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Legenday 8 year old Community Starting a new Low rate Substack Server(1+1)




Stack-Sub System
*This is unique trademark originally made by Dragon-Network , I don't have to spend words about it. This is what it is, old c4 style.There will be no mutants anymore, you will be able to cross sub only with your own race, because we want to avoid overpowered combos impossible to balance too.

Multi Language Gameplay
*One of the unique futures never seen yet in history of private Lineage 2 servers. Play your favourite game now in 3 different languages, in same time!How to do so? It is very simple, in every starting town and every big town
there will be an NPC [Language Master Irene] by simple click options will appear , by choosing Polish, Russian or English , your game will be changed into desired language. Simple as that!
Remember that while you are playing on ENG for example, others may play at the same time in POL or RUS language without any issues. We hope to merge now all non English speaker players into 1 world now!

Dynamic Experience system
*Even your first question will be , "Hey what are the rates"? There is no usual fixed number of exp.We all know that leveling up fast is a good thing, yes, but doing everything so fast have many negative sides and you know what im talking about.So we came up with an idea , why don't we make things easier in the beginning and make end game to be more dramatic and harder. This is what our dynamic exp system brings!You will start game at HIGH rate but closer to final level it will end up to x1.

Dynamic Drop-Spoil system
*This system provides an automatic drop/spoil balancing of key items (materials) based on market quantity and players activity.
This prevent stagnation of certain items inside the market by balancing them based on the effective usage ingame made by the players.

Unique Protection
*Seriously , don't try it! As title says, protection versus all bad things that ruined L2 game play (l2w,c,r,...). And no its not the one that Dragon uses.Full logging is enabled , so don't be surprised for being punished. We want to motivate active players , to play without being competent by hordes of bots.

The first server who pays you
*Yes, you have been reading correctly, we will pay you real money . All you have to do is to posses a working pay-pal account and wait our STOCK MARKET to be open.We will try to make it open as much as possible. More about this unique feature will be postponed on the day of the releasing server live. There is many reasons for not telling it before, among all its that we have too many bad copycats around. Stay tuned for this amazing option news.

Anti L2-walker policy
*Even we will try protect ourself and update against such issues, there will be strict rules versus L2walker players and bots with active L2walker police running around in different time zones in order to cover all the players. Actual rules will be applied prior servers opening.

Regional Managers and GMs
*I have build a great active,skilled and mature team of people who will try bring you unique support and service feeling. You will have support on your own language at your regional manager for various languages:
English,Polish,Russian,Portuguese,Spanish. After you send us your problem, on your language, you will receive an reply when your issue will be solved usually within <30minutes.
*GM-s Agenda. We will have a GMs week schedule so you will know which GM and when you can find it in game. Apart this all of the game masters will log randomly to support, help, answer your question or do the event. Unless differently announced or gm-s being busy with something , by doing /gmslit you will be able to find us and send us PM<private message>.
*NON playing gms. This is our main rule, and it will stay like this.
*GM Team. As I said earlier its mature people, ex players and good guys.GMs:^Drake^,^TrackZero^,^Xarion^,^Lucid^,^Deavon^,^FDX^,^Artur^

Automatic PvP-PvE based events
*There are already pre-made events that will bring you new dimension of joy and fun in Linage 2 world. We made a dedicated area for you that will be opened per_period of time with lots of surprises down there.
You will meet , among other things, our Dungeon guardians Kratos , Dartan , Rakazan with their friends, very powerful raids with very valuable drop you will like. I don't have to remind you that whole area is pvp zone
from which you will benefit too, for every kill you score you will be rewarded so make it count! Once again I have to remind you that opening such dungeons will be sometimes full of the surprises, we will be able to limit it 
class based,skill based,item based and anything to make your challenge level at maximum, so be prepared. But as I said earlier your effort will be payed off!
*Global events that will be challenge whole server! For this occasion we made specifically two of kinds:
a) Blessed versus Cursed (Blue vs Red) ; This is an event that everyone in the server will have two different sides ; Blessed side and Cursed side; Other rules will be announced prior the event.
B) All vs All; This is an event that everyone on the server will kill everyone, its a global war and there is no space for the weak ones!; It also works as a 'global server war', 'non faction based'; Other rules will be announced prior the event.
*Great GM tournaments, various kind of tournaments, with great rewards. What we changed is that now when your team win the event (1st place), will score a tournament_strike_point, if on the next tournament you win 1st place again, your rewards will be increased for the %multiplier , more the win streaks you have higher
the %multiplier is. 
*Korean style events.
*Events for the PvE players only.
*Various quick in game events where everyone can participate (*example: hide and seek, riddle solving, L2quiz, enchant madness , etc..)

