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What's your problem?? This just general l2 discussion and that's what we're doing. Nothing wrong about that.

ON topic:


what's the points of grief buffing him if he doesen't have any buffs anyways? isn't it waste of mp?


-.-' YES! prophet have sleep!


AND Guys STOP posting on topic!! you just make more Spam!

Some global moderator please lock the topic! or this dont stop!

everytime i enter on Home page i see this topic always at first place in General Discussion, like that i cant see the news! ( me = everyone)


Stop posting Here! some one lock him please!


OMG...PROPHET doesnt have sleep noob


Bishop has...


and grief buff is for outside olympiads...u talk like if only pvp that matters is olympiad LOL...actually Olympiad is a big waste of time


anyways... 1k critical using bow, with accuracy penalty class against a heavy armor character that has deflect arrow only un ur dreams maybe LOL



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