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xdem got over 1k flame posts sisters/mothers i dont give a shit go ban this bastard if u still respect the rules

about ravage he still got my account that he scammed and he is blaming me , i pmed maxtor over 20 times but i dont know ...

Ok he scammed me the account and he posting on my topics that i am scammer ? That guy have scam the half maxcheaters accounts , you can check ips for this :)

His name is sokras and he is one ugly gay.

Thanks for reading 


you are not welcome on this forum retarded gay scammer, you are banned over 10 times but u still can't live without it


about ravage he still got my account that he scammed and he is blaming me , i pmed maxtor over 20 times but i dont know ...


Ok he scammed me the account and he posting on my topics that i am scammer ? That guy have scam the half maxcheaters accounts , you can check ips for this :)


His name is sokras and he is one ugly gay.

he isn't swkras believe me.

he is Realtek the real Realtek and he take his account back legal.


i am not welcomed ? when i was member on mxc u was not living dude also go ahead bitch.

Εκτός θέματος ποστς, βρισιές καθε ειδους,  flame ποστς δεν επιτρέπονται.

    Κακή συμπεριφορά όπως βρίσιμο, trolling, drama, fighting, ρατσισμός, απειλές κάθε είδους δεν επιτρέπονται.

    Πολιτικά θέματα επιτρέπονται μέχρι ένα όριο.

    (συνεχή κακή συμπεριφορά,ΑΚΌΜΗ και στα προσωπικά μηνύματα/Σχόλια προφίλ/Spam section δεν επιτρέπονται)

    Ποινή: 1st προειδοποιηση, 2nd προσωπικό μήνυμα , 3rd μόνιμο ban.

he got over 1k posts like this , he had ban and someone remove it i dont know who :) anyone remember this ? Yeah sure if u find me one topic that i scam someone then i will agree with you till then i am waiting a mod action.You blame my mother over 1000 times at every topic and u still do the same with the whole maxcheaters community i hope u wont get back here.

he isn't swkras believe me.

he is Realtek the real Realtek and he take his account back legal.

The funny thing is that the name that your friend romeo-sorkas apply to maxtor as realteks name is one name i put for fun  O0


The funny thing is that the name that your friend romeo-sorkas apply to maxtor as realteks name is one name i put for fun  O0

just look at the name changes you want to tell you here the story of all names? lol

you know that it's not your account!

you're vorfin aka v4n persie and no Romeo.


just look at the name changes you want to tell you here the story of all names? lol

you know that it's not your account!

you're vorfin aka v4n persie and no Romeo.

lol romeo was not even member on maxcheaters when i had this account , fuck it dude u member from 2014 i am from 2009


i dont remember from where u are registered but the account was mine from the start , i trade it with the best scammer on maxcheaters he have scam over 5 accs from members ! 


you did the same so...if he deserves a ban you deserve too!

who i scam ? i cant explain again to idiots that i get ban because i was try to sell l2gold files and fanky banned me because he though it was trance files.

Then the same day i get unbanned this idiot guy name sokras pmed maxtor and say him i dont know what but when maxtor read the pm he banned me directly , this guy like blowjobing administrators and lie them all time (probably gay imo)


lol you know nothing about all those things.

anyway you scam a lot of people here and you know that cmn now.

if you want to spam more do it but do it alone i wont answer to you again since you pretend you are panagia parthena and you never scam someone!


fuck u fucking idiot give me one topic with proofs that i scam someone at our possition u play the virgin madonna u scammed 1 league of legends account and 200 euro from one guy and that's your account is banned , LOL .... 

if u really want to call me scammer show me 1 topic on maxcheaters that they report me with real proofs 

i can give u proofs about ravage that he is the most scammer here on maxcheaters and took my account u know that.


I try my best to clean this forum from your garbage and my only tools are flame and blame yea. But they work

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