Donation players friendly system
*There will be no custom armours, no custom weapons, no jewels. We will base our donation system on consumables and service. I want to remind you that we will exclude totally any kind of weapons from donation manager, because we want weapons highly enchanted and lower then S to have stable market value comparing to TOP S items. (So for example A grade bow + 15 will be comparable in price with S grade bow +X.)

Balanced Gameplay
*No stacking masteries.Apart that there will be NO , unreasonable "nerfs" , everything what we suspect its not right we will discuss with you guys. There are also few guidelines you must concern about this, and I will put it simple:
If your character 1 shooting everyone its not good and will be checked; There is no general best character for everything, so you cant be good in at same time with same char (Pve,pvp,oly,siege..) so make sure
you don't report "issue" because you are not TOP in all subjects; We will talk with the community, value your voice but final decisions is on the staff, because some of the decisions can be good for few of you but generally doing damage toward whole server.

Patch system
*Now you will be able to see all the "stats" of the monster as well as his drop/spoil with a simple click on it; Active damage/effects live on the screen

Olympiad Official System ;Anti Feeding System 
(Uses an smart algorithm to randomize the players during matches);IP filters

Dragon-Networks Tattoos ,Potions and Dyes system
AutoPcikup system
Auto Announcement PvP streak system with rewards
Jail System
L2off based Augument system
Offline Shops

Server will go live 15.1.2014 , more information will be announced prior the opening day, until then keep telling your friends about us, talk with us at forum and lets make this new server together to be our new home!


Some New Info:


EXP/SP/ADENA/DROP rate (Dynamic Exp System)

