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Ok you will love this bug


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This bug work in c1 c2 c3 official.... what you need to doo its a tresure hunter so get dash  to run faster ask a prophet to give you berseker and wind walk.... you will have 200 speed or more this active ..... go to taurin in giran and you know the shops? they got WEAR weapons wear them and instantly in that 5 seconds go taurin and deposit them you will got that weapon in your wh so after sell them you will be the richest player i tryed this bug and Workz !!after c4 dont workz HAVE FUNNNNNNNN!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Doesn't work, you just made that up now didn't you? It doesn't work because the item that you wear cannot be deposited in the wearhouse. In 1 word this doesn't work.

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