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classic [L2Off] L2Dex | Project: Legacy


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Darkness is right, I got pked from 3403942 russians, they act like on reality.


As for the D grade stuff you can't but them even if you don't buy something till level 30 ( TESTED ) and this is not a PVP server with this kind of "economy system"

Russians got already D/C Items

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That's the funny part, cuz in low rate by 20 lvl you already have saved money for D grade, while in a "PvP" server at 40 lvl ( yea i sped lot of money for buffs, cuz Ru players PKed me 100 times) you can't buy D grade... So when u make xp rate high, you should make the adena rate high too, because what's the point to be 40 lvl and to be with No-grade ?

Edited by Darknessbg
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Darkness is right, I got pked from 3403942 russians, they act like on reality.





That's the funny part, cuz in low rate by 20 lvl you already have saved money for D grade, while in a "PvP" server at 40 lvl ( yea i sped lot of money for buffs, cuz Ru players PKed me 100 times) you can't buy D grade... So when u make xp rate high, you should make the adena rate high too, because what's the point to be 40 lvl and to be with No-grade ?

Since minute one, I've made bots to sell Mana Drugs.
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can you explain me what you mean by that ? do you know what nazis means ? :)

 I will explain, not that you deserve it but because im dont suffer from being racist or xenophile like many russians are (i have russian friends so i cant say "all")


Point A)

You have a russian player that pked someone (RED) :

1 Option:

If the players around him are russians they will not kill him not because they are in party/clan or ally just because they are russians and the guy (the one is red) pked a non russian player.

2 Option:

Any other part of the world even with brazilian players if someone red they will kill him if they are not in party/clan or ally


Point B )

Russian player talks to you in russian, and you say "im not russian/english please"

1 Option:

They will flag/pk you even if its non party russians are around you since they will not kill each other.. (Point A)


2 Option Any other part of the world they will try to talk u in english or move on because they cant pk you, (other random players around so they cant pk you)


2 examples just to show you the pattern of a Russian servers, like my best russian friend (that left russian to never come back) says... "Its a reason why must Russians like putin in real life, they are like him).

Edited by MysticMuse
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Darkness is right, I got pked from 3403942 russians, they act like on reality.

What did you expect they are Russians lol,they own lineage2,this their gameplay,i remeber i was in one ru clan their moto was who was not with us they are niggers lol, i guess you are new to server with full of russians,some times they love to sneak up from nowere and PK you :happyforever:  as far i remeber since C3 times from raiboss.ru  i think that was the name of server.Playing with russians best gameplay PvP/Pk expierince Ever! :dat:  

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What did you expect they are Russians lol,they own lineage2,this their gameplay,i remeber i was in one ru clan their moto was who was not with us they are niggers lol, i guess you are new to server with full of russians,some times they love to sneak up from nowere and PK you :happyforever:  as far i remeber since C3 times from raiboss.ru  i think that was the name of server.Playing with russians best gameplay PvP/Pk expierince Ever! :dat:  

What gameplay pvp experiance u talk about ffs ? What experiance u get if u have been killed from 10+ players while u try to lvl up/farm alone? All they think about ingame is " If you're not Ru , you must die!"  even they don't care if you're stronger or not, they will just try to kill u. Once before C grade Ru players tried to PK me while i had full S grade. Guess what ? They died, but after that they came back and tried to PK me again.. lol


@djvogans - Sure, you need enemies, but not whole server.. it would be ok if the server was 50/50 Ru/Other, but it's like 80%+ Ru players.And as i said if the server is full with Ru players, other nation players won't join for sure.I've played Dex since the opening and i can say that it was one of the best servers ever, but your biggest mistake was to unite with Ru servers.


I'm not racist, but Ru people just sux as gamers. Take a look in League Of Legends, everyone QQ-ed from of them, nobody wanted Ru players in the Eu servers, that's why Riot made special server for the Ru players.

Edited by Darknessbg
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  • 2 weeks later...

Search and destroy!!!

Every week, NPC killer Beatrix  visits all worlds of Lineage 2.
Certain time, she appears into the gaming worlds and kills all people of Elmore Aden.

Authorities of Lineage.ro declare reward for Beatrix head!
Player, who could find famous killer and who will destroy her, get ToDs as Reward.


More information about the mechanics of event:

Once a week,we open a worldwide hunt for Beatrix.
Finding she will not be difficult, because the announcements will alert you about her location.
But killing her is  not easy, she's very strong and treacherous, if hunters will not be enought , she will destroy them.

The main task of the participants is to be ready for fast regroup, watch for our game announcements,  find the target and destroy it!

The player that will cause a decisive blow, gets 150 ToD.

The event is not long, the approximate time is no more than 30 minutes.

During this time there will be 3 of the race, with three murders and three winners.

Dates the emergence of Beatrix in gaming worlds:
Nanna - Friday at 22:00 (UTC +4)
Legacy - Thursday at 22:00 (UTC +4)
Lionna - Wednesday at 22:00 (UTC +4)

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