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[Gr][Help]Paypal Scamm


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Kalispera , prin kapies meres eixa mia sinalagi me kapion


mou eipe na tou ftiaksw ena l2 pack opos kai egine.


Telos pandon tou edwsa ta panda source patch db pack ktl, mou estile ta lefta , kai tin ali mera ta pire me kapion tropo pisw!


to payment status sto paypal grafei tora "Held".


Pire ta lefta tou pisw mono epidi ekane report sto paypal oti ton eklepsa !

Me pion tropo mporw na kanw kai gw report?Kai na dwsw proofs i kati tetio?

I estw an kserei kanis an mporw na kanw kati...?


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Kalispera , prin kapies meres eixa mia sinalagi me kapion


mou eipe na tou ftiaksw ena l2 pack opos kai egine.


Telos pandon tou edwsa ta panda source patch db pack ktl, mou estile ta lefta , kai tin ali mera ta pire me kapion tropo pisw!


to payment status sto paypal grafei tora "Held".


Pire ta lefta tou pisw mono epidi ekane report sto paypal oti ton eklepsa !

Me pion tropo mporw na kanw kai gw report?Kai na dwsw proofs i kati tetio?

I estw an kserei kanis an mporw na kanw kati...?

Πρέπει να προβάλεις στην PayPal αποδεικτικά έγγραφα συναλλαγης, κατι το οποιο δεν πιστευω να εχεις.

Συνηθως για αντικειμενα που μεταφεροντε απο πολη σε πολη ζητουν tracking number(κωδικο φορτωτικης)

για καθε αλλο ζητουν αποδειξη πληρωμης ή παροχών. Δεν νομιζω να εχεις κατι απο αυτα οποτε, εχασες τα λεφτα σου.

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Έπρεπε πρώτα να δεχτείς το πόσο με κάποιο approve τα χρήματα η κάτι τέτοιο και μετά να του δώσεις το source και το pack.

Μόλις ήσουν σίγουρος ότι έγινε η συναλλαγή μετά να του τα έδινες.

Από το forum είναι?

Edited by PrisM
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Held dn simenei oti ta pire...


  • Payments received: The money is being held, pending reversal.
  • Payments sent: The money is being held, pending reversal.



Resolution ceneter --> View open cases ---> reply

Pigene ekei k dwse proofs 'h apla grapse to keimeno.


Με gift κανεις το refound..

Auto. Genika dn einai safe to paypal.



Έπρεπε πρώτα να δεχτείς το πόσο με κάποιο approve τα χρήματα η κάτι τέτοιο και μετά να του δώσεις το source και το pack.

Μόλις ήσουν σίγουρος ότι έγινε η συναλλαγή μετά να του τα έδινες.

Από το forum είναι?

Ade pali ta idia. Sou exw pei,dn exei kamia simasia auto. Mias p sinalagi egine se EURO k to currency tou einai lgk se EURO episis.

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Kalispera , prin kapies meres eixa mia sinalagi me kapion


mou eipe na tou ftiaksw ena l2 pack opos kai egine.


Telos pandon tou edwsa ta panda source patch db pack ktl, mou estile ta lefta , kai tin ali mera ta pire me kapion tropo pisw!


to payment status sto paypal grafei tora "Held".


Pire ta lefta tou pisw mono epidi ekane report sto paypal oti ton eklepsa !

Me pion tropo mporw na kanw kai gw report?Kai na dwsw proofs i kati tetio?

I estw an kserei kanis an mporw na kanw kati...?

Αρχίκα έαν είχε κάνει report το paypal δεν ειναι χαζό να τα δώσει κατευθείαν και επίσης θα σου έλεγε Refund και όχι Held.Κατα δεύτερον

