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interlude [L2J]L2Order Vs Chaos Opening 29Th November, 17:00 Gmt +2


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Changelist #13 - 7/12
* Fixed a bug caused by latest update that made mini events end in error sometimes.
* Fixed a bug on tryant class losing buffs when switching between totems.
* Fixed a small bug on title when changing between subclasses.
* Summon buffs will be cleared whenever a subclass is changed.
* Summons cannot be unsummon during combat.
* Increased hex and wind shackle land rates.
* Changed the NPC to seal on in fortress events (made smaller so it won't float in the air).

Event goals now give rewards to players:
* In battlefield maps: flags drop mantras.
* In CTF maps: 10 adena is given to player who returns flag.
* In Domination maps: players get 1 adena every 10 seconds straight that they are inside the domination zone.
* In Escort maps: when a team kills the unicorn all team gets 3 adena.
* In Siege maps: when a team kills the king all team gets 5 adena.
* In Fort maps, when a team captures the fort all team gets 3 adena.

Added new maps:
* Floran Fort (Fortress)
* Lizardman Fort (Fortress)
* Narsil Lake Fort (Fortress)

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Changelist #14 - 9/12
* Reduced the vote reward back to 1 apiga - thanks for voting, it would last longer next month if people would vote more smile.gif
* Now summons will recover canceled buffs aswell.
* Fixed siege date, aden siege will start regulary this saturday.
* Added the option to vote for the next map.
* Summoners can unsummon again during combat.

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l2 java? 

Liberty [Faction]

Online (48)


and you probably logged early in the morning when all the action is in the evening (thats with all faction servers)

anyway we have the most unique system self coded.


and one last thing is about your "While L2Mafia & L2Java are alive, do not try to do something same." 

so why they trying to take us down? :)

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l2 java? 

Liberty [Faction]

Online (48)


and you probably logged early in the morning when all the action is in the evening (thats with all faction servers)

anyway we have the most unique system self coded.


and one last thing is about your "While L2Mafia & L2Java are alive, do not try to do something same." 

so why they trying to take us down? :)

it was noon  . gl 

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While L2Mafia & L2Java are alive, do not try to do something same.


This server needs people, but its much better than l2mafia. Perhaps they need a new currency system, to make it more difficult.

Edited by Tяαnce
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I've played here with a couple of mates for approx. three weeks. Let me share my experience. (my nick name was ili, played duelist, had around 1000 pvps)

We ware there the 1st day that this server opened. We had high hopes for it, things ware looking good at the beginning. Then suddenly, we've noticed people having S weapons the 2nd day. We started to wondering why is so. Now listen to this. You can donate for everything on this server! Gear, level, clan level, noblesse.. EVERYTHING. I got no problem with the fact that a server needs donations in order to stay alive. But tell me what kind of logic is this.. You need 10.100 adena + maths + crown for S grade weapon. If you buy everything with adena, that costs around 11.000k - 12.000k. Those who played here knows, that if you wanna grind that kind of money you need at least 2000 + pvps without spending any money on anything. Yes, you heard me correctly, 2000 PVPS + ! We played every day, party of 4 people for 3 weeks.. in the end we rage quited, transfered all the items & cash to one character, guess what.. When he sold gear of 3 people he was still 2.000 adena short to buy S grade weapon. :D We're still laughing on your incredibly stupid economy system.

There are only 2 ways too play here. One is to be a no-lifer and play 8 hours per day, second way is too donate for gear. Tho, we had some fun time on it, but there is no future in fighting vs a group of people in S that just melts their way threw in every event. That's our conclusion. So in the name of all my teammates, I'm giving a big F*** OFF too the owner of this crap whole called Chaos vs Order.

[i'm always trying too keep my criticism as much objective as I can. I believe that I've got the experience needed to judge IL servers. My posts are mostly negative, but make sure, I show support to those projects that deserves it! And I never lie, I keep my words true always! I meant no disrespect, facts are facts and they speak for itself!]

Salute!   :happyforever:

Edited by I3ase
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Server lost people because of 5 things ( Server was AWSOME before this )

1st DDOS re-oppened even we had some dc from time to time ( not many )

2nd PETHETIC  changes to prices items agan and again ( like apiga.. i sold 500 apiga with 12 adena and next day apiga was 15 adena at shop for 2nd time ) Also prices to Crowns etc

3rd Admins were active alot but 1-2 weeks later 2-3 hours Max per day

4rth Litle unbalance ( this is normal for l2j :D )

5th Donate items ... for me thats 100% that admin gave s weapon as donate reward

p.s. iRak was the 1st s Weapon and we did it together it was not donate :)

sps with elemt summoner... Op :)


Server was AWSOME when it started realy NO1 FUCTION but .... to many hater DDos .... that destroyed it...

If server was Protected propetly from the 1st time now it would had more than 600 Online at this hour

Also donate was OFF or something that DONT give adena or s items

and NO re-build of prices

Edited by BmwCoupe
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