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is a decent list for lvl 3 builder.

=========================================COMMANDES NORMALES======================================== 
//announce [message] 
//critannounce [message] 
making an announcement. 
Enable some GM's options, in order to start 'GMing the server'.
//undying [on|off]
Heals targets hp/mp fully 
//hide [on|off] 
Register you in the GM list (/gmlist)
//gmspeed 1..5 
Increase your speed (you can also use superhaste - ID 7029 lvl [1-4]
//gmchat name message 
this just a simple way to tell a player somthing. like 
//gmchat bob your in big trouble! 
===========================================INFO SERVER============================================== 
Who's online.
up time, item on ground, players, NPC, protocol version 
NPC's online spawned. Really useful when creating new areas with NPC's.
You get the online GM list with the BuilderLVL. Useful to trace illegal builders.
You get the players' number and NPC's in the area.
============================================AUTO REFUSE============================================= 
//whisper [on|off] 
so when whisper is off means no one can message you when 
whispers on they can message you. 
//tradeoff [/color]
Autorefuses requests: /friendinvite ou /trade 
============================PLAYER PARTY================================ 
//stopsay name time 
Chatban //stopsay bob 50 (= thats 50 min) 
//kick name
Shut out the player.
//char_stop [temps(min)] 
//party_stop [temps(min)] 
//debug name 
Give info about the char in target.
You get the list and classid of the party members of you target.
check character buffs 
//check_bot 1..3 
1. OOG Walker
2. IG Walker
3. Superman
//sendhome name 
Recall player or party to town 
//partytel [bookmark] 
Teleport your party to the bookmark (//bk) 
//teleportto name 
This makes so you warp to the player. 
//recall name 
This just warps the player to you. 
//teleport x y z 
Teleport you if you give the good location (/loc), usefull with maccros.
Send your target in jail.
//camera [on|off] 
Fly mode. Alt+h to add the chat windows while using this mode. 
//bk [name] 
Set bookmark del or tp to. //bk name create the bookmark. 
//telbookmark [bookmarkname] 
use //bk. teleport yourself.
//summon [id|nom] quantity (Itemdata.txt) 
Note: Builder lvl1, only GM's with builder 1 are allowed to summon items.
//summon name = npc (npc_pch.txt) 
example //summon orc_archer (that would summon an orc archer 
//summon orc_archer 5 would summon 5 orc archers of them... 
Note: Only builder lvl 1 and 2 can summon NPC's.
//create_pet 1..11 [LVL] 
1=wolf 2-4=hatchling 5-7=stryder 8=sin eater 9-11=baby 
//dice [itemID] [number] 
Throw the ID's object on the floor and desappear. [number] -> Time before desappearing (no way to pick up it anyway).
//summonnpc [iD|Name][Number] 
Summons Npcs 
//setai [Monster ID] 
Gives a npc different AI 
//spawn_npcs [Count][AI] 
Kill your NPC target, no drop.
Your target rides a wyvern.
You become a hero, this cannot be used on a target. Just yourself.
//ns hero 0 
//ns noblesse 0 
Enable/disabled your target hero status. 
Subclass relying on the ID class and subjob number [1-3] => not tested.
=============================================CLASS SKILL============================================= 
//setclass [ClassID] 
To the target! 
