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[Request] Looking For A Developer/partner



I am considering opening an Interlude or H5 server that is (hopefully) unlike any other and ends up doing pretty well. 
I know there is a big following when it comes to stack subs and right now there is only one good server out there (One that most people do nothing but complain about). 
I'm looking for a single stack (same race) setup with not much else being custom when it comes to completely altering game play.
I have this idea of a "hell spawn" in mind though that I would like to setup in select areas that I will discuss with whoever I (hopefully) partner with.

I'm also NOT looking to ban players for botting. I know, I know, WHAT?! Seriously, this friggin' game was built to support it, look at retail. Some of the best times on retail were going out and hunting bot parties & laughing at the stupid stuff they would do. I will have a statement made that let's players know they will not be banned for botting, dual boxing, triple, etc. BUT if an area is completely flooded with them and "legit" players cannot enjoy the game we may feel inclined to kill some off from time to time. Bot at your own risk! 
My donation ideas will be very fair, giving small "speed" advantages to those that partake, but nothing a non-donating player can't come by.
Anyways, I am looking at a hopefully long term project, if you can't tell I'm American and would like a "partner" that can speak FLUENT english. I do not have server files (This is an area I need direction on) but I am willing to potentially put money forward to get this project rolling. I have extensive L2 knowledge, have been the "backer" of my own server many years ago and know "alittle" about the programming side, but I need a lead that can make my image come to life.
Shoot me a message if interested, I'll gladly give you my TS info and we can chat this out.


Edited by Maxtor
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Better say so. If ur buget is big you will find ppl. And btw. What makes u think that ppl will not complain at ur server too?

Edited by xeL
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If you've got extensive knowledge and been backers for a other servers - you'll know how AMAZINGLY little value you are right now.



Aka why the hell should anyone care?

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I'm not claiming to be of any value, other than having a serious love for this damn game. I've ran a server in the past and it didn't do too terrible but I had a horrible crew that ended up ruining it.

I'm just looking to have a good time and I figured I'd throw this out there in an attempt to see if I could find someone interested. Really no need to flame, if you're not interested, move on to the next thread.

& about people complaining? It's something that comes with the territory. You can't please them all, but you can cater to the majority, which I believe is not happening on most servers. Having played this game since open beta and being very successful on way too many private servers I do believe I have a descent recipe for a very enjoyable server.

If someone is up for the task I look forward to hearing from them.

Edited by Sergeant
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Good luck to you then.



But neither quality of the technical part - nor the balance or anything related to the actual gameplay makes a server big nowadays.

You should be fair warned on that.

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it's not my oppinion.


It's fact - that ability to pull the right players\clans\marketing\buzz\bullshit\street cred does it.



Simple as that - players aka you don't reward the right things.

You keep a bad cycle going.



Most do anyway.

Edited by mcbigmac
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I can see where you're coming from and I agree with most of it. The only place I do disagree with you is where you throw me into that same category.

ever since the beginning of lineage I have seen what has and has not worked, I think I will make the perfect addition to a dedicated team. the amount of custom work I am looking to have done is minimal and server files have come a long way since the beginning on postpacific, lol.

I have been around the block & am very confident that this will work out if i can find someone to get me started & teach me the ropes.

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please emulate server from another game

l2 is dead


the more ppl launching servers in 2014, the faster l2 dies


the only remaining thing to keep l2 alive is to ddos 90% bad servers

Edited by Karasu
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please emulate server from another game

l2 is dead


the more ppl launching servers in 2014, the faster l2 dies


the only remaining thing to keep l2 alive is to ddos 90% bad servers

i gotta disagree with that my friend, ddosing is not the solution, some people paid for all that shit even if the server is bad or corrupted, why to destroy them if they paid? DDoSing home servers with free domains yes, but bad setuped server that paid a small at least budget will close from time to time... so again ddosing them isnt the solution

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my eyes!


topic edit* 




please emulate server from another game

l2 is dead


the more ppl launching servers in 2014, the faster l2 dies


the only remaining thing to keep l2 alive is to ddos 90% bad servers



I will disagree too.....Before some months, I used to say the same as you, but actually it is not a truth. There are still too many players out there and market pool is still big!

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