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That guy WatterMellon, with all my seriousness, makes me believe that many people like him still exist.


WatterMellon, you came in a topic where maxtor is asking for some suggestions to make your useless and irrelevant posts. What has Elfocrash to do with the topic first of all? Second of all, since you mentioned it, why should elfocrash share free stuff in a forum where no one will appreciate it? It's better to work for something and sell it rather than sharing it in a forum where sometime in the future these guys who downloaded a script i.e for free, might sell it claiming that this script was made by them.


I've seen many ppl like Cobra, xDem, CE, etc deleting their shares after a while because TOTALLY it doesn't make any sense to work for people who would sell it after sometime or insult you, or modify the share(code, script, program or w/e) and remove the credits,etc.


Imo, Elfocrash is right for not sharing free stuff here anymore, as you said a guy who bought his vote reward SHARED IT FOR FREE. If i were in Elfos position I'd strict my work so much that only the real owners/those who bought this can use it. (I.e: With IP's, names, or w/e)


Ontopic now:


Maxtor, let's get real, it's you the one who has to be blamed for the death of mxc. You stopped caring for the forum and now you're getting paid back with mxc dying.

You care only for the money, you don't care about the people who are working to you for free. (Moderators, Legendaries, People who are sharing)


Mxc is now a just an outdated forum with no cheats as elfo said, people chatting only, insulting each other, and you ignoring the fact that mxc is dying. Why should someone come here to advertise his goodies while there are forums with constantly 1,000 . 2,000 people online daily? You're the admin of this forum, you should bring the new shit here, hearthstone, and all the other games that were released recently. I saw many forums doing contests for Hearthstone beta keys(they were either bought cheap by the black market, or tried to win these keys so they can give them away to their members).


You lost every chance.


Don't get me wrong, thats my opinion. No offence.

Edited by N1nj4Styl3
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