Target Learns all possible skills 
//delskill [skill ID] 
Deletes skill from target 
//setskill [skill ID] 
Gives skill to target. Skill de GM id de 6000
//announce --быстрый анонс (я думаю это все знают :grin:)
//setannounce [id] [текст] --задает анонс , выдаваемый клиенту при подключении 
//delannounce [id] --удаляет анонс , выдаваемый клиенту при подключении 
//set_interval_announce add [int] [id] [текст] --задает периодический анонс с периодом [int] (10,20,30 ...) (анонсы должны быть приостановлены в момент добавления\удаления)
//set_interval_announce del [int] [id] [текст] --удаляет периодический анонс с периодом [int] (10,20,30 ...) (анонсы должны быть приостановлены в момент добавления\удаления)
//set_interval_announce start --приостанавливает периодические анонсы
//set_interval_announce end --запускает периодические анонсы
//set_siege [castle_id] [год] [месяц] [день] [часы] [минуты] --задаёт начало осады замка
//set_siege_end [castle_id] [год] [месяц] [день] [часы] [минуты] --задаёт конец осады замка
//set_siege_period [castle_id] [время] --период осады замка [castle_id] , [время] в секундах
//set_quick_siege [castle_id] [время] --быстрая осада замка [castle_id] , [время] в секундах до начала осады
//set_castle_owner [castle_id] [clan_id] --устанавливает клан [clan_id] владельцем замка [castle_id]
//reset_castle_owner [castle_id] --освобождает замок [castle_id]
//attack [castle_id] [clan_id] --записывает клан [clan_id] на осаду замка [castle_id] атакующим
//defend [castle_id] [clan_id] --записывает клан [clan_id] на осаду замка [castle_id] защищающим
//show_castle_info [castle_id] --показывает статус замка
//event [type] [on|off] --включает \ отключает эвент типа [type] ..... бестолковая )
//load_event --загружает первый эвент из файла eventdata.ini
//load_npcsettings --расставляет эвент-менеджеров по городам
7 печатей
//ssq_info --статус + немного инфо
//ssq cyclemode default 2 --запуск 7 печатей в стандартном режиме 
//ssq manual 2 --запуск 7 печатей в ручном режиме с 2 циклами
//ssq event_period гггг/мм/дд чч:мм:сс гггг/мм/дд чч:мм:сс --период эвента (при ручном задании)
//ssq seal_period гггг/мм/дд чч:мм:сс гггг/мм/дд чч:мм:сс --период действия печати (при ручном задании , 
//ssq quickcycle [время] --быстрый цикл на [время] секунд
//ssq setwinner [сторона] --задает сторону-победитля
//ssq sealowner [печать] [сторона] --отдает печать стороне
Управление чарами
//setparam --задает параметры выбранного чара
//setskill [skill_id] [skill_lvl] --дает скилл [skill_id] уровня [skill_lvl] выбранному чару
//delskill [skill id] --забирает скилл [skill_id] у выбранного чара
//setclass [class_id] --устанавливает профессию [class_id] выбранному чару
//set_hero --делает выбранного чара героем
//set_nobless --делает выбранного чара дворянином
//healthy --восстанавливает выбранному чару хп\мп
//sendhome [ник] --отправляет чара с ником [ник] в ближайший город
//recall [ник] --призывает к себе чара с ником [ник]
//stopsay [ник] [время] --запрет чата чару [ник] на [время] минут
//kick [charname] --выкидывает из игры чара [charname]
//disband [clan_name] --распускает клан [clan_name]
//disband2 [alliance_name] --распускает альянс [alliance_name] 
//declare_clan_war [clan_1] [clan2] --начинает войну клана [clan_1] с [clan_2]
//check_bot [1..3] --проверка на бота выбранного чара 
//declare_truce [clan_1] [clan2] --перемирие кланов [clan_1] , [clan_2]
//set_pledge_level [clan] [lvl] --устанавливает уровень [lvl] клану [clan]
//reset_clan_leader [clan] [leader_name] --назначает чара [leader_name] лидером клана [clan]
//reset_clan_name [clan_name] [new_clan_name] --меняет название клана [clan_name] на [new_clan_name]
//reset_alliance_name [alliance_name] [new_alliance_name] --меняет название альянса [alliance_name] на [new_alliance_name]
//summon [id | name] [количество] --призывает предмет\нпц [id] . Если количество не задано , призывает 1 
//summon2 [enchant] [id | name] --призывает предмет [id | name] , заточенный на [enchant]
//summon3 [id] [id2] --призывает предметы от [id] до [id2]
//teleport_to_npc [NPC class id | NPC name] --телепорт к нпц [NPC class id | NPC name]
Прочие полезности
//teleport x y z --телепорт в точку с координатами x y z
//teleportto [charname] --телепорт к чару [charname]
//ride_wyvern --оседлать виверна
//create_pet [id] [lvl] --создает питомца [id] уровня [lvl]
//hide [on|off] --включение\отключение невидимости
//undying [on|off] --включение\отключение бемссмертия
//polymorph [npc id|npc name] --превращает в моба [npc id|npc name] 
//diet [on|off] --включение\отключения лимита веса
//set_zzaga_hero --временно дает статус героя
//gmspeed [1..5] --повышает скорость бега
//set_nobless 1 только на себя.
//set_door_status <имя_двери> <статус>
//set_door_status aden_colosseum_001_001 close
//set_door_status aden_colosseum_001_002 close
//set_door_status aden_colosseum_002_001 close
//set_door_status aden_colosseum_002_002 close
//invite user_name – снять штраф с юзера
//invite2 clan_name – раз просит имя клана, наверно это тоже что и //join
//join clan_name - снять штраф с клана 
//join2 alliance_name – снять штраф по выходу из али
//abnormal_change [type (1-3)]//accept_escape_command on/off 
//add_peti_chat char 
//addcomment COMMENT 
//agitdeco command blablabla... 
