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Posted (edited)


L2Styx, your Lineage II server

L2Styx is a young community which was created very recently, however, we are backed by an experienced team in server administration and programming that will ensure a stable, uninterrupted, fun and fair gaming experience.
We value your time and effort invested on the community and that is why we follow a strict no-reset policy and are proud to ensure the continuity of our service indefinitely.

Website: www.l2-styx.com
Forum: www.l2-styx.com/forum
GRAND OPENING: 9.7.2014 at 18:00 GMT+2

Prepare yourself for battle!


Server Rates


XP = x13
SP = x13
Party XP = x1.5
Party SP = x1.5
Adena Rate = x10
Rate Drop = x7
Rate Spoil = x7
Quest Drop = x2
Quest XP = x3
Quest SP = x3
Drop Epaulette = x3
Raidboss Drop = x3
Safe Enchant = +3
Max Enchant = +15
Normal Scroll Rate = 59%
Blessed Scroll Rate = 65%
Stone Attribute = 38%
Crystal Attribute = 29%


Server Features


+ Selling buff system added !


- All instances & quests working
- All features from H5 working
- Starting Items for newbies
- Gang vs Gang tournament with ranking list
- Capture the flag event
- Offline Trade System
- All instances & quests work
- Autolearn Skills
- Autoloot
- Service System
- Gmshop (till s grade)
- Buffer (3h buffs)
- Buff slots 24 +12
- Gatekeeper
- Class Master
- Unique Community Board
- PVP zone (with command .pvp)
- All retail events working
- Geodata + Pathnodes
- Champion System
- Shift + Click (target NPC) Show Droplist with images & stats.
- Command “.control/.menu” for personal settings.
- Command “.stats” with this command you can see the personal statistics.
- Command “.pvp” teleport to pvp zone.
- Command “.lock” you can lock your ip for security reasons
- For other commands and informations press ALT+B-> Help in game


And many more other normal quests

Many hours of entertainment await to all who decide to join us. Come on! We are waiting for you.


Edited by styxreborn
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Welcome, HeadShot recruit 2 clan simple members and FULL CPs !!

HS Clan is famous on muuuch low rate/mid rate servers. After +/- 1 year we're BACK and wanna show you who make a RULES ! :)

Have fun and JOIN US !!



Serdecznie zapraszam do klanu HeadShot, 

Akcja ma na celu zebranie chetnych,zaangazowanych osob do tego by przywrocic clanu dawna swietnosc. Clanu nie buduje nazwa,ale czlonkowie ktorzy do niego naleza, jesli jestes zainetesowany dolaczeniem do HS odezwij sie do mnie w owym temacie,albo rowniez na PM ! 

Jesli masz jakiekolwiek pytania,wal smialo ! 

Zapraszam ! 

Edited by iGoodTimes

community etc. in English or RU language? 


The main language is : ENGLISH


But we support in game : { English , Russian , Poland } you can change the Html from npc(s) from control personal settings.


Looks very good. After long break in L2 i would to play one more time on stable,fair server. When i see servers like tales i just wanna cry what l2 became. I wanted to ask: this server will be x50-100 but with no shits like npc buffer/gm shop/op donations ?


Looks very good. After long break in L2 i would to play one more time on stable,fair server. When i see servers like tales i just wanna cry what l2 became. I wanted to ask: this server will be x50-100 but with no shits like npc buffer/gm shop/op donations ?


Hello Garand , the server rates will be x13 , with some help buffs and item shop till S normal grade the drop rate and chance will be low and about boss will be retail , much thinks in game is retail and we have test 2 months now all quests and instances , skills , etc.

About donation, no we will dont have op donate only some service because server need some money to stay alive.


We will be stable ofc we have work very hard for this results , we hope people to appreciate this.

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