Tarantula follows a dynamic experience system that molds the difficulty from extremely casual to hardcore with the progression of the player.
For your info here some reference graph:
The graph contains also the full data so you can use it as you please.
Server starting rate is 30x, at level 80 it will go down to 2x.
Playing in party rewards 180% of exp given. This translates in:
lev80: 3.6x
lev70: 6.6x
lev60: 10.3x
lev1: 60x
It starts higher than EXP to allow you to be able to buy any skills (easy mode). The difference between exp and sp will then fall until level 40, where SP rate will stick to EXP rate until the end of level progression.
it follows the exp multiplier following this formula: 
at start (lv1) adena=100%exp
at end (lv80) adena=80%exp
Please remember that adena drop rate is 100%.
The Adena Quantity does not follow the PARTY EXP, this means if you want zero adena issues for your level (mostly at lowest levels 1-30) is preferable Solo Playing.
In case of secondary character, or if you dont care about Adena, then Party is the extremely faster way.
it have indipendent curve, lowest is 2x and max is 6x.
Regardless of the multiplier, an item does not have more than 100% rate of drop (take this in consideration for the level difference penality, applied AFTER the 100% limit!)
Considering that most common droprate (on a 1x server) is 20-40%, this translates to:
lv80) around 40-80% chances of drop something beside adena
lv60) around 56-100% chances to drop something beside adena
lv40) around 81-100% chances to drop something beside adena
lv20) nearly 100% to drop something beside adena
Herbs drop have a constant rate of 6x rate
fixed 2x regardless of level
quantity of items spoilable is 2x when the item is by default an item with chances to spoil more than 1 in max amount (in 1x).
To make it easy: if a monster is spoilable for max 1 enchant scroll, you will get 1 enchant scroll. If a monster is spoilable for up to 3 charcoal, you will get up to 6 charcoals.
QUEST REWARDS are 2x EXP and 2x Adena Amount
QUEST ITEM have 200% chances to drop
DYNAMIC DROPS BALANCE (not enabled at start)
After the first month, once enough data is collected, we will start also the automatic drops balance (affecting only crafting elements).
Some items will drop with less/more frequency. The system will detect the global distribution of certain items and based on their amount on the market, reduce/raise their drop chances.
This will not affect Spoil, that will remains indipendent and consistent for the whole game experience.
DNET Subclass System allows you to have two classes to cooperate on the same character (sharing skills) to enhance your gaming experience and diversivy even more the gameplay.
Subclass system is available from level 78.
Is required to be in the 3rd class job.
How many subclasses?
You can sub both MAIN and RETAIL subclasses (up to 4 DNET subclasses). Your MAIN subclass will not be removable, the RETAIL ones can be removed by simply remove/change the RETAIL class.
Which classes i can choose?
You can choose the new class (regardless of MAIN or RETAIL) from any 3rd class of the SAME race of the class you are when subclassing.
This means, as a Spellsinger, you can subclass only to other Elf classes and as a Paladin only to other Human classes. This regardless of main/retail.
The new subclass is already a 3rd class so you will not have to do extra quests for it.
Experience Cost
You will go back to level 40 once subclassed (at level 78 with 0% exp). Subclassing at an higher level will make you keep those extra experience, making you go back to a much higher level than 40.
For example:
level 80, 0% exp, will bring you to level 79, 28% exp.
level 80, 100% exp, will bring you to level 80, 28,77% exp.
Quest Item
The quest item is same usual flavour:
a) you can obtain the special tradeable quest item from Golkonda Longhorn in TOI.
B) you can obtain the normal not-tradeable quest item from a member of Longhorn family. There are 5 of them, one for each starting area (you can find them there)
In case of the normal quest item, the reward is given to the last attacking PARTY. From 1 to 2 quest items can be obtained with a single kill (more party members translates to higher chances to get 2 items instead of 1)
First of all: there are no more custom potions.
The whole potion system have been replaced with the Tattoos System, that have been fully rewritten and is not like the previous one at all.
Tattoos types
Exists mostly two kinds of tattoos:
a) the ones that gives bonus to a stat and subtract the same amount from another stat (or, halved, other two stats. In case of EMP tattoos)
B) the ones that gives a beneficial passive effect of regeneration (being HP or MP) at the cost of the "tattoo slot".
The first category is similar to the one DNET players are most accustomed, the second category instead fills the hole of the missing custom potions for Mana/Healing/Regeneration.
Tattoo of +10%PATK -10%PDEF: Gives +10% to Patk and removes same from PDEF.
Tattoo of Mana Burst: Gives a constant 15mp/sec
Tattoo of Mana Recovery: Gives a constant 90mp/sec, with a drawback of -50% on patk/matk/attackspeed/castspeed.
This means you will have to manage your tattoos (equip/unequip) during a fight to get the best out of them.
Tattoo Levels
Leveling of the tattoo is done inside the laboratories.
Tattoos are distincted in 4+1 levels:
Level 1: life 3h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT (balancing two stats by % value), power 1
Level 2: life 4h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 2
Level 3: life 5h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 3
Level 4: life 6h, normal tattoo +STAT -STAT, power 4
Level 4 EMP:  life 6h, empowered tattoo ++STAT -STAT -STAT, power 4 (higher bonus to a stat, taking the amount from other two stats)
Tattoos Life/Energy
Tattoos have a life/duration.
Their "energy" is drained while using them (like shadow items) and their duration is based by their level.
Their life energy is consumed by keeping them equipped, unequipping a tattoo (or not being online) will NOT consume their energy.
Every time you level up a tattoo, their energy/life is restored as new.
Laboratories, accessible in every grocery shop of every town, allows you to purchase your level 1 tattoos and to increase their level up to Level 4 EMP.
Every time you level up a tattoo, their energy/life is restored as new.
Initial purchase of a tattoo will have an adena cost, additional levelup will cost adena and some materials.
Level 4 can be upgraded to Level 4 EMP with the use of a Vial of Enchantment obtainable in the new special PVP area (drop from the bosses or by collecting PVP points there).
As you know, we take great care about the balance of the subclass system and the interaction between skills.
This is why we had to prepare already some fixes to prevent some clearly overpowered combinations.
-PVP limiters: normal attacks (autoattack), physical skills, magical skills have a damage reduction (in PVP) of 25%
-Resurrection: all resurrection skills (scrolls included) have AT LEAST a 40% exp recovery and builds up by +5% each level (resurrection lv9 is 90%) (you can have WIT modify this value up/down to reach 100% exp recovery)
-Basic Weapon Mastery, the one you get in your first levels, is shared between all classes. This means no stacking of it doing Mage/Fighter.
-Armor Masteries are gathered around only 3 skills, this prevents from stacking of different kind (mage/fighter) of same armor mastery.
The level given of the specific armor mastery is dictated by the pdef given by that specific level.
Additional (class related) effects (evasion/mp regen/etc...) from the mastery are obtained from extra secondary passive skills (example: "Light Armor Evasion Mastery")
-Recharge skills can charge self and other players even if they have this skill. self effect reduced.
-Mana Burn: reuse 24sec fixed
-Frenzy/Guts: can't stack with Totems. They replace eachother.
-Fast Attack: attack speed given only to fist, dualfist, dagger, bow (this skill is obtained only by fist/bow/dagger users).
-Diseases from area: fully reworked and max bonus given is 4%. All of them have drawbacks (Malaria included)
-Quick Healing Potion: it gives 44hp/sec for 10sec
-Angelic Icon: pdef/mdef bonus is by armor type (+50% in heavy, +20% others)
-Guard Stance: the pdef bonus is given only toward heavy armors (shield bonus is given to shield regardless of armor type!)
-Focus Death/Chance/Power: critical rate/damage scales with weapon (full effect only with dagger, other weapons gets 1/3)
-War Cry: it gives +25% patk (as usual), except it gives only +15% to bows and +10% to daggers.
-Duelist Spirit: bow/dagger gets an attack speed reduction by 10% while this effect is active
-Focus Attack: (previously this skill was giving the bonus only to pole) now it offers half effect (crt. dmg only) also toward other weapons (up to +10%). bow/daggers receive also an attack speed penality of same amount (up to -10%)
-Erase: chances of effect changed from 60% to 50% (landing remains 80%). Reuse now is base 60sec instead of 32sec.
-Majesty: scaling by armor type
-Deflect Arrow: Is no more a long term buff but acts as a "stance effect".
When active, scaling by protection (here written is lv4 = 40% protection), cast speed on robe is reduced by 25%, attack speed with daggers is reduced by 20% (from lv3, also duals gets a reduction up to 20%), blows rate reduced by 20% and bow range by -25%.
Duration of the effect is 2min (easier to manage the negative effects), skill activation reduced by 33% (instant), mp cost reduced by 75% (seems big numbers but scales right ingame)
-Dash: skill reduces bonus by 50% if used with armor different than Light
-Ultimate Defence: bonus given based by armor type (best on heavy)
-Soul Guard: bonuses scaling with armor type (best on robe/naked)
-Ultimate Evasion: evasion based by armor type (best on Light)
-Vengence: defence was based by armor (best on Heavy)
-Blinding Blow: speed buff by armor type (best on Light)
-Aura Flash: similar to Aura Flare, gives to the caster a reduction in PVP magical damage for the next 3 seconds after the cast by -33% (in old DNET was -50%)
-Blazing/Freezing skin: target must be in same party
-Any buff or positive effect is not castable toward a RaidBoss
The whole enchant system have been changed with a different structure of chances.
What means is that you can finally enchant your armors like your weapons and the difficulty of enchant is progressive by each +1.
Enchanting using NOT BLESSED scrolls have a much higher chances of enchant (but at a great risk) and chances never go lower than 50%.
Please note that in Olympiad you will not be able to use items with enchant over +6.
Here the full enchant table for your reference.
The % displayed is the chance of FAILURE.
NORMAL_SCROLLS +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20... Armor 0% 0% 0% 20% 20% 20% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Armor Set (1 piece) 0% 0% 0% 0% 20% 20% 20% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Fighter Weapon    0% 0% 0% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 30% 30% 30% 40% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Mage Weapon 0% 0% 0% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 30% 30% 30% 40% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Jewelry 0% 0% 0% 20% 20% 20% 20% 30% 40% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%   BLESSED_SCROLLS    +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20... Armor 0% 0% 0% 30% 30% 40% 40% 50% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Armor Set (1 piece) 0% 0% 0% 0% 30% 30% 40% 40% 50% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Fighter Weapon       0% 0% 0% 20% 30% 30% 30% 40% 40% 40% 50% 50% 50% 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Mage Weapon 0% 0% 0% 30% 30% 30% 40% 40% 40% 50% 50% 50% 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Jewelry    0% 0% 0% 30% 30% 40% 40% 50% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70%
For your reference,  officially it WAS (chance of FAIL, no scrolls difference):
Fighter Weapon: 40% up to lv14, then 75%
Mage Weapon: 50% up to lv14, then 80%
Armors/Jewels: 33%,50%,66%,70%,80% (respectively at +3,+4,+5,+6,+7)
More things will be revealed in the next days and during the opening, for example the various PVP events and new PVP areas dedicated.