//agitdeco list agit 
//agitdeco reset agit deco_type 
//agitdeco set agit deco_id 
//attack castle(agit) pledge 
//auction_close agit_name 
//auction_open agit_name 
//blockuser flag target_name 
//camera on/off 
//can_make_clan user_name 
//cancelgmpeti [username] 
//cease_fire pledge1 pledge2 
//cease_fire2 alliance1 alliance2 
//char_stop [min] 
//check_bot 1-3 
//col_setcolor color time_l2(min) 
//controltower_levelup [controltower|all] level 
//create_pet 1~11 level 
//create_pledge pledge_name 
//debug [name | .] 
//declare_alliance_war enemy_alliance_name 
//declare_clan_war clan_1 clan2 
//declare_truce clan_1 clan2 
//declare_truce2 enemy_alliance_name 
//defend castle pledge 
//defend_register castle pledge 
//defend_reject castle pledge 
//delannounce [ANNOUNCE_ID] 
//delquest [quest id] 
//delskill [skill id] 
//dice dice_classid number 
//diet [on|off] 
//disband clan_name 
//disband2 alliance_name 
//dismiss_partyroom partyroom_id 
//door_levelup [doorname|all] level(total%) 
//enable_plane_collision collisio_name 1/0 
//escape_mode (1~4) 
//event type [on/off] 
//eventmatch [create | leader | item_rule | skill_rule | lock | unlock | start | pause | end | info | list | score | remove | msg | fence | dispelall | useskill | manage] ... 
//eventmatch create [match_rule] [team1_name] [team2_name] [x] [y] [z] [fence_width] [fence_height] 
//eventmatch dispelall [match_id] 
//eventmatch end [match_id] 
//eventmatch fence [match_id] [fence_state] 
//eventmatch firecracker [who] 
//eventmatch info [match_id] 
//eventmatch item_rule [match_id] [allow_all | deny_all | A(item_id) | D(item_id)] ... 
//eventmatch leader [match_id] [1|2] [leader_id] 
//eventmatch lock [match_id] [1|2] 
//eventmatch manage [match_id] 
//eventmatch msg [match_id] [type] [message] 
//eventmatch pause [match_id] 
//eventmatch remove [match_id] 
//eventmatch score [match_id] [team1_score] [team2_score] 
//eventmatch skill_rule [match_id] [allow_all | deny_all | A(skill_id) | D(skill_id)] ... 
//eventmatch start [match_id] 
//eventmatch unlock [match_id] [1|2] 
//eventmatch useskill [match_id] [skill_id] [skill_level] ... 
  1. ... 
//eventmatchop observer [match_id] [on|off] 
//expel_from_castle castle 
//force_peti charname message 
//gmchat charname message 
//gmspeed [0..5] 
//hide [on|off] 
//inspect_partyroom partyroom_id 
//invalid NPC 
//invite user_name 
//invite2 clan_name 
//join clan_name 
//join2 alliance_name 
//kick [CHAR_NAME] 
//leavepetimsg [username] [msg] 
//left_peti_chat char 
//load_pledge pledge 
//lotto_cancel round 
//lotto_set_draw day_of_week(sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat) hour(0~23) 
//lotto_set_number n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 
//lotto_set_reward adena 
//market_price item_type enchant 
//mid_victory castle pledge 
//move_cell dir cellcount 
//NPC does not exist 
//npcpos_event [event name] [on/off] 
//ns command blablabla... 
//ns diary class page 
//ns hero hero_type 
//ns nobless nobless_type 
//object must be npc 
//observer agit 
//observer_start x y z yaw pitch 
//olympiad command blablabla... 
