your intent (what you want to do) and how easy it is to develop the features you want (depends on dev opinion)

2) You could take a safe bet and use L2jserver... why not? Cos it has bugs? Do you know of the personally? You mentioned L2Gold and L2Pride - sounds like you follow the hype train.

3) Earnings from what? Donations? 

4) L2 is not dead in population. But innovation has stopped. I do not understand how people not see the problem with this - L2 retail is FREE. Any other L2 flavour can be largely divided into 3 sub groups - low rate, mid rate, high rate. Thats 3 servers. We have 100+. They are not unique. They are just cash grab servers. Something you will roll into doing automatically whether you want it or not because you have not established wtf you want to do. 


Whether it is worth "investing" (implies you want to get something back, contradicting money not being an issue) depends entirely on how brave you are. 


Understand that by opening a 20x server, you don't just compete with another 20x server. You compete with 10x,15x,25x,30x,40x and so on. Because these marginal difference are bullshit. 


You should also consider how people play. A lot of remaining players are risk-averse. They stay in town and if you engage them out of town by attacking first they will roll over like docile puppies and die. Then call you bad names (noob). A lot of PvP is very explicit (events, oly).


TL;DR Ask yourself what you want your server to be like. If you can't do it - don't open it. Anything less than ideal is a waste of your time, money, waste of everyone elses time and MXCs advert forums space. Avoid thinking that you will make an enjoyable server with simply changing config. And avoid thinking that you can add a bunch of cool features and the server will be magically awesome. 

L2RvB closed up after 2 hours of launch because of geodata issues, patch problems, event spawn coords, event spawn task not rotating spawns, no streamlining (30mins to get into action).

Please teach me.




We live in a rotten capitalistic system. dafuq. I'm a capitalist, communist, nazi, fascist, UFO, w/e you want.


Anyway, thanks everyone for your replies.

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go work or find another hobby

You will find out that in 2014 you will just waste money for l2!


R.I.P L2

I actually made near 70 bitcoins in 2 months. Not sure if I should "go work". I'm not the average "kid" in this forum. Regarding hobbies, I have many. One of them is lineage.

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