Edited by Universe
  • Upvote 1
  • 1 month later...
New Proxys added for better connection.

New online Record : 2300 unique connections.



Aden Siege and random pvp :



There where better sieges in the other castles but didnt find any record yet :P

  • 2 weeks later...
We would like to announce first PvP event on Tarantula.

Event will take place tomorrow 22.02 at 19:00 GMT+1 in Garden Of Eva (PVP Zone)

You can join by talking with Gatekeeper in any town. Teleport is free and will teleport you to the entry of this area.

Your task is to collect as many Marks of Andarta is possible in 1h. 
You can achieve them by killing other players of course inside of this pvp zone.

Event will finish at 20:00 GMT+1 so it will last for 1h


1st place: Strider + hat of choice
2nd place: Tattoo lv4 of choice (not empowered)
3rd place: Vial of Epic Enhancement 

*Disclaimer: The area itself is made for real actions,real challenges and real players. No bots allowed, not cheats and exploits are allowed in order to gain rewards. If spotted and reported you will be jailed , (if repeated) banned, and all the marks deleted to 0. So if your intention is to cheat the area, don't go there, you will just waste our time and eventually punished for good. Thank you for respecting our effort and the rules we create with purpose of legit playing.
Any blocking of the way in safe zone (top of the tower) is forbidden.

Remember that you can always join GoE before event starts and make some warm-up, check our NPC with rewards or just make a tour around this area! 

See you tomorrow in Garden Of Eva at 19:00 GMT+1 !!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

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