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Explain how your perfect server looks like...

Chronicle, exp... everything you wish to see in server!

What can bring you back playing Lineage 2 if you already stop...


I dont really know anymore, i feel nostalgic about the past. The first server i played seriously was x35 C3 (The Game), i would like something like that. However now i dont have the time or the patience for such low rates. The newer updates added a lot more to work for thus requiring additional time to invest.


On the other hand the high rate servers offer an unbalanced but fast gameplay wich i enjoy more right now. But high rates have usually bad communities (QQers, Smartasses etc.)


I guess what i would like now its a high rate server where i get top items fast but to have things to do after my char is full, maybe an achievements thing that doesnt involve items. Maybe i should develop such a server. :D


I dont really know anymore, i feel nostalgic about the past. The first server i played seriously was x35 C3 (The Game), i would like something like that. However now i dont have the time or the patience for such low rates. The newer updates added a lot more to work for thus requiring additional time to invest.


On the other hand the high rate servers offer an unbalanced but fast gameplay wich i enjoy more right now. But high rates have usually bad communities (QQers, Smartasses etc.)


I guess what i would like now its a high rate server where i get top items fast but to have things to do after my char is full, maybe an achievements thing that doesnt involve items. Maybe i should develop such a server. :D

problem on some high rates are they never update the server whit special like improved yewels or foundation amor or something lik this stuff who u cant get onnother high rate server and most ppl are just stupid to make a server they go to mxc search for a dev and pay for him and he make sh1t works


People are giving the word "development" a really low value.


Opening a server is not development.


And project is not a server. 


  1. 1.
    an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim.


All open a server and call it a "new project" with "weeks of development". They think that adding such heavy words would make them cool kids.

Then people who have even the slightest idea of how gameservers function just facepalm.


There is a future for private L2 servers. But it's about 5 years away. I suggest keep your clients lol. 

Posted (edited)


AutoSarcastic :D Here  In Primeval Island   :happyforever:  :happyforever:  :happyforever:  :happyforever:  :troll:  :troll:  :troll:  :troll: 

Edited by Dante44

The acts speak for themselves. It's important to note that one guy that he is never played a low rate servers is not worth to discuss such issues.


So, choices like to do are few as reference the issue of rates. If someone chooses to play for long time, he would prefer a low or mid rate server , unlike him who is not able to allocate enough time to play the game so you will choose something more high rate.

Beyond that, there are many examples. This game does not want a lot of consideration and if someone will be interested, his job will be serious. And the results that he'll see. they will satisfy him or even the players that they are playing the server.


A degree of difficulty as the reference leveling you need to have. Beyond that if the quests are working properly, the server must have some difficulty in them. Depending upon the level of each player. Moreover as reference the drops as they grow the level will certainly be more and more difficult to find to keep the interest of players awake.


Corruption for sure, this world should never exist in an alphabet of a serious server. Also there must be installed some protections like Anti-Bot systems, DDoS, Anti Flood etc..


Also the advertising of the server is very important. Can one server may not be so good in features, but nevertheless is a hype surrounding his name and so on it attracts the players. Certainly we are opening a new circle of discussion that talks about the game, played by solo players or from a number of grouped people. In this case iit should be borne in mind that at the beginning of such a game would be relatively difficult to be able to distinguish so there should be a mitigating factor.


After all, it is understood that if anyone is really interested to open a server, he need to have (first of all) a passion to work so as not to leave any unhappy and later some money capital in order to support the work that he has to do. As for the last it's not necessary to be done only by the owner cause the amount is large.

Posted (edited)

H5/Frey/GoD Server



MaX enchant + 16

Armor / Jewels Max Enchant + 16

Boss = Farmable (30 Minute respawn)  (so you can make parties to farm the bosses all day and alternate bosses).

No Lag (hosted in New York, Texas or east Europe) 




No one plays L2 because 

1) There is too much garbage to farm in H5 / GoD (Crystals to enchant armor) + Scrolls to enchant + farming for boss jewels to enchant) its a lot of stuff to "farm".

When there is that much stuff to farm it makes it impossible to ever catch up to a donator who donated to have everything enchanted, and lets face it, in L2 if you have ++++ skills and ++++ items no one can touch you, no amount of skill or luck can fill the gap that gear creates.

Really all of the crap like enchant crystals (dark fire etc...) should be removed from the game, its too much garbage or they should be made easy to get.



2) If you make the bosses farmable, than players will group up to farm the bosses and the in-game economy will grow allowing a level playing field for everyone.




I refuse to play GoD/H5 because there is too much garbage to farm..... too much stuff to enchant....

-Skill Enchant

-Item Enchant

-Item crystal enchant

-Cloak Enchant

-Armor Enchant

-Augmentations to farm

-Must compete for months or farm for a year to get Boss Jewels.

It could take you 2 years to farm all of that on 99% of the servers out there, and lets face it, this game is too old to waste that much time on it anymore, most servers will crash and wipe before you are done farming all that garbage.




There is very little cooperative effort in Lineage 2 the way it is setup, thats why anything above interlude without a giant clan/alliance is unplayable, without a clan working together its impossible to ever play H5/GoD without donating 1000$+ to a server that will just endup wiping in 3 months.





The best server would be mid-rate/low rate, with no donations H5/GoD with easy farms and fast boss respawns and pvp zones around the bosses,it would be the most fun/fastest paced server.... a server where it would take you a week /2 weeks of play to farm some boss jewels and have pretty much everything enchanted (crystals +++) and skills +++, Weapons should have low enchant rate and be capped at + 16, Ie 45% success (but a lot of weapons and scrolls drop easy).


All the buffs should be removed from the game, and should be replaced with tattoos for each class, buffing 30+ buffs is stupid and slows the game-play down, Lineage 2 is impossible to play without buffs.

De-buffs should be changed from removing the buff to blocking its effects for x amount of time, so cancel would not remove the buffs, but it would block the effects of those 3 ~ 5 buffs for say 5 seconds .



It would make game-play a lot more fun and less boring 

no one wants to play mindless games where you grind anymore, thats why games like League of Legends and Dota 2 are soo popular nowadays and the only ones still playing Lineage 2 are BR'S and botters.




If I started playing Lineage 2 right now (doesn't matter what server) , the first thing I would do is setup a bot, because the only fun part of L2 in its current state is running around ganking and pvping in the open world + oly. the rest of the game is complete garbage for the most part because you sit there grinding like a bot.... Every server I played on in the past 3 years (exilium / toxic ) etc... i just bot and bot and bot and pvp and then when I get bored I leave the server and go play a different game)

Edited by xenosaga21

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