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[Scam]Changing character name for free


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Lets say your char name is Didelisbybis


1. Write GM ticket like this "Hello, Im from Lithuania (Romania, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia or any unknown country, depends on your char name) and in my language Didelis means Big and bybis means dick. So much ppls from my country see my name ingame, I must change it, yes? Duno what the hell I was thinking when I was on acc creation screen ."

2. GM change your name instantly, just be ready to tell him your wanted name.


Done it several times and it DOES WORK!

You can change non-english names and english names (harder but easily possible, just tell him Supe means mum and rman means **** or something.. )


(Wordek by me (slay3rg1) and works on Emmeris (OFFICIAL REALM)


Credits to Jackis

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Lets say your char name is Didelisbybis


1. Write GM ticket like this "Hello, Im from Lithuania (Romania, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia or any unknown country, depends on your char name) and in my language Didelis means Big and bybis means dick. So much ppls from my country see my name ingame, I must change it, yes? Duno what the hell I was thinking when I was on acc creation screen ."

2. GM change your name instantly, just be ready to tell him your wanted name.


Done it several times and it DOES WORK!

You can change non-english names and english names (harder but easily possible, just tell him Supe means mum and rman means **** or something.. )


(Wordek by me (slay3rg1) and works on Emmeris (OFFICIAL REALM)


Credits to Jackis

Nice job M8 keep it up!
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nice i need to so try something along the lines of this thanks, i dont know what i was thinking when i made my toons i put my class name in the name giveing my class away to hunters and druids so on so need to try this...

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