//olympiad quick id user1 user2 
//olympiad result winner loser point 
//olympiad start_time year month day hour min 
//olympiad term sec 
//olympiad term_ex start_sec, bonus1_sec, bonus2_sec, bonus3_sec, bonus_4_sec, nominate_sec 
//play_music music_name 
//play_voice voice_name delay(msec) 
//polymorph [npc id|npc name] 
//ps_stop [min] 
//quiet [on|off] 
//recall [CHAR_NAME] 
//register_tb_pledge agit pledge npctype 
//register_tb_user agit user 
//reset_alliance_name original_alliance_name new_alliance_name 
//reset_castle_owner castle 
//reset_clan_leader pledge_name leader_name 
//reset_clan_name original_clan_name new_clan_name 
//reset_respawn npc_db_name 
//ride type 
//sendhome [CHAR_NAME] 
//set_bp param value(sec) 
//set_castle_owner castle pledge 
//set_castle_status castle no 
//set_controltower_status control_tower_name [idle|dest|work|breakable|unbreakable] 
//set_door_hp door hp 
//set_door_status door [init|breakable|unbreakable|open|close] 
//set_fatigue_time [fatigue_time_sec] 
//set_freeze_field castle_name [on|off] 
//set_journal quest_id state 
//set_npclook tick 
//set_pausable castle_name [on|off] 
//set_petition_disable_time t1 t2 
//set_pledge_level pledge level 
//set_quick_siege castle sec 
//set_siege castle year mon day hour min 
//set_siege_end castle year mon day hour min 
//set_siege_period castle sec 
//set_tb agit field value 
//setannounce [ANNOUNCE_ID] [interval] [ANNOUNCE_MESSAGE] 
//setarea area_name [on|off] 
//setbuilder [CHAR_NAME] [bUILDER_LEVEL] 
//setcastleincome [id] [0..1] [1] [0..100000000] 
//setonetimequest [quest id] [state] 
//setparam param value 
//setpower power_id 
//setquest quest_id state [state2] 
//setskill [skill id] [level] 
//settax castle 0...100 
//settime hhmm 
//show (superpoint name | territory | npcpos) 
//show_agit_info agit_name 
//show_alliance_info alliance_name 
//show_castle_door_hp castle 
//show_castle_info castle 
//show_castle_tax castle 
//show_clan_info pledge_name 
//show_door_hp door 
//show_partyroom [name] [index] 
//siege_list castle_id 
//snoop [char name | .] [no | off] 
//snoop [char name | .] [ON | OFF] 
//social [num] 
//spawn_npcs count ai 
//ssq addmember [part 1~2] [sealnum 1~3] 
//ssq addtimeattack [room no] [part] [point] 
//ssq command [arg1 ... argN] 
//ssq cyclemode [mode] [half cycle interval(min)] (mode: default, quick, manual) 
//ssq dropguard [1 or 0] 
//ssq event_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss 
//ssq partinfo [part number] (twilight : 1, dawn : 0) 
//ssq quickcycle [second] (start cycle after N second) 
//ssq quickcycle [second] accepted 
//ssq quickcycle [second] failed 
//ssq reset : accepted 
//ssq reset : failed 
//ssq seal_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss 
//ssq setpoll [part] [seal num] [count] 
//ssq setsealowner [seal no] [part] 
//ssq setuserpoint [point] 
//ssq setwinner [part] 
//ssq winner_effect [winner no] [immediately] 
//stoplogin [CHAR_NAME] [sTOP_MINUTE] 
//stopsay [CHAR_NAME] [sTOP_MINUTE] 
//subjob change subjob_class 
//subjob command blablabla... 
//subjob delete subjob_index(1...) 
//subjob new new_class 
//subjob renew subjob_id subjob_class 
//summon_illusion item_class_id count 
//telbookmark [bookmark name] 
//teleport x y [z] 
//teleport_to_npc [NPC class id | NPC name] 
//teleportto [CHAR_NAME] 
//time_info [char_name | .(target)] 
//time_limit char_name (Add | Del) min 
//undying [on|off] 
//unregister castle(agit) pledge 
//unregister_tb_pledge agit pledge 
//unregister_tb_user agit user 
//unsetpower power_id 
//use_skill [skill_id] [skill_level] ... 
//view_enemy_list pledge_name 
//view_enemy_list2 alliance_name 
//view_tb agit 
//BuilderCmd_summonnpc [Object id|Object name] [number] 
//giveitem [Object id|Object name] [number] 
//olympiad quick id user1 user2 
//summon [Object id|Object name] [number] 
//summon2 [enchanted] [Object id|Object name] 
//summon3 object_id_from object_id_to
если интересуют команды клиента:
///l2debugwindow - консолька
///l2debug - показывает сообщения в открытой консоли
///geodata - не пробовал пока... для работы необходимо скопировать папку геодата в папку сустем клиента
///buildzone map=[map_name] такая же хрень но на одну область
///showborderline - показывает границу обасти
///showsectors - разбивает мир по секторам
///camerawalking mode=on|off - позволяет двигать камеру на ограниченное расстояние без движения перса.
