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God Exists, Proofs Inside (Jb)


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His movie was about to be released today, so it's something normal to claim that he retires. Even if he retires it won't be for long, a big comeback and boom your sales are to up red again. 

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Lets say he really want out of all this. Do you think they gonna let him? Look to what happened to Michael Jackson when he wanted out. (Not comparing their talent but what they wanted to do in relation to how famous they are.)

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Lets say he really want out of all this. Do you think they gonna let him? Look to what happened to Michael Jackson when he wanted out. (Not comparing their talent but what they wanted to do in relation to how famous they are.)


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It's not Justin Bieber that causes these phenomenos (Not only him at least). Unfortunately, these days, selfcut is considered as a way to get out of your problems.

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