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L2-Scripts Owned By Mardok

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Revision 8508 allowed to use EXTERNAL F*cking ip without need to pay anything :)


Soon as the last version got leaked and shared i will crack it again :)


Enjoy the it!








JAR Only for who are getting troubles using the full pack.


Edited by Universe
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"Cracked" =) well I hope you did it well, because you could recompile the source what or ever, but the stability ingame might be lack of sufficient, if you're a "true" hacker you should know that.


Anyway, this protection isn't the only one I have there, and this protection is for organization and order. Those that are not willing to pay, will use always the share packs etc. no support, no fixes, no nothing, so enjoy.


About the sources, no one has our source, unless it's a decompile, a decompile isn't a source for 1000 times...Beware of such share guys. If you want to make money, you have to invest and work with a professional team. If you want to spend 0 and make kkk you have all the chances to fail.


Especially for the lindvior pack.


Best luck. 

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If it have more protection i find it, And Dont be mad about your Rev. Be leaked cause your "professional team" also do leaks from others.

About The source a good coder can decompile it And recode The missing parts And have very similar to yours.

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I'm not mad at you man, you're not the first guy and not the last guy that will try to interrupt our business =) The fact is that I don't care about it because again, you think yourself a vigilante, and that's OK with me. I guess everybody have a leak now and then, the main problem is that you cannot run a server without tech. support, and what you're doing is a great free advertising for us, so I guess I should thank you. Anyway you won't find every protection on our pack, trust me.


And about the sources, you're correct, yet it could take more than a month (full time work) to achieve such goal. And yet, you won't be able to recreate a 100% duplicate and the server will suffer from lack of efficiency.


Good luck with your work anyways :)  

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I'm not mad at you man, you're not the first guy and not the last guy that will try to interrupt our business =) The fact is that I don't care about it because again, you think yourself a vigilante, and that's OK with me. I guess everybody have a leak now and then, the main problem is that you cannot run a server without tech. support, and what you're doing is a great free advertising for us, so I guess I should thank you. Anyway you won't find every protection on our pack, trust me.


And about the sources, you're correct, yet it could take more than a month (full time work) to achieve such goal. And yet, you won't be able to recreate a 100% duplicate and the server will suffer from lack of efficiency.


Good luck with your work anyways :)


I agree with you, and when i reply was with some agreement but i don't fully express because i was at work and i reply from mobile.


Its not easy but its not impossible to recreate l2-scripts and you have to agree with that, its hard work but its not impossible :P

Im not saying that i will re-code and "clone" l2-scripts, cause i don't have project or server so i don't care about sources, you said that im trying to interrupt your business, maybe its a bad business selling revs cause you will never be paid 100% for the work and you always will have the oposite of it, the leaks, the shares, even if you work hard to keep it more updated than the leaks will never be enough.

I think there is other better ways to win money with L2 instead of selling packs, i have to admit that l2-scripts its one of the best packs arround the web, but also crazy prices, i know you have "professional team" maybe working hours per day on it :) but like i said before, some of them or most of your "professional team" are very rude and also leak from others, if you want example i give you "Bonux" example.

But please if you want to speak about what i've done here you can speak with me on pm instead of use the topic for conversation


PS: if you want to have conversation ofc.

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"Cracked" =) well I hope you did it well, because you could recompile the source what or ever, but the stability ingame might be lack of sufficient, if you're a "true" hacker you should know that.


Anyway, this protection isn't the only one I have there, and this protection is for organization and order. Those that are not willing to pay, will use always the share packs etc. no support, no fixes, no nothing, so enjoy.


About the sources, no one has our source, unless it's a decompile, a decompile isn't a source for 1000 times...Beware of such share guys. If you want to make money, you have to invest and work with a professional team. If you want to spend 0 and make kkk you have all the chances to fail.


Especially for the lindvior pack.


Best luck. 


Just tell it on zone-game, not here. Decompile its 100% java byte code from your source. The question consists in how it is convenient to read it.

Tip: many ppls have u source code :)


I'm not mad at you man, you're not the first guy and not the last guy that will try to interrupt our business =) The fact is that I don't care about it because again, you think yourself a vigilante, and that's OK with me. I guess everybody have a leak now and then, the main problem is that you cannot run a server without tech. support, and what you're doing is a great free advertising for us, so I guess I should thank you. Anyway you won't find every protection on our pack, trust me.


And about the sources, you're correct, yet it could take more than a month (full time work) to achieve such goal. And yet, you won't be able to recreate a 100% duplicate and the server will suffer from lack of efficiency.


Good luck with your work anyways :)


Leaks happen because in team there is no unity and your strategy isn't pleasant to someone from team. Besides not all clients are happy with you therefore there are leakages client versions.

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Marlok: For starters to pay for 1 programmer per month you should consider above 1000$, not everybody here is a student or hoping to get a lunch money etc. if you want quality work - you should pay to 1-2 programmers + the manager, so you see, if an admin is making 5000 euro+ in one month, he invested about 750 euro on a pack, and I dunno 300 euro advertisement and he's still on 90% profit from the second month and so on. In any business that I do besides la2 - I invest to get money, it's really sad that you guys don't like to invest but to gain money.

About Bonux, you don't know the true story, Bonux worked only for us, and he didn't leak anything to anyone, I won't lift this subject again, just because it's written on zone-game 1000 times or more.


Pointer*Rage:  yeh if you put it that way many ppl does have our old decompiled code, so what? I don't care, let it be.

That happens when our clients hire strange programmers to save money, then those programmers want to get money, they sell it for 1k$, then other resell it for 500, then for 300, and when the product lost it cost, they just throw it like it's a junk into share. 

But again, I don't mad on anyone, enjoy your old share or so.

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