///c_rmode [1-7] - изменяет внешнее отображение мира... очень жестоко ) приминения пока не нашел ) 
///bighead size=[1-n] - увеличивает размер головы. Видно ессестно только тебе ) 
///open [map name] - не пробовал
///get [class_name] [attrib_name]
///set [class_name] [attrib_name]
///editdefault class=[class_name]
///stat l2 - общая инфа обо всем... постоянно меняется. полезна.
///stat fps - да здравствует анрил ))) показывает как вы думаете что? ))) конечно же количество кадров в секунду )


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    • I only share for free what they are reselling 🙂 You keep crying in all the publications, and if you are looking for h5 or gd wait for 5 or 6 years... cheers.... GENERAL Cached Extended to 8192kb IOBuffer Hair2SlotCache ItemBidAuctioner Clan Hall Current Olympiad Season Rank pages System (Shows Points/Games - Fully Configurable) Automatic Flag Around Raidboss System Offline Shop & Buffers Restore After Restart (Fixed location) Offline Buffer System PvP Auto Announce System Rebuilt with Extra Addons (Fully Configurable, Name, Zones, Rewards) Automatic Announce System Rebuilt with Extra Addons (Fully Configurable) ALT+B Augmentation House Shift+Click Droplist/Spoil List Epic Items Rank RB points Rank ChangeColorName ChangeColorTitle Change Skin (Race) Change Gender Custom Subclass (Acumulative) Achievements Item Delivery System  Augmentations/Enchants Automatic Announce System Auto Learn Skills PvP Reward Pk Reward War Reward Scheme buffer GlobalChatTrade Trade Augment Items Castle Announce Time Castle Standby Time Fix Spiritshots delay SpellbooksDrop Enable/Disable Drop custom Fully configurable, lvl min max allmobs, allrb, individual New cancel effect min,max BlessedarmorEnchantRate BlessedmagicWeaponEnchantRate BlessednormalWeaponEnchantRate MaxSlosChars MaxSlotsDwarfs Enable or disable all commands Fix fast loading npc OlympiadRestoreStatsOnFightStart OlympiadSystemSecondTimeEnabled OlympiadEnterLast10Minute OlympiadThirdClassSummons MinLevelTrade AnnounceSubClassMsg1 AnnounceSubClassMsg2 AnnounceSubClassMsg3 LimitedSubClassRace NoSellItems Change ID SealStones for AA NoPrivateBuyItems NoDropPlayerOnDie DisableSkillEnchantData Show Level Mobs Show npc clan flag DespawnSummonEnBattle SummonPetEnBattle RideSummonPetEnBattle DitanceToTargetMove EnterWorld_Undying EnterWorld_UnHide BlockWhispMessagePlayerToGM UseItemsWithHide CriticalSkillDamageBonusPer=4.0 Disable SSQSystem OnCastle Siege End Use any dyes Buy halls directly in auctioneer without waiting for the auction, configuration to change the item you consume MensajeEnterWorldServer Command .hero enable/disable hero aura Config vip global chat character, chat by systemsg Soulshots: NoSendSystemMessageUse Panel //admin Global vote reward Agathions system Anti Interface, control all patch files by md5 Command .menu configurable, last restart, name, maxusers, privatestores Spawn protection activate deactivate consume items to activate  Activate or deactivate autoloot for vip characters EVENTS Happy Hour Event reworked Configurable by announcements or systemsg Team VS Team Capture The Flag Death Match Last Man Standing Destroy The Base Korean Style Castle Siege Check if the player is inside the tvt event due to disconnection/critical error Top 1/5 killer reward/announce TimeAfk ResetReuseSkills ResetBuffsOnFinish Firework effect Reward win/lost Add Team Location Title custom Red/blue Open Door/Wall System BalanceBishops Show kills in title Invest positions Show Death To Top Delete Non-Subclass Skills     RELOADS Reload Enterworld Html Option Reload Faction System Reload Donate Shop Reload OfflineBuffer Reload Champion NPC Reload CliExt Reload AntiBot Reload Vip System Reload Auction Reload AutoLoot Reload CastleSiegeManager Reload CharacterLock Reload ClanPvPStatus Reload AutoLearn Reload ClanReputationRank Reload ClanSystem Reload CreatureAction Reload Customs.ini Reload L2server.ini Reload SkillData.txt Reload doordata.txt Reload decodata.txt Reload Multisell Reload DropList   Extender tested for more than 3 years. Assured stability. Possibility of adding MOD's upon request. (Not included, consult).
    • some peoples trash is another mans treasure, is that your treasure?   people might like the content but you are still the rat in the room     thats the community judging you.  
    • Keep reselling what I publish here for free!!! 🙂 GG  
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