Canceled: You canceled your payment, and the money was credited back to your account.    Cleared: Money from an eCheck that you sent has been deposited in the recipient’s account.    Cleared by Payment Review: We reviewed the transaction and the money is in the recipient’s account.    Completed: The transaction was successful and the money is in the recipient’s account.    Denied: The recipient didn’t accept your payment, and the money was credited back to your account. View the transaction details to see why your payment was denied or contact the recipient for more information.    Failed: Your payment didn’t go through. We recommend that you try your payment again.    Held: We’re reviewing the transaction and your payment might be reversed. You should check the Resolution Center for more information.    In progress: Your payment was sent, but the recipient hasn’t accepted it yet.    On hold: We’re holding the money temporarily because either you filed a dispute or we’re reviewing the transaction. Look for an email from us with more information about this transaction.    Paid: Someone requested money from you and you sent them a payment.    Partially Refunded: Your payment was partially refunded.    Pending Verification: We’re reviewing the transaction. We’ll send your payment to the recipient after your payment source has been verified.    Placed: We have placed a temporary hold on your payment. Look for an email from us with more information.    Processing: We’re processing your payment and the transaction should be completed shortly.    Refunded: The recipient returned your payment. If you used a credit card to make your payment, the money will be returned to your credit card. It can take up to 30 days for the refund to appear on your statement.    Refused: The recipient didn’t receive your payment. If you still want to make your payment, we recommend that you try again.    Removed: The hold on your payment was removed and the transaction should be completed shortly.    Returned: Money was returned to your account because the recipient didn’t claim your payment within 30 days. PayPal members can manually reverse unclaimed payments before the 30-day automatic reversal.    Reversed: Either you canceled the transaction or we did.    Temporary hold: Money from your account is being held temporarily during the authorization process. The recipient isn’t able to use or withdraw this money until the authorization is complete.    Unclaimed: The recipient hasn’t accepted or received your payment. Unclaimed transactions are automatically canceled after 30 days.
Αυτό είναι απο την επίσημη σελίδα του paypal και όπως βλέπεις

"Held: We’re reviewing the transaction and your payment might be reversed. You should check the Resolution Center for more information."


Δεν έκανε κάτι αυτός που αγόρασε τα αρχεία σου. Απλώς το paypal ελέγχει για μαυρό χρήμα που αυτό ειναι μαύρο χρημα.Θα πρέπει να δείξεις και να αιτιολογίσεις τι είναι αυτα τα χρήματα. Είχα και εγώ προβλήματα με αυτά λόγο της εταιρίας που δουλεύω αλλά για εμένα μου μένω Αμερική είναι πιο εύκολα.


Ελπίζω να βοήθησα. Σε παρακαλώ κάνε 5 αστέρια αξιολογίση στο profile μου και κάνε μου ένα κάλο comment Σε ευχαριστώ :-*

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Ελπίζω να βοήθησα. Σε παρακαλώ κάνε 5 αστέρια αξιολογίση στο profile μου και κάνε μου ένα κάλο comment Σε ευχαριστώ :-*



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Αυτά να ξέρεις για αυτό υπάρχουν. Για να αξιολόγουν τα μέλοι άλλα μέλοι ανάλογα με την συνεισφορά τους. Είναι κάτι σαν κριτική και εγώ το χρείαζομαι αυτό. :) Έαν παρατηρήσεις σε μεγάλες κοινότητες αυτό είναι το πιο σημαντικό.

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:) Έαν παρατηρήσεις σε μεγάλες κοινότητες αυτό είναι το πιο σημαντικό.

Βλέπεις καμία μεγάλη κοινότητα? Χυεε

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Βλέπεις καμία μεγάλη κοινότητα? Χυεε

Είμαι καινούρια όποτε δεν μπόρω να σου πω εάν βλέπω ή όχι. Για εμένα προσωπικά όμως δεν έχει σημασία εγώ βλέπω ότι έχει πάνω απο 100 άτομα online και αυτό με συμφέρει γιατί στο μέλλον θα μπορώ να κάνω κάποια πράγματα που θέλω εδώ :) . Το σημαντικότερο όμως είναι ότι βρέθηκα εδώ λόγο στο ότι μου το πρότειναν και αυτό είναι ένα μεγάλο πλεονέκτημα που έχουν λίγοι. Το σημαντικότερο για εμένα είναι να γίνω αξιόπιστη εδώ και σε άλλα forum. Εάν και βγαίνουμε λίγο έξω απο το θέμα πιο καλά να τα πούμε απο pm.


Αρχίκα έαν είχε κάνει report το paypal δεν ειναι χαζό να τα δώσει κατευθείαν και επίσης θα σου έλεγε Refund και όχι Held.Κατα δεύτερον

Canceled: You canceled your payment, and the money was credited back to your account.    Cleared: Money from an eCheck that you sent has been deposited in the recipient’s account.    Cleared by Payment Review: We reviewed the transaction and the money is in the recipient’s account.    Completed: The transaction was successful and the money is in the recipient’s account.    Denied: The recipient didn’t accept your payment, and the money was credited back to your account. View the transaction details to see why your payment was denied or contact the recipient for more information.    Failed: Your payment didn’t go through. We recommend that you try your payment again.    Held: We’re reviewing the transaction and your payment might be reversed. You should check the Resolution Center for more information.    In progress: Your payment was sent, but the recipient hasn’t accepted it yet.    On hold: We’re holding the money temporarily because either you filed a dispute or we’re reviewing the transaction. Look for an email from us with more information about this transaction.    Paid: Someone requested money from you and you sent them a payment.    Partially Refunded: Your payment was partially refunded.    Pending Verification: We’re reviewing the transaction. We’ll send your payment to the recipient after your payment source has been verified.    Placed: We have placed a temporary hold on your payment. Look for an email from us with more information.    Processing: We’re processing your payment and the transaction should be completed shortly.    Refunded: The recipient returned your payment. If you used a credit card to make your payment, the money will be returned to your credit card. It can take up to 30 days for the refund to appear on your statement.    Refused: The recipient didn’t receive your payment. If you still want to make your payment, we recommend that you try again.    Removed: The hold on your payment was removed and the transaction should be completed shortly.    Returned: Money was returned to your account because the recipient didn’t claim your payment within 30 days. PayPal members can manually reverse unclaimed payments before the 30-day automatic reversal.    Reversed: Either you canceled the transaction or we did.    Temporary hold: Money from your account is being held temporarily during the authorization process. The recipient isn’t able to use or withdraw this money until the authorization is complete.    Unclaimed: The recipient hasn’t accepted or received your payment. Unclaimed transactions are automatically canceled after 30 days.
Αυτό είναι απο την επίσημη σελίδα του paypal και όπως βλέπεις

"Held: We’re reviewing the transaction and your payment might be reversed. You should check the Resolution Center for more information."

Δεν έκανε κάτι αυτός που αγόρασε τα αρχεία σου. Απλώς το paypal ελέγχει για μαυρό χρήμα που αυτό ειναι μαύρο χρημα.Θα πρέπει να δείξεις και να αιτιολογίσεις τι είναι αυτα τα χρήματα. Είχα και εγώ προβλήματα με αυτά λόγο της εταιρίας που δουλεύω αλλά για εμένα μου μένω Αμερική είναι πιο εύκολα.

Ελπίζω να βοήθησα. Σε παρακαλώ κάνε 5 αστέρια αξιολογίση στο profile μου και κάνε μου ένα κάλο comment Σε ευχαριστώ :-*

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Ade pali ta idia. Sou exw pei,dn exei kamia simasia auto. Mias p sinalagi egine se EURO k to currency tou einai lgk se EURO episis.


Η αλήθεια είναι ότι δεν γνωρίζω και πολλά αλλά νόμιζα πως μόνο έτσι δούλευε.

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  • 3 weeks later...

[gr] Genika i politikh tis paypal einai na einai me to "meros" twn agorastwn afou kata korwn uparxoun perissoteroi agorastes para polites.... Omws an steiles ena kalostimeno e-mail kai na tous exigiseis ti ginete 8a exeis pi8anothtes na pareis ta lefta sou. Epishs tin allh fora krata printscree, se o,ti sinalagh kaneis kai krata ta gia kana dimino. Etsi einai kalumenos, alla kai pali oxi 100% giati opws sou eipa voi8ane perissotero tous agorastes! Giauto polloi polites, den ebisteuontai tin paypal, einai pleon tragika eukolo na sou kanoun dispute kai na paroun ta lefta tous pisw!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ας αρχίσουμε από τα βασικά. Το Paypal σου έχει αληθινά στοιχεία ή έχεις βάλει ονοματεπώνυμο Mirkoz AlitiZzz;

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To paypal einai GIA TON P_O_U_T_S_O .


Mono kleftes to xrisimopoihoun. blepe Mg13gr <3






Photos 'h paparies,o allos m ekane donate 200 euros,m edwse akoma k to confirmation number k ta ekane refund meta apo 5 lepta.



To paypal dn to noiazei tpt,an kaneis refund apo trapeza,ta lefta ta perneis 100% pisw. <--- Kante to gia freebies se osoun dexonte paypal. 100% working tip

Edited by Matthew
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